
  • 网络examinant
  1. 她认为我对考试官施了混淆咒。

    She thought I 'd have to Confound the examiner .

  2. 内部评阅结束以后,斯泰福厦大学的考试官将审查所有的评分,并且检查相关学生的作业。

    Once the work has been marked internally , the SU examiner will review all the marks awarded and look at a selection of students'work .

  3. 宋代广西的考试选官述论科举制度是中国古代的一项选官制度,其源于汉魏、肇基于隋、确立于唐。

    ON SELECTING OFFICIALS BY MEANS OF EXAMINATION IN GUANGXI DURING THE SONG DYNASTY Imperial examination system is one for selecting officials in ancient China .

  4. 宋代是历史时期广西文化教育发展的兴盛期,科举考试、官学教育与书院教育出现了前所未有的发展,取得了突破性成就,这与当时政治、经济与文化的空前发展密不可分。

    Song Dynasty was the prosperous period of the development of Guangxi 's culture and education . Imperial examination , official study education and academy education appeared a fast development , and obtained an unprecedented achievement . Thus was inseparable from the development of politics , economy and culture .

  5. 先秦考试重在试官任职,与官员的选拔、任用和考核有关。

    It related to officials ' selection and appointment .

  6. 如果您的语言项目要求您通过此类考试,签证官可能会请您出示相关考试的成绩,主要是为了证明您是一位合格的学生。

    If your language program requires those tests , we may ask to see your results only to substantiate your qualifications as a student .

  7. 第二部分:通过对国外检察官素质制度相关规定的对比研究,阐述了改革选任制度的必要性和实行国家统一司法考试,实行检察官任职资格一体化的合理性。

    Part II : Through the comparative study of the relevant prescription in the quality system of prosecutor in other countries , the author illustrates the necessity of reforming the appointment system and the rationality of integration of accredit quality of prosecutor .