
  • 网络Individual income tax threshold;from Chinadaily
  1. 个人所得税起征点问题探讨

    Discussion on starting point for levying Personal Income Tax

  2. 个人所得税起征点从2000元提高到3500元。

    We raised the salary threshold for personal income tax from 2000 yuan to 3500 yuan .

  3. 中国国务院星期三宣布了通过提高个人所得税起征点来减轻中低收入者的税务负担的计划。

    China 's State Council Wednesday announced plans to ease the tax burden on lower and middle-income workers by raising the minimum threshold .

  4. 近日,财政部和国税总局起草的有关上调个人所得税起征点的方案已经上报国务院。

    Recently , the proposal to raise the individual income tax threshold drafted by Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation has been submitted to the State Council .

  5. 提出调整煤炭行业的成本核算方法,即明确改革成本支付渠道,降低煤炭企业的税负和提高煤炭职工个人所得税起征点。

    This paper also puts forward suggestion for regulation of cost accounting : make the source for the reform cost clear , decrease the taxation of coal enterprise and increase the threshold of individual income tax of coal enterprise employee .

  6. 多数人认为我国现行个人所得税的起征点偏低,应该在一定程度上提高这个额度。

    The lowest taxable limit of our current personal income tax is considered low , which should be raised to a certain extent .

  7. 我认为,个人所得税的起征点是多少并不重要,税率怎样算也不重要。

    I think , of individual income tax case how much is collecting a place not important , it how tax rate calculates is not important also how tax rate calculates .