
  • 网络guangdong finance
  1. 广东财政应对WTO之策略

    The Public Finance Policies of Guangdong after WTO Accession

  2. 加入WTO后,要建立稳固、均衡、较强的广东财政,就必须建立先进的财政运行机制,包括建立先进的财政法规体系、预算体系、国库收付体系;

    After China 's WTO accession , it is necessary to set up a strong , stable , and balanced public finance policy in Guangdong province .

  3. 山区财政困难已成为全省财政经济发展的制约因素,要振兴广东财政,必须改变山区财政状况。

    The fiscal difficulty in mountainous areas has restricted the economic development of Guangdong province .

  4. 本文主要探讨闱姓在粤澳两地的发展历程,涉及其对粤东社会的影响,对科举考试的影响,与广东财政的关系,闱姓赌商等问题。

    The doctoral dissertation mainly discusses the development of this lottery and its effects on the South China society , the Imperial examinations , the relationship of Canton finance , the operator of Wei Seng lottery , etc.

  5. 案例正文简介了世界银行贷款的性质和特点,描述了广东省财政厅世界银行贷款办公室管理全省世界银行贷款项目的做法、经验与教训。

    Guangdong Provincial Office for World Bank Projects In the case , the characteristic and application procedures of the World Bank loans introduced .

  6. 广东省财政厅的这一建议只是在收集税费符合国际标准了。

    Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance of this proposal is only in collecting the taxes and fees in line with international standards on it .

  7. 该项目同时也积极配合广东省财政统一工资发放的要求,对工资信息来源的正确性做出保障。

    In addition , as a response to the unified salary distribution conducted by the Treasury Department of Guangdong Province , this project guarantees the validity of the sources of salary information .

  8. 财政数据显示,2012年(有完整数据可供参考的最近年份)广东省财政收入的一半以上来自土地出让;

    The financial data show that in 2012 -- the most recent year for which full figures are available -- more than half of the province 's revenue came from land sales .

  9. 财政数据显示,2012年(有完整数据可供参考的最近年份)广东省财政收入的一半以上来自土地出让;不过,这种较高的依赖程度实际上低于全国平均水平。

    The financial data show that in 2012 the most recent year for which full figures are available more than half of the province 's revenue came from land sales . Moreover , that relatively high dependence was actually below the national average .

  10. 但这份报告清楚地表明,广东省的财政状况与房地产市场的健康状况休戚相关。

    But the credit report makes clear that the health of the property sector is closely tied to the health of Guangdong 's finances .

  11. 最后根据分析研究结果,提出了促进广东省教育财政经费科学管理和合理使用的相关政策建议,以期望对广东省教育财政经费的科学管理和合理利用提供有益帮助。

    Finally , based on the analysis results , the paper promote some related policy recommendations , expect to give a little help on the scientific management and rational use of financial education funds in Guangdong Province .

  12. 对广东省激励型财政政策的两点质疑

    Two Oppugns about The Stimulating Fiscal Policy of Guangdong Province

  13. 1996年,广东参照中央对地方的过渡期转移支付办法,结合本地实际情况,出台了《广东省财政转移支付实施方案》,初步建立了省对市县的一般性转移支付制度。

    In 1996 , based on the actual situations locally , Guangdong province enacted and implemented a regulation named " the implementation of fiscal transfer payment programs in Guangdong province " by referring to the transfer payment method in transitional period .