
  • 网络Physical thing
  1. 第一章主要论述亨特太太的本能欲望。

    Chapter one is concerned about the nature of Mrs. Hunter .

  2. “这能够让人们实现探索太空的本能欲望。”

    " It helps one fulfill the instinctive desire to explore space . "

  3. 试图减少或降低本能欲望的一种无意识的过程。

    An unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires .

  4. 他受本能欲望的摆布,扮演一个追求异性的老角色。

    He was drawn by his innate desire to act the old pursuing part .

  5. 这部电影里的福尔摩斯比任何男性都更有本能欲望……谢谢,亲爱的。

    The Holmes in this movie does have the natural urges of any male ... Thank you , darling .

  6. 精神分析疗法认为人的心理疾病是因为本能欲望被压抑到潜意识内所致。

    Psychoanalysis holds that mental diseases are caused by the instinctive desire , which is repressed into the unconscious level .

  7. 纪德叙事作品中的精神困境集中体现在禁欲主义的宗教思想与个人内在本能欲望的对立交锋。

    The spiritual predicament in his narrative works focused on the contradiction between the religious asceticism and individual instinct desire .

  8. 这将是一首由生物本能欲望控制的生死之曲!

    But the music they play will become a music of life and death controlled by the desire of animal instincts !

  9. 它以对人的潜意识的发现和对本能欲望前所未有的张扬影响了整个20世纪文学。

    It by unprecedented made widely known to human 's subconscious discovery and to the instinct desire has affected the entire 20 worlds literature .

  10. 新时期文学启蒙人性意识渐进体现三个方面:本能欲望描绘、情感抒写与理性思考、主体自我人格建构。

    The evolution of human nature awareness in literary enlightenment in new period embodied in three aspects : instinctive desire description , emotional writing and rational thinking , self-centered character construction .

  11. 王安忆、铁凝等侧重于探索处于本能欲望与道德规劝、理想与现实、理智与感情等一系列矛盾与夹缝中的人何以自处。

    Wang Anyi and Tie Ning focused on exploring the way of settling down from a series of contradictions between the instinctive desire and moral exhortations , the ideal and reality , reason and feelings .

  12. “这些研究表明,浪漫的爱情起了非常重要的作用,让我们的本能欲望改变,成为对自己最佳伴侣的关注和不断追求。”他是这样解释的。

    " What these studies suggest is that romantic love serves a very important function , tempering our natural desire to pay attention to , and to continuously seek out , the best available mate ," he says .

  13. 灭谛:如果将人的最本能欲望根除,随境起伏不安的情感就能处于宁静、平淡,人的痛苦就会终结。

    The Truth of the Cessation of Suffering : If desire , which lies at the root of all human passion , can be removed , then passion will die out and all human suffering will be ended .

  14. 在肉体与精神、生存困境与死亡恐惧、本能欲望与文明压抑之间所产生的一系列冲突与对抗过程中,艺术家通过自己独特的方式证明了他的英雄主义企图。

    In body and spirit , the existence predicaments and death fear , a series of conflict that that the instinct desire and civilizations suppress produce with resist process , the artist passed the special way of oneself to prove his heroism scheme .

  15. 身体文学把本能、欲望作为一种叙事资源。

    Body literature regards instinct and desire as narration resources .

  16. 这是我们自我本能的欲望。

    It 's our ego 's natural yearning .

  17. 所以从各个角度探讨性别问题、人类本能的欲望问题是我一直以来最有兴趣做的事。

    Thus , exploring gender issue and humanity 's basic desire from various angles has been something that I am most interested in .

  18. 他太聪明了,所以不会总是听从本能和欲望的摆布;但是他又不够坚强,不能总是战胜本能和欲望。

    He is becoming too wise to hearken always to instincts and desires ; he is still too weak to always prevail against them .

  19. 是什么引导每一个人都放下他们自身对生活舒适的追求,压制他们求生的本能和欲望&为了一些更伟大、更有意义的事业?

    What is it that leads anyone to put aside their own pursuit of life 's comforts ; to subordinate their own sense of survival , for something bigger – something greater ?

  20. 是什么引导每一个人都放下他们自身对生活舒适的追求,压制他们求生的本能和欲望——为了一些更伟大、更有意义的事业?

    What is it that leads anyone to put aside their own pursuit of life 's comforts ; to subordinate their own sense of survival , for something bigger - something greater ?

  21. 科学家常揣测,人类也许跟其他动物一样,利用这些化学物质来驱策本能上的欲望。

    There has long been speculation that humans may also use these chemicals to communicate instinctive urges .

  22. 有的科学家认为,人无法改变自己的本能冲动、欲望以及情感,因此不能对这些人格特点所产生的一系列行为负责。

    Some scientists argue that people cannot alter their drives , wants , and emotions , and therefore cannot be held responsible for actions which such features of the personality produce .

  23. 但我们仍有像哈姆雷特王子那样的人物,因缺乏“杀手的本能”,被欲望即将来临的实现而毁灭。

    But still we have the character like Prince Hamlet , lacking iller instinct destroyed , by the imminent achievement of desires .