
  • 网络Britainic facies
  1. “和英国相比较,这里的物价比较高。”

    " Compared with england , prices here are expensive . "

  2. 好几个有权势的法国贵族,包括勃艮第大公爵在内;都与英国相勾结。

    Several of the powerful French barons , including the mighty Duke of Burgundy , joined the English .

  3. 然而,有消息称中国可能会实行与法国和英国相类似的时间表,也就是2040年时禁止全传统动力汽车上路。

    However , it 's been suggested Chinese authorities might be looking at a time-table similar to France and the UK , which intend to have all fuel-driven vehicles off their roads by 2040 .

  4. 据皮尤研究中心周五公布的全球调查,印尼、中国和马来西亚这些快速发展中国家自我报告的幸福感水平现已可与美国、德国和英国相匹敌,这些富有的国家长久以来占据幸福感排行榜的领衔位置。

    Levels of self-reportedwell-being in fast-growing nations like Indonesia , Chinaand Malaysia now rival thosein the U.S. , Germany and the United Kingdom , rich nations that have long topped the happinesscharts , according to a Pew Research Centerglobal survey released Friday .

  5. 英国财相乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)本周在香港代表伦敦金融城,要求从这个假想中的市场分一杯羹。

    In Hong Kong this week , George Osborne staked a claim for the city to a slice of this putative market .

  6. 英国财相乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)已表示,在伦敦建立人民币交易中心,是英国财政部的一项重点任务。

    George Osborne , UK chancellor , has said that the establishment of a renminbi hub in London is a key priority for the Treasury .

  7. 就在不久前,英国财相乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)还寻求提高伦敦作为离岸人民币交易中心的地位。

    The letter comes shortly after George Osborne , UK chancellor of the exchequer , sought to raise the profile of London as an offshore hub for Renminbi trading .

  8. 英国财相表示,中方对投资英国一系列基础设施项目感兴趣,包括跨越利物浦和曼彻斯特两个城市的庞大开发项目大西洋门户(AtlanticGateway)。

    The chancellor said the Chinese were interested in investing in a range of British infrastructure projects , including the Atlantic Gateway , a vast development project spanning the Liverpool and Manchester city regions .

  9. 英国财相乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)问道,要说服德国拯救单一货币,希腊退出欧元区是不是必须付出的代价?

    George Osborne , UK chancellor of the exchequer , questioned whether a Greek exit from the eurozone was a price that had to be paid to persuade Germany to save the single currency .

  10. 政府和企业正投入巨资进行石墨烯研究和开发。去年英国财相乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)表示,政府致力于确保英国的发明在英国得到开发利用。

    Governments and companies are pouring billions of dollars into graphene research and development , and last year George Osborne , UK chancellor , said the government was committed to ensure that an invention made in Britain was developed in Britain .

  11. 然而,英国财相乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)坚持认为,英国不会加入银行业联盟,否则英国纳税人就需要为欧元区银行的资本重组买单,英国主要银行还需要接受欧盟监管机构的监管。

    However , George Osborne , the UK chancellor of the exchequer , insists Britain will not be part of any banking union that makes its taxpayers liable for recapitalising eurozone banks or puts major British banks under the watch of an EU supervisor .

  12. 与英国财相乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)和将接替布朗出任工党领袖的4名主要候选人一样,卡梅伦是一名职业政客&从研究员到部长顾问,一步步在党内升迁。

    Like George Osborne , the UK finance minister , and the four leading candidates to succeed Mr Brown as leader of the Labour party , he is a career politician who worked his way up through his party from researcher to ministerial adviser .

  13. 英国财相乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)一直在吸引主权财富基金投资于英国的基础设施,但此类基金有时会成为争议的焦点,原因是外国向本国“战略行业”大举投资可能伴随安全风险。

    George Osborne , the UK chancellor , has been courting SWF investment in UK infrastructure but the funds have sometimes been a focus of controversy because of the security risks that might come from another country pouring its funds into industries considered " strategic " .

  14. 该胶在流动性较好的情况下具有很强的粘接性,可以跟随机进口的英国乳胶相媲美。

    This viscosity has outstanding adhesive property when it has better fluid property , it is similar to import lacterscet viscose from England .

  15. 自去年1月奥斯本访问香港以来,推动伦敦成为人民币交易中心之一,一直是英国财相积极投入的项目。

    Promoting London as a centre for renminbi trading has been a pet project of the chancellor since his visit to Hong Kong in January last year .

  16. 在过去几年里,他不得不向前任及现任英国财相写了14封信,解释他为何未能实现2%的通胀目标。

    Over the years , he has had to write 14 letters to British Chancellors past and present explaining his failure to hit a 2 per cent inflation target .

  17. 欧洲大陆有好食物;英国有好吃相。

    On the continent people have good food ; in England people have good table manners .

  18. 柏林有欧洲最好的画廊,可与英国国家画廊相媲美。

    It has one of the best picture galleries in Europe , comparable to the National Gallery .

  19. 他在国际营销协会工作期间,开发了与美国、芬兰和英国纺织行业相联系的计算机网络销售中心。

    While at IMA , he developed a computer-based marketing center that linked textile firms in the United States , FinlanD , and Great Britain .

  20. 这些企业家通常将他们所取得的成就归功于他们的双重身份。这种双重身份将源自印度的传承与英国商业文化相融合。

    These entrepreneurs often attribute their achievements to their dual identity , which blends aspects of their Indian heritage with the British business culture in which they have thrived .

  21. 最后,把约翰在政治理论上的实际建树与近代英国宪政发展相联系,以期达到一种原因结果影响式的全面分析政治理论之目的。

    In the political theory of the actual achievements and modern British constitutional development phase contact , in order to achieve a reason result influence type comprehensive analysis the purpose of political theory .

  22. 民族教会在建立过程中与英国民族国家利益相结合;

    The foundation of English national church is combined with the interests of the nation state ;

  23. 人们说我们的声音十分清纯,听起来就像天使的合唱,几乎可以和“英国男童合唱团”相媲美。

    People said we sounded like an angel choir because we had this very clean pure sound , almost like an English boy 's choir .

  24. 在政治制度方面,他对英国的君民相维系的政党和议会制度很是赞赏,对英国的法律所要求的人人平等,尤为羡慕。

    In political system , he appreciated the British political parties and parliamentary system with constitutional monarchy and admired the British law that all men were equal .

  25. 将刘易斯的二元结构模型与英国的发展道路相比较可以发现:刘易斯的二元结构模型的实质就是发达资本主义国家用工业化带动农业现代化1的发展道路。

    To compare dualistic structure model of Lewis ' with development path looks of Britain , we can find that , dualistic structure of Lewis model essence their whether developed capitalist country drive development path of agricultural modernization with industrialization .

  26. 这次英国政府很可能也将这么做。正如英国财相乔治•奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)所说:“我们把对于那些在我们的社会里展示出最糟糕价值观的人的罚款所得,用来资助那些展示出最美好价值观的人。”

    it will probably do the same this time . As George Osborne , the UK chancellor , put it : " We 're using the money raised from fines on those who demonstrated the very worst of values in our society to support those who demonstrate the very best . "

  27. 英国年龄关注慈善机构,是和英国退休人员协会相类似的机构。他们发起了一项对十万人的问卷,显示了这两种原因都可能。

    A survey of100,000 people last year by the British charity Age Concern ( sort of the AARP of England ), seems to suggest both possibilities , though .

  28. 例如,在英国,苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)巅峰时期的资产负债规模,与英国经济的规模相去不远。

    In the UK , for example , the balance sheet of the Royal Bank of Scotland at its peak was not far from the size of the British economy .