
cháng tú bēn xí
  • long-distance raid
长途奔袭[cháng tú bēn xí]
  1. 尽管B-2的长途奔袭功能和大载量是值得夸耀的资本,但在对伊拉克的主要战争中,它的功效主要取决于它是否能够接近战场。

    While its long range and heavy payload may give the B-2 bragging rights , its combat effectiveness in a major war with Iraq depends on its being closer to the fight .

  2. 我们仍将长途奔袭视为一个重要法宝。

    We still look at the long-range sortie as a valuable asset .

  3. 威斯布鲁克本赛季的表现就像是长途奔袭后的双手怒扣。

    Westbrook 's season has felt like one long , furious , two-handed dunk .

  4. 如果你骑马走过荒原,长途奔袭,自然渴望一座城市。

    When a man rides a long time through wild regions he feels the desire for a city .

  5. 在比赛的最后几秒,他截断对方传球,并长途奔袭触地得分,取得了胜利。

    In the closing seconds of the game , this kid intercepted a pass and ran all the way for the winning touchdown .

  6. 在如今这个社会里,每个男人都像一匹长途奔袭的马,没有终点,只有长路。

    In today 's society in which every man is like a long-range raid the horse , there is no end , only a long way .

  7. 它们的射程摧毁了我们“狂热者”的能量护盾,这迫使“狂热者”长途奔袭,而且你们可以看到我们的部队正好在他们设法接近目标时遭到重创。

    They 're shelling our Zealots from range , forcing our Zealots to go the long way around , and you can see our infantry are just taking a pounding as they try to approach Terran position .

  8. 但由于气候变化,北极地区海面浮冰开始以每十年14%的速度融化,北极熊不得不长途奔袭,消耗更多能量才能捕获猎物。

    But because of climate change , sea ice in the region is melting at a rate of 14 per cent per decade , which forces the bears to travel further and use more energy for their hunts .