
  • 网络Dragon Boat Melody;Dragon Boat Tune
  1. 从“龙船调”的演唱形式,衬词结构和调式上,可以看到其艺术特点主要表现为:1节奏丰富;

    The singing form , word formation and the type of " Dragon-Boat Melody " indicate the following artistic features : 1.rich rhythm ;

  2. 《龙船调》的故乡&西部名城利川市是一个神奇而美丽的地方,这里有着雄奇险峻的自然风光和悠久灿烂的民族文化。

    Lichuan , hometown of dragon boat song , is a magic and beautiful city in the western part of China with its magnificent natural scenery and splendid ethnic culture .