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bān shī
  • return after victory;withdraw troops from the front;call back troops;move troops
班师 [bān shī]
  • (1) [withdraw troops from the front]∶还师;班还

  • 班师振旅。--《书.大禹谟》

  • 来日魏王必班师矣--《三国演义》

  • (2) [return after victory]∶出征军队胜利归来

  • 你奉旨破吐藩,定 西夏,班师回朝。--《元曲选.乔孟符》

  • 两世姻缘

  • (3) 三》

  • 班师得胜人欢乐,三军踊跃。--明.无名氏《破天阵》

班师[bān shī]
  1. 我们都希望坚持到攻击队伍班师回来

    We all hoped we could hang on until the strike team made it back .

  2. 我要率领前锋否则我就带着我的人马班师回家.

    I will lead the Van or I will take my men and march them home .

  3. 所以布什总统在演讲中提到的胜利班师的说法是给已主导我们外交政策五年多的战略性错误换上一个新名称。

    So the president 's talk of return on success is a new name for continuing the same strategic mistakes that have dominated our foreign policy for over five years .