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  • floating bridge;pontoon bridge
浮桥 [fú qiáo]
  • [pontoon bridge;ponton bridge] 桥面由平底船支承的桥

  1. 工程兵在河上匆匆地架设浮桥。

    Military engineers hurriedly constructed a pontoon bridge across the river .

  2. 浮桥:景观浮桥、景观亲水栈桥、钢结构交通浮桥、仿古木浮桥。

    Pontoon Bridge : Landscape pontoon bridges , steel traffic pontoon bridges , Wooden pontoon bridges .

  3. 基于AHP与ANP方法的浮桥渡河方式评估

    Floating Bridge Crossing Mode Evaluation Based on AHP and ANP Methods

  4. 分置式浮桥的动力学建模与鲁棒容错控制研究基于ANSYS的某型浮钳盘式后制动器有限元分析

    Research on the dynamics modeling and robust fault tolerant control of separated floating bridges FEA for Floating Caliper Rear Brake Based on ANSYS

  5. 在对现有各种容错控制方法进行综述的基础上,采用线性矩阵不等式方法(LMI)进行鲁棒容错控制方法研究,得到的结果适用于基于鲁棒容错控制的分置式浮桥。

    On the basis of summary of the existing fault-tolerant control methods , the paper chooses linear matrix inequality method ( LMI ) to conduct the robust fault-tolerant control method research . The result is suitable for the separated fixed floating bridge with robust fault-tolerant control .

  6. 54m大跨度贝雷梁栈桥拆除施工技术三、仿古木浮桥、景观浮桥、钢结构浮桥、景观亲水栈桥、滨水景观建筑。

    Demolition construction technology of bailey beam trestle bridge with 54 m large span Archaize timberwork pontoon , landscape pontoon , steel structure pontoon bridge , waterfront architecture .

  7. 浮桥变换器电源


  8. 新丰江特大桥轻型浮桥设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Light Floating Bridge for Xinfeng River Bridge

  9. 图5-16是一个被拆散的这种类型的声纳浮桥。

    Figure 5-16 shows a disassembled sonobuoy of this type .

  10. 伙计们,我们失去了所有的浮桥。

    Guys , we 've lost our entire port pontoon .

  11. 中长期浮桥的腐蚀与防腐蚀设计

    The Corrosion and Corrosion Resistance Design of Long term Used Floating Bridge

  12. 通载浮桥动态位移的测试方法与数据分析

    Testing Method and Data Analysis of Moving-Load-Induced Dynamic Displacements of Floating Bridges

  13. 这个方法解决了浮桥在急流中的固定问题。

    This solved the problem of holding the bridge against the current .

  14. 在一系列浮码头上临时建的浮桥。

    A temporary bridge built over a series of pontoons .

  15. 系泊浮桥运动的非线性动力特性

    Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior for Motion of the Moored Floating Bridge

  16. 配有浮桥的以便于水上起飞或降落的飞机。

    A plane equipped with pontoons for landing or taking off from water .

  17. 浮桥结构在移动载荷作用下的振动响应

    Vibration response of a moored multi-span uniform floating bridge under a moving load

  18. 线性规划在浮桥设计中的应用

    Application of Linear Programming to Floating Bridge Design

  19. 通载浮桥的水弹性响应分析

    Overview on hydroelastic response analysis of floating bridges

  20. 铁路轮渡浮桥结构设计

    Structure Design of Floating Bridges for Railway Ferries

  21. 史蒂文·泽曼是被征召关闭断裂的浮桥工人。

    Steven Zimmerman is among the pontoon workers called up to close the break .

  22. 你可以避开敌军守卫森严的地方,建设浮桥渡河。

    You can often avoid strong enemy positions by deploying pontoon bridges across a river .

  23. 考虑浮桥横向变形的横张纲锚定主索计算分析

    Analysis of Main Cable in Anchorage by Stream Cable of Floating Bridge Considering Horizontal Displacement

  24. 一种新型浮桥的研究

    Research of a new-type floating bridge

  25. 长江铁路浮桥总体方案、力学模型和计算方法

    The general programme , mechanical model and computational method of the railway bateau bridge across Yangtze River

  26. 再次具体分析了建立分置式浮桥模型时所需要的坐标及其浮桥的构造组成。

    Specifically the establishment of the separated fixed floating bridge model and floating bridge structure composition are analyzed .

  27. 浮桥河水库浮游植物的多样性及其演变深圳南山区天然森林群落多样性及演替现状

    A study on the species diversity and succession situation of natural forest communities in Nanshan District , Shenzhen City

  28. 快速移动重载作用下浮桥的波动堆积和移动速度振荡研究

    A study on the wave accumulation and velocity vibration of floating bridges subjected to fast and heavy moving loads

  29. 浮桥无论从民用还是军用的角度讲都具有广泛的应用前景和开发潜力。

    Whether from civilian or military point of view , pontoon had a wide range of applications and development potential .

  30. 浮桥通载时吃水变化对锚纲张力和浮桥临界流速的影响

    Influence of draft change of floating bridge with vehicles on tension of anchor - cable and critical velocity of flow