
  1. 此外,提出了用遗传算法来优化设计SiO2掩埋型波导材料的MZ波长平坦功分器的上层结构参数。

    Besides , genetic algorithm is also used to optimize the upper tier parameters of MZI based silica-on-silicon to attain a flat spectral response .

  2. 湘东北普乐及横洞原生钴矿床均赋存于长平断裂带F2主干断裂下盘构造热液蚀变岩带中。

    Original Co-deposits of Pule and Hengdong in northeast Hunan occurred in tectonic , hydrothermal , altered rock zone of the lower plate of main fracture belt F2 , Changping fracture zone .

  3. 为了增加等离子体的伏秒数,维持长平顶放电电流的HT-6M电源方案及其数字仿真;

    In order to increase plasma volt-seconds and to get plasma current with longer sustainment phase , a power supply scheme for HT-6M and its numerical simulation are studied .

  4. 通过在EG-FPC中引入具有4个台阶的阶梯型微腔结构,设计了单片集成可调谐双波长平顶响应光探测器。

    A monolithically integrated tunable dual-wavelength photodetector with flat-top response is designed by the introduction of a4-step microstructure into EG-FPC .

  5. 为协助这次软件发布,达洛西奥从在线游戏开发商ZyngaInc.首席执行长平克斯(MarkPincus)以及香港商业巨头李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)持有的某投资公司那里募集到了资金。达洛西奥说,Trimit受到好评后,李嘉诚突然联系了我。

    To help with the launch , Mr. D'Aloisio raised funding from Zynga Inc. ZNGA - 0.29 % CEO Mark Pincus and the investment firm owned by Hong Kong business mogul Li Ka-shing , who Mr. D'Aloisio said ' contacted me out of the blue ' after Trimit began to receive accolades .

  6. 长平煤业公司安全生产管理实践

    Practices on mine safety production management in Changping Coal Mining Company

  7. 连续式给料机在长平矿定重系统中的应用

    Application of Continuous Feeder in Fix-weight System of Changping Coal Mine

  8. 板锯制的长平板;厚板材。

    A long , flat slab of sawed lumber ; a plank .

  9. 长平高速公路运营期环境影响研究

    Study on Environmental Impact of Traffic-operating Period of Changping Highway

  10. 长平矿井底工程施工网络计划的编制与应用

    Construction Network Plan of Pit Botton in Changping Mine

  11. 长平立井提升系统的安全改造研究

    Study on the Safe Transformation of Vertical Shaft Lifting System in Changping Company

  12. 防坠器综合测试仪在长平矿副井的应用

    Application of Parachute 's Comprehensive Testing Instrument in Subsidiary Shaft of Changping Mine

  13. 高原长平直线公路汽车行驶安全

    Driving safety on long-even-straight-line road on highland

  14. 长平之战再研究

    Review of the War of Changping

  15. 可以被定义作为小船的事乘中国破烂物和意大利长平底船代表。

    The thing that can be defined as boat is represented by Chinese junk and Italian gondola .

  16. 区域性长平断裂带为岩浆侵入和成矿物质运移提供了通道和空间;

    Regional Changping fracture zone supplied the space and channels for metallogenic materials transportation and magma invasion ;

  17. 长平高速公路全长133公里,1992年开工建设,1996年建成通车,已承担了13年的交通运输服务。

    ChangPing expressway is 133 kilometers , 1992 , construction , 1996 , has opened for 13 years of transportation service .

  18. 根据长平高速公路试验数据为依据,提出了寒冷地区高速公路沥青表层的容许空隙率的界限。

    According to Changchun-Siping expressway test data , the important effect of density on strength and stability of asphalt-mix is introduced .

  19. 有限长平轴承非稳态油膜承载力导数的计算方法及其性质

    Computational Method and Properties of the Derivatives of the Load Capacity of Unsteady Film of a Plain Journal Bearing with Finite Length

  20. 并在对长平煤矿的通风系统进行评价的实际应用中,取得了良好的效果。

    The method has been applied to evaluate the ventilation system of ChangPing coal mine and gained good effect in practical application .

  21. 两支军队交战于韩国北部之地,长平。

    to deal with the threat . The two armies met at Changping , situated in the Northern part of the Han lands .

  22. 绳式防坠器制动过程制动绳冲击行为研究防坠器综合测试仪在长平矿副井的应用

    Impact Characteristic of Wire Rope During Gage Braking by Rope Parachute Gear Application of Parachute 's Comprehensive Testing Instrument in Subsidiary Shaft of Changping Mine

  23. 两军相持四个多月,秦军仍拿不下长平。秦王采纳了范睢的建议,用离间法让赵王怀疑廉颇,赵王中计,调回廉颇,派赵括为将到长平与秦军作战。

    This made Zhao Kuo very haughty so much so he sent a letter to the Qin army and proposed a final battle where winner takes all .

  24. 12周各组骨缺损区凹陷完全长平,A组牙槽嵴顶部纤维组织较其他组厚。

    After 12 weeks , excavation disappeared in 4 groups and fibrous tissue at top of alveolar ridge in group A was thicker than that in groups B , C , D.

  25. 最后论文针对性地提出改善长平直线路段交通安全的措施及实施方案,包括对道路景观进行合理的设计、在路肩设置隆声带、在路面喷涂视觉减速标线等。

    Finally , this paper gave some advises to improve traffic safety , including designing path landscape reasonable , installation rumble strips on the road shoulder , spray coating slowdown stripe on the surface and so on .

  26. 同时,还对晋煤集团长平矿进行现场应用,指导实践,为保证矿井的安全高效生产起到了积极的作用。

    Meanwhile , it has also doing the field application and guide practice for the Changping Mine of the Jincheng Anthracite Mining Group , and through the evaluation , it has playing a positive role to ensure the mine production safely and efficiently .

  27. 长平之战是秦国与他在中原最后一个强手的决战,也是战国最后一次大战。此战役的胜利奠定了秦灭六国统一中国的基础。

    Changping battle was decisive to Qin and it was the war with his last powerful opponent on the central plain , and it also was a final large-scale batle in the Warring States Period , which laid foundation for Qin to unify China .

  28. 介绍了长平公司主立井的改造,重点阐述了电气系统和机械系统的改造内容,并分析了改造后的社会效益和经济效益,为立井改扩建提供了很好的范例。

    This paper introduces the vertical shaft transformation of Changping Company , expounds the transformation contents of electric system and mechanism system , analyzes on the social benefit and economic benefit after the transformation , and puts forward a good example of vertical shaft transformation and extension .

  29. 计算发现这2个化合物均为平面结构,四唑环具有键长平均化的芳香性特征,满足4n+2规则。

    It is found that the structures of 1,1 ′ - DM-5,5 ′ - AT and 2,2 ′ - DM-5,5 ′ - AT are planar , the bond length in tetrazole ring has a tendency of averages on aromatic characteristic , and the tetrazole ring satisfies 4n + 2 rule .