
  • 网络Ontological research;ontological inquiry
  1. 劳伦斯审美乌托邦的本体论研究

    An ontological approach to D. H. Lawrence 's aethetic Utopia

  2. 设计解读&工业设计本体论研究

    Analysis of Design & Research on Ontology of Industrial Design

  3. 否定了哲学本体论研究的意义。

    It has negated the significance of studying philosophy ontology .

  4. 对旅游商品进行本体论研究。

    The paper aims for the research on ontology of tourist commodities .

  5. 信息科技的形式本体论研究

    Discussion on Informational Sci-tech Innovation Study on Formal Ontology for Information Sci Tech

  6. 马克思哲学本体论研究论评

    A Review of Research on Ontology in Marxist Philosophy

  7. 本体论研究论文的统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of Papers On Application of Ontology

  8. 《汉城工业设计家宣言》解读与设计本体论研究

    Interpretation of Declaration of Industrial Designers in Seoul and Study of Noumenon Theory

  9. 教学本体论研究的范畴与取向

    The category and the inclination of teaching ontology study

  10. 教育技术的本体论研究

    The Research on the Ontology of Educational Technology

  11. 马克思人生本体论研究

    A Study on Marx 's Ontology of Life

  12. 本体论研究现状。

    The present research situations of ontology .

  13. 知识发现本体论研究

    Study on Ontology of Knowledge Discovery

  14. 信息公平的本体论研究(一)&论信息公平的内涵、原则及具体表现

    Ontological Research on Information Equity & the Connotation , Principle and Specific Performance of Information Equity

  15. 本体论研究述评&兼论马克思主义哲学的本体论革命

    Review of Studies on Noumenal Theory & Discussion on Revolution in Noumenal Theory of Marxist Philosophy

  16. 心灵哲学从传统分析哲学的拒斥形而上学到回归哲学本体论研究。

    The philosophy of the mind back from the traditional analytic philosophy rejecting metaphysics to philosophy ontology .

  17. 艺术本体论研究已是20世纪的显学。

    Art ontology research has been a renowned discipline in the 20 ~ ( th ) century .

  18. 教育本体论研究的转向与教育本体的复杂性&复杂性思维方式视野中的教育本体论研究

    Transition of Educational Ontology and Complexity of Educational Entity & Educational Ontology Study in the Context of Complex Thinking Pattern

  19. 第一章是对语言模糊性的本体论研究,涉及语言模糊性的理论背景和理论体系,以及对于语言模糊性的理解,其中包括在模糊性问题研究上出现的一些争议。

    The first chapter is about the ontological research on language fuzziness , mainly involving the theoretical background and theoretical system .

  20. 翻译的理论哲学思考集中于翻译本体论研究、主体论研究与存在论研究。

    A rational consideration of translation focuses on the ontological study , the subjective study , and the existential study , of translation .

  21. 当代词典学与认知科学的结合使得以编者为中心的词典本体论研究方法逐渐动摇,词典学家开始对词典用户、词典的使用过程展开研究。

    Modern Lexicography notable feature is the combination of cognitive science , scientists began to research dictionary user and dictionary use during a study .

  22. 社会法总论研究存在的主要问题有:本体论研究充满争议,缺乏开放和包容;

    The main problems in social law pandect are : the research of ontology is full of controversy and not open and comprehensive enough ;

  23. 近年来马克思主义哲学本体论研究成为马克思主义哲学研究的学术前沿和热点。

    Recently research on Marxism 's theory on philosophic ontology turns out to be both academic front and hot issue of Marxism 's philosophic research .

  24. 词类划分体系和词性标注问题在汉语语法本体论研究中一直存在很多分歧和差异。

    The problem of Chinese parts of speech system and the mark of part of speech always have many bifurcation and discrepancy in Chinese grammar theory research .

  25. 摘要新时期以来,随着鲁迅研究的不断深入,鲁迅本体论研究随之而出。

    Lately period , along with to continuously going deep into of the Lu xun 's research , Lu xun 's ontology studying also is valued increasingly .

  26. 以上理论为生态美学向本体论研究层面的推进提供了理论支持,对克服现代人的精神生态与艺术生态失衡具有重要的启发意义。

    It offers ontological illumination for the research of eco-aesthetics , and it brings enlightenment in avoiding the metal disease of modern people and malady in modern art .

  27. 在中国理论界缺乏本体论研究的当前情形下,建构学成为了一个热点话题。

    Currently , " Tectonics " is becoming the hottest topic in the Chinese architectural field as a consequence of the absence of architectural ontology in our theory studies .

  28. 由此,提出了在诗歌研究中引入本体论研究、将诗歌研究作为文学科学研究对待的主张。

    Therefore , the proposal of introducing the theory of thing-in-itself into the poetry research is raised , i.e. to treat the poetry research as a research of literature science .

  29. 人、自然、社会、也正是哲学本体论研究的重点对象,人的价值,自然和社会的价值是和谐社会的价值目标。

    People , nature , society , and it is also the object that philosophical ontology studies focus on , the value of people , natural and social is the value goal in harmonious society .

  30. 近年来马克思哲学本体论研究成为马克思哲学研究的学术前沿和热点,是由学界对实践在马克思哲学中的地位的辨析引发的。

    The author observed that research on ontology in Marxist philosophy has become a hot issue in academic research of Marxist philosophy . This was initiated by an analysis of the position of " practice " in Marxist philosophy .