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  1. 他本来要乘最后一班汽车回卑尔根,但当然,这起事故使他没能回去。

    He was supposed to go back to Bergen on the last bus , but of course the accident prevented him

  2. 我打算赶头班火车回北京。

    I am going to catch the first train back to beijing .

  3. 我是搭乘后面一班火车回伦敦的。

    I caught the next train back to london .

  4. 如果没有什么叫人感兴趣的事,我就乘下一班船回非洲去。

    If nothing interesting happened , I would take the next boat back to Africa .

  5. 请注意,本班为回厂列车,不会接载乘客,请等候另一班列车。

    Attention please , this train is returning to depot and will not carry passengers .

  6. 搭下一班飞机回美国去吧,你需要的东西都在那个包里。

    Take next flight back to America , you will find what you need in the bag .

  7. 搭下一班飞机回美国吧包里有你需要的东西

    Take the next flight back to America , you 'll find what you need in the bag .

  8. 综放工作面生产能力受到工作面长度、割煤速度、移架速度、放煤速度、班进刀数、回刀速度等各种参数的综合影响。

    Production capability of fully mechanized sub level caving face is synthetically influenced by many factors such as face length , cutting velocity , velocity of support moving , drawing velocity , shift cutting advancement and cutting free velocity .