
bān lún yùn shū
  • liner trade
班轮运输[bān lún yùn shū]
  1. 班轮运输市场联合经营方式的新发展

    New Developments of Procedures of Joint Management of Liner Trade Market

  2. 小型LNG集装箱船运输与班轮运输有明显不同,此时不仅要考虑挂靠港口、挂靠顺序等要素,更要关注LNG集装箱的特殊性对航线优化设置的影响。

    Small-size LNG container ship transportation and shipping are significantly different , not only to consider the port , linked to factors such as special order , more attention should be paid to the optimization of LNG container arranged influence on route .

  3. 集装箱班轮运输航线结构模式选取研究

    Study on the Route Structure Model Decision of Container Liner Transportation

  4. 不仅班轮运输市场欣欣向荣,不定期船运输市场也蒸蒸日上。

    As the result , the shipping market is also very prosperous .

  5. 集装箱船舶大型化对中国班轮运输的影响

    The Outlook of Large Container Ships in China 's Liner Shipping Market

  6. 集装箱班轮运输市场是世界航运市场的重要组成部分。

    Container liner shipping is one important part of international shipping industry .

  7. 中欧航线集装箱班轮运输经营策略分析

    Analysis of Strategy of Management on China-Europe Container Liner Shipping

  8. 提单是班轮运输合同的证明。

    Bill of lading is the evidence of contract of carriage of goods .

  9. 论我国班轮运输业营销战略的调整

    On marketing strategy adjustment of China s liner service

  10. 中国国际集装箱班轮运输市场运价趋势分析

    Trend analysis of shipping price in China 's international container liner transport market

  11. 第二章,集装箱班轮运输市场分析。

    Chapter 2 analyzes the Container transport market ;

  12. 赢得客户满意&全球化环境下的班轮运输及其对策

    TRY TO MAKE CUSTOMERS SATISFACTORY & discussions about liner service under globalization and countermeasures

  13. 集装箱班轮运输企业的兼并与收购

    The Merger & Purchase of Container Liner Enterprises

  14. 班轮运输业反垄断豁免前瞻

    Prospect of antitrust exemption in liner shipping industry

  15. 集装箱班轮运输市场的集中度分析

    Analyses on Market Concentration in Container Liner Shipping

  16. 对班轮运输合同的订立和解除,法律规定不明确。

    Provisions about liner shipping contract conclusion and termination are relatively imprecise in law .

  17. 从市场集中度指数可以认为我国班轮运输市场已经达到中型寡头垄断程度。

    In concentration ratios Chinese liner shipping market has reached the extent of medium oligopoly .

  18. 反垄断法实施将近两年的过程中,对我国班轮运输业产生了很大影响。

    In the process of implementing anti-monopoly law , liner shipping has been impacted greatly .

  19. 国际集装箱班轮运输在全球货物运输市场中一直占据着十分重要的地位。

    The international container lines always play the very important role on global transportation market .

  20. 本文对中国国际集装箱班轮运输市场进行了供需分析。

    This paper makes a supply-demand analysis on China 's International Container Liner Transport Market .

  21. 新《合同法》要约承诺制度与班轮运输合同的成立&兼论船期表的法律性质

    Contract Law and the Formation of Contract of Liner Shipping ── Legal Character of Line Schedule

  22. 班轮运输战略联盟中的博弈

    Games in Liner Shipping Strategic Alliances

  23. 集装箱班轮运输市场的有序发展是中欧贸易顺利进行的一个重要保证。

    The orderly development of container liner shipping market is an important guarantee of China-EU trade .

  24. 集装箱班轮运输企业联合问题研究

    Research on Coalition of Container Liner

  25. 在集装箱班轮运输实务中,集装箱超期使用费纠纷时有发生。

    In the practice of container liner transport , disputes on container demurrage rise up occasionally .

  26. 集装箱班轮运输公司追求的是利润最大化和成本最低化。

    What container lines are in pursuit of is maximization of profit and minimization of cost .

  27. 内河班轮运输的航线设置优化

    Optimization of Freshwater Liner Shipping Routes

  28. 随着集装箱班轮运输业的迅速发展,班轮配船日益受到重视。

    With the rapid development of container liner industry , liner shipping receives more and more attention .

  29. 撰写本论文的目的在于为班轮运输战略联盟提供一个理论框架,以便更好的理解联盟各成员之间的联系,并作出正确的决策。

    The aim of this paper is to apply a game-theoretic framework to liner shipping strategic alliances .

  30. 本公司是汽车回程运输、国内沿海内贸集装箱班轮运输公司。

    Is the return of the motor vehicle transport , domestic trade domestic coastal container liner shipping company .