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  • 网络Name;real name;Birth Name;autonym
本名 [běn míng]
  • (1) [original name]∶曾用名;原名

  • (2) [the given name]∶本人的名儿

  • 外国人的全名分为本名、父名和姓三部分

  1. 请问TheFreshPrince的本名是什么

    What 's the Fresh Prince 's real name ?

  2. 2012年,这家国有银行已有过一次舞台经历。当时,荷兰国家大剧院(DutchNationalTheatre)将一本名为《猎物》(DeProoi)的书改编成一部同名戏剧,描述了该行的起起落落。

    The taxpayer-owned bank already had a theatrical run in 2012 when its rise and fall was dramatised by the Dutch National Theatre in De Prooi , or The Prey , based on the book of the same name .

  3. 每个党员都将收到一本名为《欢迎加入工党》的小册子。

    Every member will receive their own ' Welcome to Labour ' brochure .

  4. 他本名为约翰·伯克斯·吉莱斯皮,但人人都叫他“小迷糊”。

    He was born as John Birks Gillespie , but everyone knew him as Dizzy

  5. 他的观点已经被概括进一本名为《民主理想和现实》的书中。

    His ideas were encapsulated in a book called ' Democratic Ideals and Reality ' .

  6. 美国一位著名的精神分析学家曾经写过一本名为《逃避自由》(TheFearofFreedom)的书。

    A noted American psychoanalyst once wrote a book entitled The Fear of Freedom .

  7. 本名瑞雯·达克霍姆,魔形女是超级英雄系列电影《X战警》中的变种人,拥有可以变成任何人的超能力。

    Born as Raven Darkhome , Mystique is a mutant from the superhero film series X-Men which has the ability to shapeshift into anyone .

  8. 恰逢此时,本人阅读了一本名为《中国加入WTO和经济改革》的书。让人感兴趣的是总编辑王梦奎所著的前言。

    Just in this day , I was reading the book 《 China Accession to the WTO and Economic Reform 》, interesting is the preface of the chief editor Mr.

  9. 作为韩国人气团体BigBang的主唱,G-Dragon(本名:权志龙)不仅集歌手、歌曲作家、舞者于一身,还是个不折不扣的时尚偶像。

    G-Dragon The frontman of popular South Korean group Big Bang is many things : singer , songwriter , dancer and , of course , fashion icon .

  10. (美国第38任总统,1974-1976年在任)生于1913年的他本名LeslieL.King,Jr.,因为目前离异再婚,他被继父收养,改名为GeraldR.Ford。

    Bornin 1913 as Leslie L. King , Jr. , his mother divorced and remarried.His stepfather informally adopted him , renaming him Gerald R.Ford 。

  11. 一位名叫朱宁的经济学家近日出版了一本名为TheGuaranteedBubble的书籍,在书中他就指出,中国人的阅读书籍的数量现在是“低得让人难堪”。

    Zhu Ning , an economist , who recently published a book named The Guaranteed Bubble , said the number of books read by Chinese people is " embarrassingly low . "

  12. 一个架子上放着一本名为《100个传奇行李箱》(100LegendaryTrunks)的书籍,打开的一页上写着艺术家和学者。

    On a shelf stood a book called 100 Legendary Trunks , open at a page marked , Artists and Scholars .

  13. 然后,有一天,我读到一本名为InPraiseofSlowness的书意识到忙碌不仅致命,

    Then , one day , I came across a book called In Praise of Slowness and realized that being busy is not only detrimental ,

  14. 请看谢尔登・雅各布斯(SheldonJacobs)在1992年年初引入的一项策略,雅各布斯当时是一本名为《免佣基金投资者》(No-LoadFundInvestor)的投资通讯的编辑。

    Consider a strategy introduced at the beginning of 1992 by Sheldon Jacobs , then the editor of an investment newsletter called the No-Load Fund Investor .

  15. 几年前,美国作家杰里米里夫金(jeremyrifkin)出版了一本名为《欧洲梦》(theeuropeandream)的书,该书曾在布鲁塞尔引起很大轰动。

    A few years ago Jeremy Rifkin , an American author , published a book called the European dream , which made a great splash in Brussels .

  16. 据NPR新闻的埃莉诺·比尔兹利报道,这本名为《美女与野兽》的新书预计于周三出版。

    NPR 's Eleanor Beardsley reports that " Beauty and the Beast " is set for release on Wednesday .

  17. 纽约心理治疗师蕾切尔·A·萨斯曼(RachelA.Sussman)2011年出版了一本名为《分手圣经》(TheBreakupBible)的书。她说,明星们也得考虑工作和生活的平衡。

    Stars have to consider work-life balance , too , said Rachel A. Sussman , a New York psychotherapist and author of the 2011 book " The Breakup Bible . "

  18. 在一本名为《美国世纪结束了吗?》(IstheAmericanCenturyOver?)的杰出的新书中,美国哈佛大学学者约瑟夫•奈(JosephNye)强调了美国在经济、人口、地理和军事方面的持久优势。

    In an excellent new essay asking Is the American Century Over ? , the Harvard scholar Joseph Nye points up America 's enduring strengths - economic , demographic and geographic as well as military .

  19. 他称,个人飞行器首先出现在1928年的一本名为”惊奇故事“的漫画书中,内容介绍了英雄BuckRogers用飞行器在空中翱翔。

    He says the jet pack first appeared in1928 in an Amazing Stories comic book , which featured the hero Buck Rogers zooming though the sky in a jet pack .

  20. HannahFry博士,来自伦敦学院大学的学者,同时也是这本名为《爱情数学》的新书作者,在牛津文化节上罗列了一系列的定理。

    Dr Hannah Fry , a lecturer at University College London and author of a new book on The Mathematics of Love , outlined the theories at the Oxford Literary Festival .

  21. 最近几年,企业家在主流电视频道上的露面次数大大增加,学者雷蒙德?博伊尔(RaymondBoyle)和莉萨?凯利(LisaKelly)甚至就这一现象专门撰写了一本名为《电视上的企业家》(TheTelevisionEntrepreneurs)的新书。

    And in recent years , entrepreneurs have appeared much more often on the major channels , even inspiring a new book , The Television Entrepreneurs , by the academics Raymond Boyle and Lisa Kelly .

  22. 据了解,丽萨在酒吧里仰望天空时偶尔看到一个“q”的图案,自此开始,她开始尝试拍摄所有字母图案,并将他们收录进一本名为《打印天空》的书中。

    Beginning with the letter " q ", which Lisa saw when glancing to the sky in a bar , she tried to take photos of all the letters of the alphabet and put them into a book called Type the Sky .

  23. 本名斯蒂芬尼•吉玛洛塔的Gaga毕业于曼哈顿的圣心女中,后来她为了追寻自己的音乐梦想而离开了纽约大学的音乐学系。

    Born Stefani Germanotta , she graduated from Manhattan 's Convent of the Sacred Heart school , then left a music program at New York University to chase a music career .

  24. 直到最近,我们才知道了小丑的身世:小丑本名为杰克·内皮尔(JackNapier),姓从电视剧《蝙蝠侠》中饰演老管家阿尔弗雷德的阿兰·纳皮儿(AlanNapier)。

    Only recently The Joker got an origin story , and thereby a real name : Jack Napier - named after Alan Napier who played Alfred in the Batman TV series .

  25. 这本名为King'sTorah的书籍称,包括婴儿在内的非犹太人如果对以色列造成威胁,犹太人应该先发制人,将他们杀死。

    The book , the King 's Torah , says non-Jews including babies could be preemptively killed if they are deemed to pose a threat to Israel .

  26. 十年来一直担任洛克菲勒基金会总裁的罗丁撰写了一本名为《应变力的红利》(TheResilienceDividend)的书,讲述公司和城市如何应对被其称为“令人遗憾的新常态”的威胁。

    Ms Rodin , the foundation 's head for 10 years , has written a book , The Resilience Dividend , on how companies and cities can deal with the threats that she calls " regrettably , the new normal . "

  27. 大家都知道,蝙蝠侠的本名是布鲁斯·维恩(BruceWayne),第一任少年助手罗宾的本名是迪克·格雷森(DickGrayson),之后漫画中还有过很多任罗宾,分别由杰森·托特(JasonTodd),蒂姆·德雷克(TimDrake)和斯蒂芬妮·布朗(StephanieBrown)等角色担任。

    Everybody knows batman 's real name is Bruce Wayne . Robin is , of course , Dick Grayson . But there were other Robins , namely Jason Todd , Tim Drake and briefly , Stephanie Brown .

  28. 该校餐饮部负责人艾莉森·奥古特说,解密这本名为“FormeofCury”的中世纪菜谱是一种挑战。

    Alison Aucott , general catering manager , said it had been a " challenge " deciphering the book , Forme of Cury .

  29. 包括首席执行官蒂姆·库克(TimothyD.Cook)在内的苹果高层,通过采访和推特推文表达了对苹果联合创始人的新传记的支持,这本名为《成为史蒂夫·乔布斯》(BecominSteveJobs)的书非乔布斯本人授权,于上周二上市。

    Through interviews and tweets , Apple brass , including the chief executive , Timothy D. Cook , are throwing their weight behind a new unauthorized biography of the Apple co-founder , " Becoming Steve Jobs , " which goes on sale on Tuesday .

  30. 在一本名为《10亿个邪恶念头》的书中,作者OgiOgas和SaiGaddam罗列出了这些新发现。

    The findings have been published in a book called A Billion Wicked Thoughts , co-authored by Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam .