
fú tǐ
  • floating body;flotation section
  1. 薄膜SOIMOSFET浮体效应的抑制优化研究

    Suppression Study of Floating Body Effect in SOI MOSFET 's

  2. 而采用埋氧层是间断的图形化SOI衬底是解决浮体效应和自加热效应的最简单的方法。

    Patterned SOI technology is the simplest way to overcome floating body effects and self-heating effects .

  3. 基于双CCD非接触式浮体六自由度测试系统的研制

    The Design of Untouched Float Six-Free-Parameter Testing-System Based on Double CCD

  4. 双CCD浮体六分量测试仪中的摄像机标定系统

    A Camera Calibration System in Six Component Measuring Apparatus of Floating Body with Binocular CCD

  5. 基于AutoCAD平台的浮体稳性研究及其应用

    Study and Realization for Stability of the Floating Structure Based on AutoCAD Software

  6. 本文借用频率域方法,求得浮体运动附加质量和阻尼系数关于频率ω从0到∞的变化特性,通过Fourier变换将频域解转化为时域解。

    In this paper , the time domain solution is obtained by Fourier transform of frequency domain results .

  7. SOI器件中瞬态浮体效应的模拟与分析

    Model and Analyses of Transient Floating-Body Effect of SOI Devices

  8. 部分耗尽SOIMOSFET中的浮体效应

    Floating Body Effects in Partially Depleted SOI MOSFET 's

  9. 分别采用不同的背栅沟道注入剂量制成了部分耗尽绝缘体上硅浮体和H型栅体接触n型沟道器件。

    Partially-depleted silicon-on-insulator ( PDSOI ) floating-body ( FB ) nMOSFETs and H-gate type body-contacted ( BC ) nMOSFETs are fabricated with different back channel implantation dosages .

  10. 这种抑制浮体效应的方法不增加器件面积,而且与体硅MOSFET工艺完全兼容。

    This method has the same device area and is completely compatible with the bulk MOSFET process .

  11. 但是,SOI技术面临浮体效应和自加热效应。

    However , SOI technology has to face the problems of floating body effects and self-heating effects .

  12. 提出了一种新型的Schottky体接触结构,能够有效抑制部分耗尽SOINMOSFET的浮体效应。

    A novel Schottky body-contacted structure for partially depleted SOI nMOSFET 's is presented .

  13. 浮体浅水非线性波动问题的Boussinesq方程求解方法

    Solving Process of Boussinesq Equations for Nonlinear Wave Made by Floating Body in Shallow Water

  14. 介绍了部分耗尽型SOIMOS器件浮体状态下的Kink效应及对模拟电路的影响。

    The Kink effect of the partial-depleted SOI MOSFET and the influence on SOI analog circuits design are introduced .

  15. 基于上述原因,本文采用三维线性时域GREEN函数法直接数值计算系泊浮体的运动时历并与非线性有限元法耦合,进一步发展了系泊系统的时域分析法。

    Based on above analysis , the floating body motions are simulated directly by 3D time-domain linear GREEN function method . Coupled with the non-linear finite element method , the motion time history of a moored body is calculated .

  16. 考虑到AutoCAD平台的计算机辅助几何能力,本文对浮体稳性的研究,都是基于AutoCAD平台的。

    For the CAGD ability of AutoCAD software platform , this paper is based on the AutoCAD software platform in doing the research of the stability of the floating structure .

  17. 本文不仅解决了双CCD异步触发同步抓取的功能,还达到了真正的实时处理,以60f/s的速率跟踪浮体运动,并且实现了全姿态测量。

    The paper not only resolves the problem of double CCD asynchronous triggering and synchronous snap , but also in deed realizes real time process at rate of 60f / s and globe gesture measure .

  18. 进而使用多刚体力学的Kane方程,并补充以必要的运动学约束关系,导出了求解系泊多浮体系统各浮体质心位移和摇荡角位移的动力学方程组。

    With the Kane equations and the necessary relations in kinematics , the dynamic equations are deduced for moored multi body floating system .

  19. 提出了一种新的部分耗尽SOI体接触技术,与其它体接触技术相比,该方法可以有效抑制SOI器件的浮体效应。

    A novel body contact technique for partially depleted SOI MOSFET is proposed . This method can suppress floating body effect of SOI MOSFET more effectively compared with other methods .

  20. 工艺和性能模拟分析表明,此结构具有SOI器件低泄漏电流和低输出电容的特性,而且能抑制自加热效应和浮体效应。

    The novel LDMOSFET did not degrade the advantage of SOI structure 's low leakage current and parasitic capacitance , which also suppressed the self-heating effects and floating body effects .

  21. 基于Wu提出的浮体二阶水弹性理论[1],研究大浪中航行船舶的非线性水弹性响应,给出了数值方法和计算结果。

    The theory , numerical methods and the calculated results of the non-linear hydroelastic responses of a ship traveling in rough seas are investigated based on the second order hydroelasticity theory of ships described by Wu et al ( 1997 ) .

  22. 阐述了4种常用体接触方式及其他消除部分耗尽型SOIMOS器件Kink效应的工艺方法,同时给出了部分耗尽型SOIMOSFET工作在浮体状态下时模拟电路的设计方法。

    The manufacturing methods suppressing Kink effect including four types of body-contact and some other ways are described . Meanwhile , the simulation circuit design methods of part depletion type of SOI MOSFET under floating state are discussed .

  23. 本文从工程实用出发,利用目前广泛应用的Rankine源法在线性时域范围内求解了浮体在有航速条件下的运动与波浪载荷,并就其中遇到的问题进行了探讨。

    This dissertation is based on practical consideration , and the widely used time domain Rankine panel method is utilized to solve the motion and wave loads of floating body with forward speed .

  24. 本文提出了双栅双注入单管动态存储单元结构,该结构器件的工作基于势的变化,利用SOI的浮体效应,通过双注入来提高注入效率和减少读取时间。

    Double Gate Cell with Double Injected one-transistor dynamic access structure is proposed . Based on the change of potential , using the floating effect of SOI , it worked on the high injection efficiency and lowly read-out time .

  25. 在用体接触结构设计的SOI电路中,浮体效应被压制了,但是体串联电阻的存在仍旧在远离体接触的体区产生局部浮体效应。

    In SOI circuits designed with body contact structure , floating body effect is generally suppressed , but the existence of body series resistance still induces local floating effect in the part of the body away from the body contact .

  26. 文中介绍了在潜标系统中使用ADCP测量海洋表层流时所涉及到的主浮体设计及试验的有关问题,对ADCP布放计划中的环境参数设置提出了自己的处理办法。

    This paper introduces the main float design and experiment of measuring subsurface current by ADCP attached to submersible mooring system , and puts forward the processing methods of setting environmental parameters during deployment ADCP .

  27. 工艺和性能分析表明,它可抑制SOI结构的浮体效应和自加热效应,具有低的泄漏电流,以及高的电流驱动能力。

    In comparison to the partially-depleted SOI counterpart , the floating body effect and self-heating effect are distinctly suppressed . Furthermore , the advantage of SOI structure 's low leakage current do not degrade , and the current driving capability is high .

  28. 对于铰联结系泊多浮体系统,将其作为铰联结无根树系统,用多刚体力学Huston方法进行了运动学分析。

    The Huston method , a rigid multi body kinematic analysis method , is used to analyse the hinged multi body floating system which is treated as hinged rootless system here .

  29. 温跃层的存在是底层高悬浮体含量的海水难以到达表层的主要原因V.C高;

    The thermocline is the main season that the higher suspended matters in the bottom could not reach up to the sea surface .

  30. 龚嘴水电站10号底孔检修门段修复,采用了浮体闸门系统坝前深水(60m以浅)自动封堵底孔进水口,形成旱地施工条件之后进行检修门段洞内修复的施工方法并获得成功应用。

    To repair the emergency gate at the bottom scouring sluice No. 10 , we adopt floating gate system to block the bottom outlet automatically in 60 m underwater to make the repair construction in the dry , which proved to be successful .