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  1. 试论长江文化繁衍的区位条件

    On the location conditions for propagating the culture of the Yangtze basin

  2. 试论长江文化生态的主要特征

    Ecological characteristics of the culture in the Yangtze Basin

  3. 古代长江文化得以持续发展的几个重要因素

    Several Important Factors Influencing the Sustainable Development of Ancient Culture along the Changjiang River

  4. 论长江文化建设的三大关系

    On Three Relationships in Yangtze River Construction

  5. 吴楚文化是中华文化中一个重要的区域文化,在长江文化发展中起着重要作用。

    Wu-Chu culture is one import regional culture in China , which plays an important role in Yangtze River culture .

  6. 由于深受季风环流的影响,长江文化与黄河文化均可称之为季风文化。

    Because of the influence of the monsoon circulation , both the Yangtze culture and the Huanghe culture can be called " monsoon culture " .

  7. 从而一窥显性于传统中的黄河文化和相对隐性的长江文化对于这个与人的生存息息相关的问题的探讨。

    Thus a peek into the Yellow River culture and traditional explicit relative recessive Yangtze river culture for this and the survival of closely related to question discussion .

  8. 这样一个与北方不断互动的过程,也促进长江文化在上古得以蓄积,中唐以后得到发挥,宋元以后成为中华文化的主干。

    During the course of the interaction with the North China , the Changjiang River culture entertained in the ancient times , exerted in the middle of Tang Dynasty , and the mainstay of Chinese culture after Song Dynasty .

  9. 其在中古兴旺时期的思想文化意识,体现了球江文化在古代的思维方式和行为方式,标志着珠江文化与黄河文化、长江文化的明显区别;

    The ideological and cultural awareness in the mid-ancient prosperous age reveals the modes of thoughts and behaviour of the Pearl River culture in the ancient times , distinguishes Pearl River culture from Yellow River culture and Yangtze River culture .

  10. 立足长江文化的发展,论述天与人、真与美、中与外等长江文化建设的三大关系,阐明长江文化的区位、价值及类型特征。

    Based on Yangtze River culture development , the paper expresses the three relationships between sky and human , truth and beauty , China and the world , and expounds the regional position , value and category characteristics of Yangtze River culture .

  11. 战国时期的楚国幅员辽阔,当时的文化代表了长江文化,楚人信巫,使楚文化带着一层神秘而浪漫的色彩,在楚漆器的创作上也体现了这一点。

    Chu was a country with a vast territory during the period of War Kingdoms ; its culture represents the culture of the Changjiang River ; the people there believed in the witchcrast and the Chu culture had a mysterious and romantic feature ;

  12. 在这里,丰富雄厚的资源配置,便捷纵横的交通网络,潜力巨大的广阔市场,多元交融的长江文化,经济开发的国家战略,形成了造就长江沿岸区域经济带的综合优势。

    Here there are abundant resources for disposition , vertical and horizontal transportation networks , potentially giant market , multipolar Yangtze River culture and economical development of national strategy ; all these comprise the comprehensive superiorities of Yangtze River coastal region economical belt .

  13. 长江农业文化的自然生态条件

    The natural ecological condition for the agricultural culture of the Yangtze basin

  14. 长江古代文化与民间木版画

    Ancient Changjiang River Culture and the Folk Woodcut Painting

  15. 爱国诗人屈原像楚文化则是中华文明的起源之一的长江流域文化的代表。

    Chu culture is the origin of Chinese civilization , one of the cultural representatives of the Yangtze River Basin .

  16. 源远流长的长江三峡文化,是我国诸多优秀地域文化中的佼佼者之一。

    The Three Gorges Culture , with a long history , is one of the most splendid regional cultures in China .

  17. 为期三天的首届南京(国际)动漫科技嘉年华,昨日在长江路文化艺术中心开幕。

    The first three-day Nanjing ( International ) Animation Technology Carnival , yesterday in the Yangtze River Road Culture and Arts Center .

  18. 研究表明,长江农业文化正是得太阳之恩惠,受温热之赐予,承雨水之滋润,赖沃壤之培育。

    The research indicates that , the agricultural culture of the Yangtze basin comes from the bounty of the sun , the grant of the warm climate with rain summer , the breed of the rich soil .

  19. 中国文化在地域分布上,自古以来就存在着北方黄河流域文化和南方长江流域文化两大板块,而汉水、淮河流域是南北文化转换的轴心。

    In the perspective of range , Chinese culture is made up of two parts : Yellow River Reaches Culture and Yangtze River Reaches Culture , with the reaches of Hanjiang River and Huaihe River as cultural conversion axis between North China and South China .

  20. 长江三峡民俗文化旅游资源开发

    Tourism resources development of folklore culture in Three Gorges of Yangtze River

  21. 南京长江路历史文化街拓宽改造工程

    Project of Widening and Rebuilding History Culture Street at Nanjing Changjiang Road

  22. 唐代长江流域民俗文化散议

    Folkways Culture in Yangtze River Valley of Tang Dynasty : Scrappy Comments

  23. 优越的自然生态条件是长江流域农业文化的物质前提。

    The favourable natural ecological condition is the material premise for the agricultural culture of the Yangtze basin .

  24. 季风形成与长江流域的季风文化

    Formation of monsoon and the monsoon culture in the Yangtze Basin

  25. 长江三峡为巫文化的起源之地。

    Three Gorges region in Yangtze River is the cradle of Wu culture .

  26. 长江三峡考古遗址文化断层研究

    Culture Interruptions of Archaeological Sites in the Three Gorges Region of the Yangtze River

  27. 夏商时期中原与长江中游地区的文化联系

    Cultural Relations of the Central Plains with the Middle Yangtze River Valley in the Xia-Shang Period

  28. 吴越文化是长江下游的区域文化,其中心文化区是太湖、钱塘江流域。

    Wu Yue Culture is a regional culture of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River , its ceuter being Tai Lake and QianTang River .

  29. 长江三峡库区民俗文化丰富多彩且独具风韵和魅力,具备开发民俗旅游市场的巨大潜力。

    Three Gorges of Yangtze River whose folklore culture is rich and colorful , possesses the enormous potentiality to develop the market of the folklore tourism .

  30. 它是目前盘龙城遗址发掘清理的大型墓葬之一,对研究盘龙城遗址商代墓葬的分布情况、形制与结构、等级制度等提供了重要佐证,对于研究长江流域的商文化具有重要意义。

    The excavation provides valuable material for study on distribution , structure and ranking system of tombs in the Shang dynasty , and is significant in study of Shang culture of the Yangtze River region .