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zhǎng zǐ
  • eldest son;first-born
长子 [zhǎng zǐ]
  • [eldest son] 年龄最长的儿子

  • 长子顷襄王立。--《史记.屈原贾生列传》

  • 长子迈。-- 宋. 苏轼《石钟山记》

长子[zhǎng zǐ]
  1. 这家的长子是唯一养家糊口的人。

    The eldest son is the family 's sole provider .

  2. 全部财产由她的长子继承了。

    All her property went to her eldest son .

  3. 长子享有财产的继承权。

    The property is the birthright of the eldest child .

  4. 长子正在接受培养,以在父亲过世后接手父业。

    The eldest son is being groomed to take over when his father dies .

  5. 她的长子在上大学。

    Her eldest boy is at college .

  6. 汤姆是我的长子。

    Tom is my eldest son .

  7. 他的长子约瑟夫继承了乃父的传统。

    His eldest son Joseph carried on his father 's traditions

  8. 他的长子几年前死于车祸。

    His elder son was killed in a car crash a few years ago .

  9. 他是长子。

    He was the first-born son .

  10. 他是长子,因此是头衔的继承人。

    He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title .

  11. 长子是掌权的人。

    The elder son is the cook of the walk .

  12. 这城堡限定由长子继承。

    The castle is entailed on the eldest son .

  13. 担子落在了长子身上。

    The burden fell on the eldest son .

  14. 放风筝还代表向刚生下长子的夫妇表示祝福。

    They were also flown to send good wishes to couples who had their first son .

  15. 2007年,一个由首席执行官组成的国际组织发现,43%的首席执行官是长子长女,33%是中间儿,23%是老幺。

    In 2007 , an international organization of CEOs found that 43 % of CEOs are first-borns 33 % are middle children , and 23 % are last-borns .

  16. 国王的长子是王位的继承人。

    The King 's eldest son is the heir to the throne .

  17. 他是以扫的孪生弟弟,雅各以欺骗的手法,从父亲那里获得祝福和以扫的长子名分。

    The younger twin brother of Esau , he used trickery to gain Isaac 's blessing1 and Esau 's birthright .

  18. 例句爸爸在家里照顾我们,而妈妈在外挣钱。作为长子,马克肩负重任,他得边读完学位边养家糊口。

    As the eldest1 child , Mark has a lot of responsibility – he has to finish his degree while bringing home the bacon .

  19. 提出一种基于可变长子片段对拼接的DNA双序列局部比对算法。

    This paper proposed a new pairwise local alignment algorithm for DNA sequences based-on variable-length segments splice ( short for VLSSA ) .

  20. GPSRTK系统在长子县引水工程中的应用

    The Application of GPS RTK System in the Diversion Project of Zhangzi County

  21. 他们育有3子,长子约书亚(Joshua)现在管理着一只对冲基金。

    They have three children , and his eldest , Joshua , runs a hedge fund .

  22. 她的丈夫托德(Todd)也是运动员出身,他们有五个孩子,长子名叫特瑞艾克(Track,也有径赛项目的意思),因为他出生的时候正值径赛季。

    She and her husband , Todd , also an athlete , named their first son Track because he was born in that sport 's season .

  23. OSPF被设计用于支持可变长子网掩码和无分类内部域路由编址模型。

    OSPF was designed to support variable-length subnet masking ( VLSM ) or Classless Inter-Domain Routing ( CIDR ) addressing models .

  24. 科鲁兹一身巴宝莉外套看上去酷劲十足,罗密欧穿了米色的MAC,长子布鲁克林穿了一件符合他年纪的黑色夹克。

    While Cruz looked cool in his Burberry coat , Romeo cut a sharp figure in his beige mac while eldest child Brooklyn dressed for his age in a black puffer jacket .

  25. 他是以扫(Esau)的孪生弟弟,雅各以欺骗的手法,从父亲那里获得祝福和以扫的长子名分(birthright)。

    The younger twin brother of Esau , he used trickery to gain Isaac 's blessing and Esau 's birthright .

  26. 讨论了基于第三层交换技术的VLAN的划分(包括使用变长子网掩码和跨主干问题)和VLAN的路由策略。

    The partition of VLAN based on the layer 3 swiching technology ( including VLSM and trans main network ), and the strategy of VLAN router are discussed .

  27. 一年后,何鸿燊长子何犹龙(Lawrence)与帕克旗下PBL的合资公司,以9亿美元买下了从永利度假村次级经营权牌照。

    A year later , another joint venture pairing Mr Ho 's eldest son , Lawrence , with Mr Packer 's PBL paid Wynn resorts $ 900m for its sub-concession .

  28. 介绍了TCP/IP协议中的地址类的构成、变长子网掩码的划分、超网的构成以及NAT转换的原理。

    In the article , the author explains the composition of the TCP / IP address class , the divide of the VLSM , the composition of the super network and the principle of the NAT .

  29. 长子Maddox因为年龄关系可以自主决定和父母中的一个待在一起的时间。

    Eldest child Maddox however will be able to choose how much time he wants with each parent because of his age .

  30. 他的妹夫张成泽(jangsong-taek)已在帮助管理国家,而其长子金正男最近则以含混的说辞,将外国媒体戏弄了一把。

    His brother-in-law Jang Song-taek has minded the store , while eldest son Kim Jong-nam recently teased the foreign press with cryptic comments .