
  • 网络Bancroftian filariasis
  1. 检测原班氏丝虫病高、中度流行区正常人群滤纸干血的特异IgG4阳性率分别为0.79%(6/760)和0.27%(3/1095)。

    When the dry blood spots of healthy persons from previously heavy and moderate-endemic of bancroftian filariasis areas were examined , the IgG4 positive rates were found to be 0 . 79 % ( 6 / 760 ) and 0 . 27 % ( 3 / 1095 ) respectively .

  2. 免疫色谱技术用于班氏丝虫病诊断及丝虫病防治后期监测的实验研究

    Application of immunochromatographic test for diagnosis and surveillance of bancroftian filariasis

  3. 在班氏丝虫病流行区监测试点用ICT检测776人,阳性1例;

    Only one of 776 children in endemic area was ICT positive .

  4. 淡色库蚊(Culexpipienspallens)是班氏丝虫病和流行性乙型脑炎等疾病的重要传播媒介,广泛存在于我国北方地区。

    Culex pipiens pallens is one of important media to transmit Filariasis due to Wuchereria bancrofti and epidemic encephalitis B and so on which is widely found in northern China .

  5. 贵州基本消灭班氏丝虫病地区的纵向监测

    Longitudinal surveillance in areas with bancroftian filariasis virtually eradicated in Guizhou

  6. 班氏丝虫病不同防治阶段媒介传播作用的研究

    Effect of Vector Transmission at Different Stage of Bancroftian Filariasis Control

  7. 免疫酶染色试验在班氏丝虫病诊断中的应用

    Application of immunoenzymatic staining technique in diagnosis of bancroftian filariasis testing

  8. 广州市致倦库蚊自然种群传播班氏丝虫病作用的研究

    Study on the transmission of Bancroftian filariasis by Culex Quinquefasciatus in Guangzhou

  9. 从化市消灭班氏丝虫病的监测和结果评价

    Monitoring and Evaluation of the Eradication of Bancroftian Filariasis in Conghua City

  10. 与班氏丝虫病传播有关的几个昆虫学参数的调查和分析

    Estimation of some entomological parameters in relation to the

  11. 目的寻找一种敏感、特异的班氏丝虫病的检测方法。

    Objective To explore a sensitive and specific method for the detection of Wuchereria bancrofti .

  12. 单一查治措施防治班氏丝虫病的远期效果观察

    Long & term effectiveness observation on the unitary repeated examination and treatment for bancroftian filariasis control

  13. 山东省班氏丝虫病阻断传播后慢性丝虫病患病情况调查

    Investigation of status of chronic filariasis patients after transmission interruption transmission of Bancroft 's filariasis in Shandong Province

  14. 广州市白云区阻断班氏丝虫病传播的策略和措施研究

    Studies on the Strategy and Technical Measures for Interrupting the Transmission of Bancroftian filariasis in Baiyun District in Guangzhou City

  15. 目的探讨山东省班氏丝虫病基本消灭10年、23年后乳糜尿的发病情况。

    Objective To discuss the changes of chyluria caused by bancrofti filariasis 10 years and 23 years after filariasis was controlled in Shandong Province .

  16. 结果重庆市13个区(自治县、市)427个乡镇有丝虫病流行,均为班氏丝虫病流行区,传播媒介主要为致倦库蚊。

    Results The Bancroftian filariasis is prevalent in 13 counties ( autonomous counties and cities ), 427 villages and towns in Chongqing . Culex quinquefasciatus is transmitting vector .

  17. 1991-1992年,选择盐城北部原班氏丝虫病中度流行区的3个乡,对晚期丝虫病分布现状作了普查。

    From 1991 to 1992 , three communities in the former medium endemic area , the northern part of Yancheng were investigated on the distribution of patients with advanced filariasis bancrofti .

  18. 目的阐述广西富川县班氏丝虫病残存疫点发现过程及其处理措施和效果,揭示其流行病学特征。

    Objective To describe the discovery of a residual foci of bancroftian filariasis in Fuchuan County where the disease was announced to have been eliminated , and reveal its epidemiologic feature .

  19. 结果广东省67个县(市、区)有丝虫病流行,仅平远县为马来丝虫病流行区,其余为班氏丝虫病流行区。防治前人群平均微丝蚴率为3.05%,微丝蚴血症者200万人。

    W Results Before filariasis control , it was prevalent in 67 counties in Guangdong Province , the microfilarial rate was 3.05 % and the number of microfilaremias was estimated about 2 millions .

  20. 为了消灭阳山县丝虫病,从1959年起对该县进行丝虫病流行病学摸底调查,发现共有19个乡镇的217个管理区有班氏丝虫病流行,平均人群微丝蚴率为435%。

    This paper reported the control strategy and technical measures of elimination of filariasis in Yangshan county . 217 villages in 19 towns had bancroftian filariasis prevalence and the average population microfilarial rate was 4.35 % .

  21. 观察了四川各地53例班氏丝虫病和21例马来丝虫病的微丝蚴周期性。

    This paper reported on the periodicity of microfilariae in the blood of 53 cases with bancroftian filariasis and 21 cases with malayan filariasis in various parts of Sichuan Province . The periodicity indices of the mf . of W.

  22. 广西桂林地区班氏、马来丝虫病监测评价

    Evaluation of surveillance on filariasis in Guilin region , Guangxi

  23. 1991年调查人群平均微丝蚴率为0.61%,主要流行区分布于县西北区域的15个乡镇,以马来丝虫为主的马来、班氏两种丝虫病混合流行区。

    Microfilaria rate of the population in 1991 was 0.61 % , which was distributed in 15 towns northwest area of the county .