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  1. 黄土丘陵沟壑地区(陕北高原、陇东高原、宁夏南部黄土高原区等)交便不便,晴通雨阻,易守难攻。

    Loess hills zone ( Shaanbei Plateau , Longdong Plateau , Loess Plateau in South Ningxia , etc. )

  2. 陇东黄土高原PREE系统可持续发展动态分析&以甘肃省庆阳市为例

    Dynamic study of sustainable development of pree system in Eastern Gansu Loess plateau & a case study of Qingyang City in Gansu

  3. 陇东黄土高原塬区农业气象要素的变化特征

    Variation characters of agrometeorological elements in Loess Plateau of East Gansu

  4. 陇东黄土高原旱地农田水分盈亏与开发对策

    Water profit and deficit of rainfed farmland in east Gansu Province

  5. 陇东黄土高原主要农作物生长状况评定指标体系的建立

    Establishment of growth status assessment system for crops in eastern Gansu

  6. 陇东黄土高原冬小麦生态气候适生种植区划

    Division of Suitable Eco-climatic Planting Areas of Winter Wheat in Longdong Area

  7. 陇东黄土高原城市酸雨特征监测统计分析

    Statistic Analysis of Arid Rain Character in Loess Plateau City of Longdong

  8. 陇东黄土高原耕地变化趋势及驱动因子分析

    Trend and Driving Factors of Cultivated Land Use Change in Longdong Loess Plateau

  9. 陇东黄土高原地区容器育苗技术研究

    Study on Container Seedling Technology Conducted in Loess Plateau Region in Eastern Gansu

  10. 陇东黄土高原冰雹的气候特征及预报

    Climatic Characteristics and Forecast of Hail on the Loess Plateau of Eastern Gansu

  11. 陇东黄土高原冬小麦生长势及生长状况评定体系的建立

    Assessment System of Crop Condition and Growth Status of Winter Wheat in Eastern Gansu

  12. 陇东黄土高原土壤水分演变及其对气候变化的响应

    Evolution of Soil Moisture and Its Response to Climate Change in Longdong Loess Plateau

  13. 陇东黄土高原牧草气候生产潜力评价

    The evaluation of pasture potential climatic productivity on the Loess Plateau in east Gansu province

  14. 陇东黄土高原冬小麦地土壤杂草种子库初探

    Preliminary study on soil seed bank of weeds in winter wheat field on Loess Plateau

  15. 陇东黄土高原栽培牧草真菌病害调查与分析

    Fungal diseases of cultivated grasses and forage legumes in Loess Plateau of Eastern Gansu Province

  16. 陇东黄土高原农业物候对全球气候变化的响应

    Response of Agricultural Phenospectrum to Global Climate Change in Loess Plateau of East Gansu Province

  17. 陇东黄土高原天然草地植被类型及特征

    Types and Characteristics of Natural Grassland Vegetations in the Loess Plateau Lying in East Gansu Province

  18. 陇东黄土高原土地资源特点与可持续利用对策

    Traits of land resources at Loess Plateau in East Ganshu and counter measures for sustainable utilization

  19. 陇东黄土高原冬春季人工增雪效果分析

    Analysis on the Effect of Artificial Snowfall in the Longdong Loess Plateau in Winter and Spring

  20. 陇东黄土高原塬区玉米小麦大豆轮作系统各组分对保护性耕作的响应

    Response of Syetem Compenents to Conservation Tillage Practice in a Maize-wheat-soybean Rotation on the Qingyang Loess Plateau

  21. 陇东黄土高原冬小麦生产农业气象要素分析

    Correlation analysis of climatic factors during different growth periods and output of winter wheat in eastern Gansu

  22. 陇东黄土高原旱地冬小麦生产影响要素及育种目标与策略

    Influence factors of wheat production and its breeding objectives and strategies on Loess Plateau of east Gansu

  23. 陇东黄土高原干旱草地利用方向和途径的探讨

    Approach to the direction and pathway of arid grassland utilization in Loess plateau , East Gansu Province

  24. 气候变化对陇东黄土高原玉米干物重的影响

    The influence of climate change to dry matter weight of corn on loess plateau in east of Gansu

  25. 陇东黄土高原典型区域土壤侵蚀变化定量监测

    Quantitative Survey of the Change of Soil Erosion in a Typical Area of Longdong Loess Plateau of China

  26. 陇东黄土高原石鸡的遗传多样性与保护

    Genetic diversity and protection of chukar partridge ( Alectoris chukar ) on the Loess Plateau of eastern Gansu

  27. 陇东黄土高原丘陵沟壑区天然草地植物多样性研究

    The Studies on the Plant Diversity of Natural Grassland in Hilly Region of the Loess Plateau in Gansu Eastern

  28. 对陇东黄土高原地区庆阳市周边各县蔬菜大棚土壤性质进行了测定分析。

    Soil samples under plastic shed vegetables in Longdong and its surrounding areas on the Loess Plateau were analyzed .

  29. 陇东黄土高原春播紫花苜蓿不同茬次生物量动态研究苜蓿和远志全都是牧草。

    Biomass dynamics of every stubble of spring-sowed alfalfa in the loess plateau of Longdong Clover and milkworts are grasses .

  30. 陇东黄土高原土壤侵蚀变化定量遥感监测&以黄土高原水保二期世行贷款庆城项目区为例

    Quantitative Study of Soil Erosion on the Longdong Loess Plateau Using GIS and RS & Case Study of the Qingcheng Project Area