
lónɡ wánɡ miào
  • Dragon King's Temple;temple of the Dragon King
  1. 谁进得龙王庙不捏一把冷汗?

    No one came into Dragon King Temple without breaking into a cold sweat .

  2. 武汉市龙王庙险段综合整治工程加固设计

    Strengthening design of the dangerous Longwangmiao dyke section in Wuhan City

  3. 城市防洪与环境综合治理&龙王庙堤防整治工程河工模型试验研究

    The comprehensive regulation of flood control and environment protection in cities

  4. 武汉龙王庙商贸广场建筑及景观设计

    Architectural & Landscape Design for Wuhan Dragon King Temple Commercial Trade Plaza

  5. 武汉市龙王庙险段水下地形监测及分析

    Monitor and Analysis of Underwater Terrain in Longwangmiao Dangerous Section in Wuhan City

  6. 武汉市堤防龙王庙险段安全性态评价

    Evaluation on safety behavior of Longwangmiao dangerous section of Yangtze Levee in Wuhan

  7. 武汉市龙王庙险段汉口岸堤防工程地质问题及防治措施

    Engineering Geological Problems and Prevention Measures of the Hankou Bank of Longwangmiao Dangerous Section in Wuhan

  8. 建筑基于城市的设计&武汉市龙王庙商业中心投标方案创作有感

    Architecture Based on Urban Design & Consideration about the Bid Design of Longwangmiao Commercial Center in Wuhan

  9. 在此过程中,龙升格为王,龙王庙遍布全国各地。

    In this process , the dragon upgraded to King , dragon temples were built throughout the country .

  10. 在此基础上,依据地质环境保护与土地资源有效利用协调一致的原则,制定了龙王庙滑坡群的综合整治方案。

    Then , a comprehensive control scheme of Longwangmiao landslides is proposed after considering both geological environmental protection and effective land utilization .

  11. 以温厚高速公路龙王庙特大桥承台施工为背景,介绍了模板式钢套箱技术在水下承台施工中的应用。

    Based on the pile cap construction of Longwangmiao bridge in Wenjiazhen-Houtian highway , template-based steel cofferdam is used in underwater pile cap .

  12. 巴东县龙王庙是巫峡口的一处临江台地遗址,发掘共分三个点。

    Longwangmiao , situated at mouth of wuxia at Badong county , a platform site , was exca - vated in three places .

  13. 基于龙王庙断面的水质序列,假设污染物通量不变,推算调水后断面水质数据并评价其水质类别。

    Based on the water quality series of Longwangmiao section , its data has been collected on the MR-SNWTP , classified and calculated under the presumption that the pollutant index remains unchanged .

  14. 介绍江西省温(家圳)厚(田)高速公路龙王庙赣江大桥水中高桩承台的施工,针对深水急流施工条件,采用单壁钢吊箱围堰技术。

    The paper introduces the underwater construction of elevated pile foundation of Gan River Bridge . According to the deepwater construction conditions the technology of single wall steel suspending cofferdam is adopted .

  15. 在中国,雨神信仰十分悠久,但现存于龙王庙中的神灵偶像多取法于宋、明,则与宋、明以来华北地区旱情加剧的现实有关。

    It is a long history of rain-god-belief in China , but the fact that the idols look more like people in Song and Ming dynasties is connected with the deepening of droughts since Song and Ming dynasties .

  16. 站在设计城市的角度,对城市中敏感地段商业建筑设计进行了一次实践分析,并从多个视角描述了武汉市龙王庙商业中心如何回应敏感地段城市对话的设计思路及分析方法。

    The article analyzes a commercial building in urban impressible district from the angle of city design , and describes the design ideas and the analysis methods of how Wuhan Longwangmiao Commercial Center talks with the urban impressible district from several viewpoints .