
  • 网络prejudice;social prejudice
  1. 而很快他们便反问自己:这种社会偏见真的合情合理吗?

    Soon , however , they ask themselves : is this social prejudice really justified ?

  2. 作为一个阶层,它非常排外,因此即使并不经常表现出赤裸裸的势利,至少是能够容忍社会偏见的存在的。

    As a class , it was exclusionary and hence tolerant of social prejudice , if not often downright snobbish .

  3. 伦特弗洛在这篇题为《YouAreWhatYouListenTo》的报告中说,音乐确实能强化人们的传统观念和社会偏见,但这往往有偏差。

    Dr Rentfrow believes his paper , entitled You Are What You Listen To , demonstrates how music can reinforce stereotypes and social prejudices .

  4. 在许多农村地区,妇女因为社会偏见而担心艾滋病测试。

    In many rural areas , women fear HIV testing due to social ostracisation .

  5. 我必须承认,我也许一直受到社会偏见和偏好的影响,并将它们归因于上帝;

    I must admit that I may have been infected with society 's prejudices and predilections and attributed them to God ;

  6. 尽管男性休陪产假依然要面临强烈的社会偏见,但带薪产假政策似乎有助于减轻这种影响。

    Though men still face a strong stigma when they take leave , paid leave policies seem to help alleviate that .

  7. 我们需要认真审视我们自己在人际关系方面的想法、观念以及社会偏见。

    We all need to take a deeper look at our thoughts , beliefs and social prejudices-especially in the area of relationships .

  8. 面对来自家庭的反对和无数社会偏见,他们排除万难,仍旧执着地在一起。

    Facing objections from both families and preconceptions from society at that time , they fought for their relationship and remained together .

  9. 不少男性出于传统观念和社会偏见,把满腹经纶与窈窕淑女对立起来

    " Many men , influenced by their traditional conception and social prejudice , think that educated girls conflict with graceful girls . "

  10. 这样看来,《野草在歌唱》可以被视为一部抨击社会偏见、追求人类自由的作品。

    From this perspective , The Grass is Singing can be read as a work of condemnation of social prejudices against the pursuit of freedom .

  11. 要帮助在城市里工作的民工,我们首先需要打破对他们的社会偏见。

    To help farmers working in cities , we need , first of all , to break down the barrier of social prejudices against them .

  12. 同许多发展中国家一样,中国的残疾人往往由于社会偏见而被孤立,或是难以得到适当的护理和照顾。

    As in many developing countries , people with disabilities in China are often isolated by social stigma or lack of access to proper care .

  13. 他的戏剧文学中包含着丰富的华裔文学的特点及主题内容如:种族、社会偏见、文化差异、以及性别政治等等。

    There are abundant themes and contents about Asian literature in his dramas such as : racial and social discrimination , culture differences and gender politics .

  14. 论文并对中国农业就业份额降低存在的制约因素进行剖析,共从制度缺陷、经济障碍、社会偏见障碍、农民整体素质较低、城镇拉力减弱五个方面进行详细说明。

    They are institutional defects , economic obstacles , social discrimination , the overall lower quality of peasants , the decreasing " pull " of cities .

  15. 我明白,我所宣布的这件事,至少由于当前的社会偏见,不可能受到我的家庭的欢迎。

    I am aware that I make an announcement which cannot , according to the present prejudices of society at least , be welcome to my family .

  16. 人际消耗和社会偏见在预测职业倦怠总分和热情枯竭有大于5%的增益方差。

    Interpersonal depletion and social prejudice contributed an incremental variance of more than 5 % in predicting total score of job burnout and lack of passion score .

  17. 本研究揭示了影响中国农村中学教师职业倦怠的重要因素&人际消耗和社会偏见。

    The present study revealed the two important factors that affecting job burnout among secondary school teachers in china 's rural area : interpersonal depletion and social prejudice .

  18. 男性护理人员的专业承诺较低,应摒弃社会偏见,创造条件,提高其专业承诺。

    The score of male nursing personnel was very low . Social prejudice should be got rid of and condition should be created to promote professional commitment of male .

  19. 由于传统观念、社会偏见以及地位待遇等等原因,造成目前我国职工队伍素质较低,高技能人才奇缺。

    For the reasons of traditional concept , social prejudice and treatment , the quality of workers and staff in China is lower now and very lack of skilled workers .

  20. 结果出走原因有:患者病情、社会偏见、医疗费用、环境因素、担心家庭。

    Results It was indicated that the reasons that caused schizophrenia patients ' run-away behavior were their conditions , social prejudice , medical expense , environment , worrying about their families .

  21. 据专家介绍,由于精神治疗医师的缺乏及对于心理疾病社会偏见的存在,在我国目前3000万的抑郁症患者中,仅有10%的人正在接受正规治疗。

    Just 10 percent of the 30 million Chinese currently suffering from depression are getting proper medical care due to a lack of psychiatrists and social prejudice against mental illness , experts have said .

  22. 对20例农村中学教师的深度访谈进行内容分析,发现人际消耗以及社会偏见对职业倦怠起着重要的影响作用。

    20 secondary school teachers in china 's rural area were interviewed and content analysis was conducted . It was found that interpersonal depletion and social prejudice played important roles in causing their job burnout .

  23. 问题在于我们没有角色模范,但是,我们知道,有社会偏见,几乎每个女孩都会听到有人对她说“你学不好数学的!”我们曾经有一个芭比玩具,说过“数学好难”。

    The difference is there aren 't any role models , also there 's a stigma , you know , all girls often hear : you can 't do math . We had a Barbie doll onetime said math is hard .

  24. 权力领域的男女平等能够优化政治文明环境,消除社会偏见,促进男女共创政治文明新格局,使人类社会文明达到新的高度。

    Sexual equality in the field of power can optimize the environment of political civilization , iron out prejudice , and impel men and women to make concerted efforts to create a new pattern of political civilization , thereby to push the social civilization of mankind to a new high .

  25. 主观方面就是社会的偏见和偏好以及统计性歧视。

    Specifically , the subjective reasons include prejudices and preferences of society , and statistical discrimination .

  26. 由于社会的偏见,使女运动员无论在心里素质方面还是在体力方面均不如男运动员。

    Owing to social prejudice , sportswomen are not as good as the sportsmen both in psychology quality and physical power .

  27. 社会性别偏见的传播&以某晚报“建立和谐母子关系”系列报道为例

    Spread of gender bias & from the series report by an Evening Newpaper on " building harmonious relationship between mother and child "

  28. 维吾尔族大学生不适应的深层原因主要有:语言、刻板印象及社会文化偏见、主体民族的接受程度。

    The underline reasons for Uighur college students adaption problem to the present situation is : language 、 stereotype 、 social culture prejudice and main ethnic acceptance . 4 .

  29. 总之,新闻话语中弥漫着对农民和民工的社会阶层偏见,而对民工的歧视是基于对农民的歧视的。

    In a word , journalistic prejudice toward " country residents " spreads in news discourse everywhere , and discriminations to " migrant-workers " are based on their origins of farmers group .

  30. 但是由于受到社会性别偏见和教育体制的影响,工科女大学生在工程教育发展中还面临诸如人数少、就业难、发展慢的问题。

    But because of gender socialization and education systems , female engineering students in higher education face more difficulties , such as the small population , getting employed difficultly , and problems of slow development .