
  • 网络tax cuts;tax breaks
  1. 工党内部发生内讧,一些左翼国会议员对财政大臣提出的减税政策投了反对票。

    There was a Labour rebellion when some left-wing MPs voted against the Chancellor 's tax cuts

  2. 忘记布什(Bush)减税政策吧:国会掌握着财政大权。

    Forget the Bush tax cuts : Congress calls the fiscal shots .

  3. 如果再度当选,总统将推行减税政策。

    The president will pursue lower taxes if he is re-elected

  4. 减税政策必然导致公共支出的削减。

    Policies of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditure

  5. 四月份零售额的激增,一定程度上归因于月底首次减税政策(taxrebate)的影响。

    A jump in retail sales in April and May owed something to the tax rebates first sent out at the end of April .

  6. 多数减税政策都是提供增长激励措施,而这并非他的主要目标,右翼智囊团美国企业研究所(AmericanEnterpriseInstitute)常驻学者艾伦•维亚德(AlanViard)表示。

    Most tax cuts provide incentives for growth , which is not his main goal , says Alan Viard , a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute , the right-wing think-tank .

  7. 遗憾的是,至少在2012年大选前,税收这个政治难题将会阻扰一项明智举措的实施即任由布什(bush)时代的所有减税政策按规定于明年到期。

    Regrettably , the toxic politics of tax will forestall , at least until after the 2012 election , the sensible step of letting all the Bush-era tax cuts expire next year as scheduled .

  8. 不知为什么,关于财政悬崖的讨论从未考虑这个事实,即便它对经济造成的冲击比小布什(georgew.bush)减税政策到期大得多。

    Somehow , discussions of the fiscal cliff never get round to addressing that fact even though it is likely to administer a much sharper economic shock than the expiry of the Bush tax cuts .

  9. 美国曾出现过规模较小的类似情况,当时,美国总统约翰肯尼迪(johnf.kennedy)说道:“要问你能为你的国家做些什么”,然后努力促使国会通过减税政策。

    We had a similar situation on a smaller scale in the us when President John F. Kennedy said : " ask what you can do for your country " and then struggled to get a tax cut through Congress .

  10. 如果乔治布什(GeorgeW.Bush)时期推出的所有减税政策按计划到期,按照奥巴马提出的预算,2013年时,股息收入所需缴纳的税率,将从15%升至最高边际税率39.6%。

    Mr Obama 's budget lifts the levy on dividends from 15 per cent to the top marginal rate , which will stand at 39.6 per cent in 2013 if all of the tax cuts introduced by George W. Bush expire as scheduled .

  11. 我国减税政策讨论的两个误区

    Two Misunderstandings of Discussion on Decreasing Tax Policy in China

  12. 原因在于,布什的减税政策严格说来到2010年就到期了。

    That is because Mr Bush 's tax cuts technically expire in2010 .

  13. 另外,家具业的减税政策也将延长。

    He also extended an IPI tax break for the furniture industry .

  14. 布什政府减税政策的初步成效与前景分析

    The Primary Effect of Bush Administration 's Tax Relief Policy and Its Prospective

  15. 同时,能够直接增加就业的减税政策也是明智的。

    Again tax cuts that would directly add to employment must make sense .

  16. 但减税政策主要面向比较富裕的人群。

    But the thrust of the tax cuts was aimed at the better-off .

  17. 他将推进国会使布什总统的减税政策永久化。

    He would push Congress to make President Bush 's tax cuts permanent .

  18. 从有利于经济持续发展来看,当前中国应采取适度减税政策。

    For sustainable development , we should take the policy of modest tax-cut .

  19. 私募股权企业中的合伙人获益于施用于他们收入减税政策。

    Partners in private-equity firms benefit from a tax break on their earnings .

  20. 商务词汇:单词解释1:开支,支出减税政策势必会导致财政支出的缩减。

    eg : Policy of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditure .

  21. 更希望制定和执行房地产业减税政策。而这正与现实是相符的。

    The local government also hope to develop and implement real estate tax cuts .

  22. 减税政策在今年取消了。

    The tax cuts were withdrawn this year .

  23. 美国纳税人对减税政策反应积极。

    Us taxpayers respond favourably to tax breaks .

  24. 95%的美国人将享受减税政策。

    " Ninety-five percent of Americans will have a tax cut ," said Rahm Emanuel .

  25. 那恰好是我减税政策里的一项。

    That just happens to be one of the items in my tax cut package .

  26. 这个新宣布的计划也包括了放松对信贷的限制和减税政策。

    The newly announced measures also include a loosening of credit policies and tax cuts .

  27. 他刺激消费的同时又实施减税政策。

    He cut taxes while boosting spending .

  28. 最重要的一项是2012年底,布什减税政策将会满实行期。

    The most important is the scheduled expiration of the Bush tax cuts at the end of2012 .

  29. 由于房子贬值而变穷的消费者对减税政策的反应可能比降息更强烈。

    Cash-strapped consumers in depreciating houses might respond more forcefully to tax cuts than lower interest rates .

  30. 就是说,到年底,中产阶级的减税政策就要到期了。

    See , at the end of the year , middle-class tax cuts are set to expire .