
lóng nián
  • the Year of the Loong
龙年[lóng nián]
  1. 2012年是龙年,

    In 2012 , the Year of the Dragon ,

  2. 出生在龙年的孩子,是透过宽恕而改变的先驱。

    Children born in the Year of the Dragon are the precursor to change through forgiveness .

  3. 香港风水大师RaymondLo表示2013年将比2012年顺利得多,因为中国新年将在2月迎来蛇年,结束与水有关的龙年。

    HONG Kong feng shui master Raymond Lo says 2013 will be less turbulent than 2012 because the Chinese New Year in February will usher in the Year of the Snake , bringing an end to the Year of the Dragon , which was associated with water .

  4. 龙年代表着财运和兴盛。

    The year of Dragon represents good fortune and prosperity .

  5. 龙年纪念邮票:这是条怎样的中国龙?

    What Does a New Dragon Stamp Say About China ?

  6. 龙年出生的人活泼、充满活力和幸运。

    People under the sign of the dragon are lively , energetic and fortunate .

  7. 与龙年联系在一起的是好运、金钱、成就、庆祝、长寿和成功。

    Dragon years are associated with good luck , money , accomplishment , celebrations , longevity , success .

  8. 根据传统,龙年非常吉利,是所有年份之中最会带来好运的年份。

    The Year of the Dragon is an incredibly auspicious year , the most fortunate of all , according to tradition .

  9. 许多中国人在周四排起长队,购买将于1月23日开始的中国农历新年龙年的纪念邮票。

    Many Chinese lined up on Thursday to buy a stamp commemorating China Year of the Dragon , which begins Jan. 23 .

  10. 到12月份,反弹将会结束,龙年剩余的几个月,龙可能会安静休整。

    The rally will run out of steam by December , and dragon is likely to rest for the remainder of the lunar year .

  11. 如果龙年确实行大运的话,那么这一年就是老板们开创新事业的良机。

    If that 's what this year brings , it should be a terrific time for business owners or to start a new business .

  12. 在中国,许多人都希望孩子们具备龙的个性,龙年的出生率会增加5%。

    In China , many people want children who embody Dragon traits , and births in China rise by about 5 % in Dragon years .

  13. 今年的晚会表演将突出两大主题:龙年和这个国家最大型的娱乐活动开办30周年。

    This year 's gala show will highlight the two themes of Dragon Year and the30th anniversary since the launch of the country 's biggest entertainment event .

  14. 伴随着政策宽松和龙年的到来,中国将迎来新一轮婴儿潮,国内和国外企业或因此受益。

    China 's emerging baby boom , driven by more-relaxed government policies and the year of the dragon , is fertile ground for both domestic and overseas companies .

  15. 但我又想到,我出生的那一年恰好是中国传统文化十二生肖中的龙年,也许,正是属龙的生肖把我带回了龙的故乡,让我实现了我的梦想。

    In fact , I was born in the year of dragon , so I think ; this brought me to China and made me to realize my dreams !

  16. 中国即将进入龙年,有迹象表明,未来数月中国经济可能会经历更加明显的减速。

    As China prepares to enter the year of the Dragon there are signs that the economy could be headed for a more abrupt slowdown in the coming months .

  17. 生逢龙年的人可能会当大官,他们积极主动、能力出众而且勇于创新这一切都是企业家所应具备的潜质。

    People born in the year of the dragon are likely to be leaders , who are active and powerful , take initiative and are creative good traits for entrepreneurs .

  18. 生逢龙年的人可能会当大官,他们积极主动、能力出众而且勇于创新——这一切都是企业家所应具备的潜质。

    People born in the year of the dragon are likely to be leaders , who are active and powerful , take initiative and are creative - good traits for entrepreneurs .

  19. 如果它们抓紧的话,或许这对幸福的跨种族夫妇还会有一个龙宝宝(出生在中国龙年的孩子)。

    If they get a move on , maybe the happy new cross-chromosomed couple can have a dragon baby – a child born in the auspicious lunar year of the dragon .

  20. 为了更好的体现出以上内容,第四章就以龙年春节为例设计了教案和课后练习。

    The fourth chapter took the Spring Festival in the year of the Dragon as an illustration and designed the teaching plan and after-class exercises for incarnating the contents mentioned above better .

  21. 即将到来的龙年将带给演员阿尔帕西诺好运,但俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔普京则需当心他可能会损失一大笔钱。

    The coming year of the dragon will bring actor Al Pacino good fortune , but Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin needs to watch out - he may lose vast sums of money .

  22. 在三千年一遇的千禧龙年之际,论述了中华民族龙图腾的形成,祥龙文化艺术的发展与包装应用。

    At the arrival of the Chinese Dragon Year of the 3rd millennium , a discussion is devoted to the forming of Chinese totem of dragon , the development of dragon culture and art , and its application to packaging .

  23. 张女士和她的丈夫都出生于最幸运的龙年,他们安慰自己如果在今年后段怀孕,他们的孩子一定会是十个羊年生人中的可以找到幸福的那一个。

    She and her husband both born in a dragon year , the luckiest of all have consoled themselves with the hope that , if they do conceive later this year , their baby will be that one lone sheep in 10 to find happiness .

  24. 当许多中国的公司正在策划春节联欢会,庆贺龙年佳绩(希望如此)之时,英国人刚刚从十二月初的办公室圣诞派对中回过神来。

    While Chinese companies are planning their Spring Festival gala to congratulate themselves on what has ( hopefully ) been a good Year of the Dragon , people in the UK are recovering from their office Christmas parties , which took place in early December .

  25. 2012龙年将于1月23日开始,亿万观众会想在手机上观看春节联欢晚会,为了应对观看人数激增的问题,点对点技术创新也势在必行。

    The Year of the Dragon begins on Jan. 23 , and hundreds of millions of people will want to watch the New Years gala on their computers . That has provided the impetus for inventing P2P , or person-to-person , technologies to handle the surge .

  26. 张女士和她的丈夫都出生于最幸运的龙年,他们安慰自己“如果在今年后段怀孕,他们的孩子一定会是十个羊年生人中的可以找到幸福的那一个”。

    She and her husband - both born in a dragon year , the luckiest of all - have consoled themselves with the hope that , if they do conceive later this year , their baby will be that one lone sheep in 10 to find happiness .

  27. 2012年是中国的龙年,按照中国的黄道十二宫,这是最会交好运的一年,而且根据对影响你和你的小企业因素的预测,今年也是企业家和小企业主的大贵之年。

    It 's the Year of the Dragon , considered the luckiest year in the Chinese zodiac , and it should be a great year for entrepreneurs and small business owners , according to what 's predicted to affect you and your small business in the coming year .