
Much of the controversy aroused by the Kyoto protocol has been based on a perception that cutting emissions can damage the competitiveness of heavy industry .
Regular maintenance helps improve fuel efficiency and reduces emissions .
Target : to reduce emissions by65 per cent .
The test indicates that the neural network can decrease the exhaust gas effectively .
We lessen the effluent for exhaust gas and waste materials , protect our environment .
It 's time that we all begin taking the steps necessary to reduce our carbon footprint .
On its face , the connection between lowering food miles and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions is a no-brainer .
The report also said that climate change cannot be battled by relying exclusively on cutting emissions or market-based solutions .
The proliferation of unilateral efforts to reduce emissions may " create an irresistible momentum for change ", it says .
Italy and several other eastern European countries worry they will not be able to afford making the proposed emissions cuts .
For example , catalytic converters are now required for all cars in most European countries , to cut exhaust fumes .
This article introduces new concepts of automobile design raised by the world 's large car manufacturers to improve its safely and comfortability .
It is possible that the rare earth oxide coated layer of combustion chamber will raise the efficiency of combustion and reduce the pollution of combustion gas .
Therefore , one of the directions of future automobile development is to take effective measures and apply new technology to reduce the fuel consumption and minimize exhaust gas .
Injection flue gas into coal seams and abandoned coal mines ( wells ) for sequestration flue gas , enhancing methane and preventing methane explosion in mine is an advanced and developing technology .
We can not only solve the energy problems of automobile , but also can reduce the exhaust emissions and retard the greenhouse effect , if we apply the electricity storage to automobile .
Using boiler flue gas as injection gas in heavy oil and super heavy oil recovery , oil production and recovery factor can increase , the exhaust gas will decrease and the environment is protected .
Under California law , the most visited ports in the state are now working towards providing shore power for certain types of ships so they can plug into an electric power supply and reduce emissions .
To the most superior way question research significance is obvious , may reduce the travel time , reduces the fuel oil consumption and the reduced waste gas discharges , enable the traffic congestion condition to obtain alleviates .
In this respect eating local joins recycling , biking to work and driving a hybrid as a realistic way that we can , as individuals , shrink our carbon footprint and be good stewards of the environment .
Oxygen-enriched combustion technology is a new type of energy-saving technology , which could increase flame temperature , reinforce radiation heat transfer capacity , improve efficiency , extend the life of furnaces , energy-saving and environmental protection and so on .
The government of former Prime Minister John Howard did not signed the accord because of concerns that it would harm the economy and because it does not require large developing nations with rapidly expanding economies , such as China and India , to cut emissions .
The fuel an conserve energy , reduce the concentration of CO , HC of exhaust emissions and the noise emission , so the environmental condition is improved .
The smoke and temperature of exhaust gas are decreased obviously .
First , we need to reduce emissions , this can protect the air around us .
One early accomplishment was the Clean Air Act of1963 , and its later amendments , which set goals and procedures for reducing automobile exhaust pollution .
The new process significantly reduces the production cost , improve economic efficiency , while significantly reducing emissions of waste gas and waste residue to protect the environment .
Decreasing energy consumption , reducing vehicle exhaust pollution on our environment , energy-saving and emission reduction of motor vehicle research , such works have important strategic significance .
How to control the increase of the discharging amount of automobile end gas is the important measure to reduce automobile end gas pollution and improve living environment .
Strength improvement and then thickness reducing of steel sheet ( Light-duty Vehicles ) is a main way to reduce vehicle fuel consumption . It is also a most effective strategy to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and improve the deteriorating environment .