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  1. 我已经看到波浪在船的龙头下翻腾的浪花。

    I could see the waves boiling white under her forefoot .

  2. 你怎么使一个程序员一整天都在淋浴龙头下?

    How do you rap a programmer in the shower all day ?

  3. 把污染的布料放在冷水龙头下冲洗,冲掉卸甲油。

    Stick the stained fabric under cool running water to flush out the polish remover .

  4. 他在自来水龙头下尽力把手洗干净。

    He cleaned his fingers as best as he could in the cold water from the tap .

  5. 十分钟后,将餐具取出来,在温水龙头下冲洗掉最后一丝污渍。

    After 10 minutes , remove the cutlery and rinse under a warm tap to remove and last traces of dirt .

  6. 口渴时就张开嘴来,站在自来水管的龙头下,一扭开来,就让水灌进嘴里,喝得肚子胀得饱饱的,又冷又痛,那滋味真有说不出的难受。

    When I was thirsty , I would stand under a tap and let its running water pour down my throat through my wide-open mouth . I felt bloated . There was a pain and chill in my stomach . I cannot tell you enough how miserable I was .

  7. 从龙头滴下一滴水。

    A drip of water fell from the tap .

  8. 张衡发明的地动仪以青铜铸成,四周镶嵌以八条龙,龙头朝下。

    Heng 's creation was a heavy bronze vessel with nine dragons facing downward embedded into its outside .

  9. 在学科基地、实验学校基地的龙头带头下,通过校、片、市以及全国各级信息技术学科教学整合大赛的激励下,较好地推动了区域性推进信息技术与学科教学整合。

    With the help of the subject base and the base of the leading experimental school , we have promoted a regional information technology and teaching to promote integration . inspired by the contest of all levels of integration of information technology .

  10. 行业协会往往在龙头企业的推动下建立,并成为区域品牌管理维护的主体,成为政府授权的区域品牌的主要建设者。

    The industry association is organized by the leading enterprises and it is the main body for the management maintenance of regional brand under the permission of local government .

  11. 但是在如今商业动画处于龙头位置的形势下,我国的商业动画片,无论是影院动画还是电视动画都无法与外片抗衡,更不用说登陆海外市场。

    But today , in the situation of the commercial animation is in a leading position , out commercial animation , not only film animation but also TV animation can counter with foreign animation , let alone land overseas markets .

  12. 在吉林省大力开展生态省建设,决定以发展长白山旅游业为吉林省旅游业龙头的时代背景下,分析了长白山自然保护区旅游资源开发面临的机遇与挑战。

    The opportunities and challenges of tourism resources development in Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve were given more attention when the government of Jilin Province decided to carry out the eco-province construction and took the development of tourism in Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve as the crucial task .