
  1. “以”“Phat”“为例,”“Phat”“直到今天才被《牛津英文词典》作为一个俚语收录进来,意思是”“很酷”“。”

    Phat ," for example , makes its debut in the OED today as a slang term meaning cool . "

  2. 提出了带反向词频的中英文词典这一概念。

    This article puts forward the concept of Chinese and English dictionary with reverse term frequency .

  3. 假设有一个英文词典的简单数据库。

    Imagine for a moment that you have a simple database representing a dictionary of English words .

  4. 因此,《牛津英文词典》使那些自认为一直在使用最新、最时髦的词汇得人们着实吃了一惊。

    The dictionary contains some surprises for people who think they are using the latest , cutting-edge jargon .

  5. 我很想买下这本英文词典,遗憾的是我身上带的钱不够。

    I 'd like very much to buy the English Dictionary unfortunately , I haven 't got enough money on me .

  6. 方案说明:一本英文词典和一本新华字典逐页相对着订于一起,变成一个相连而不能翻阅的整体。

    Program Description : An English dictionary and a Xinhua dictionary page by page relative to the set together into a connected whole and can not read .

  7. 英文词典是学生学习英语不可缺少的工具书,词典运用策略是语言学习认知策略的一个重要方面。

    English dictionaries are essential to success of English learning , and how to make use of them has become a necessary part of language learning cognition strategies .

  8. 这两种原则产生于不同的历史时期,对英语语言及英文词典编纂的发展有重要的影响,起到了不容忽视的作用。

    How do they develop and influence the English lexicography ? Both of them played important roles in promoting the development of the English language and English lexicography .

  9. 研究结果既可以帮助提高机器翻译的准确度和速度,又对英语教学和英文词典的编撰有一定的启示,在理论和实践上具有一定的指导意义。

    The findings can be applied not only to improving the accuracy and speed of machine translation , but also to instructing English teaching and learning , the compiling of English dictionaries and so on .

  10. 《牛津英文词典》主编约翰-辛普森在声明中表示,这至少打破了《牛津英语词典》的一个老规矩,就是一个新词从出现到考虑是否要被收入词典,需要十年时间。

    This breaks at least one OED rule , namely that a new word needs to be current for ten years before consideration for inclusion , said the OED 's chief editor John Simpson in a statement .

  11. 仅在英国,每小时就有一百万多条移动电话短消息被发送出去。于是《简明英文词典》决定在其周四出版的修订版里收录这些缩略语。

    In Britain alone , more than one million mobile phone text messages are sent every hour , so the Concise Oxford dictionary has decided to include the shorthand language in its revised edition published on thursday .

  12. 系统需要情感特征词典作为基础,故本文提出一种基于词汇语义相似度的方法构建中文情感特征词典和一种基于WordNet的同义词典和近义词典的方法构建英文情感特征词典。

    This system is based on emotion characteristics dictionary . We construct Chinese emotion characteristics dictionary by means of computing semantic similarities and we inquire the synonym thesaurus and the near synonyms thesaurus of WordNet to generate English emotion characteristics dictionary .

  13. 在检索时,利用中、英文同义词词典对查询关键词进行扩展,使用户得到更加全面的辅助翻译信息。

    When we retrieval , we expand query words make use of Chinese and English synonym dictionary , enable users to obtain more comprehensive information to translation .

  14. 而我记得在我学英文的时候,我的老师非常鼓励我使用全英文的词典。

    While I remember my teacher encouraged me a lot on using full English dictionaries when I was studying English .