
fǎ ɡuó ɡé mìnɡ
  • French Revolution
  1. 别担心B。revolution:革命法国革命蛋糕是主角。

    Don 't worry , B - Gossip girl : The French revolution had cake . -

  2. 美国革命比法国革命早十四年。

    The American Revolution antedates the French Revolution by 14 years .

  3. 法国革命与自由的象征是一个裸胸或半裸胸的女子,名叫玛丽安(Marianne),她的雕像和浮雕仍然可以在政府文件、建筑和邮票上看到。

    Sculptures and reliefs of a bare-breasted or semi-bare-breasted Marianne , a French symbol of the revolution and liberty , can still be found on government documents , buildings and postal stamps .

  4. 今天,大多数人认为,爱德蒙•柏克(EdmundBurke)的《法国革命论》只不过是指责法国大革命已将一位国王和一位王后送上断头台并掀起“恐怖时期”的序幕。

    Today , most people assume that when Edmund Burke wrote his Reflections on the Revolution in France he was denouncing a revolution that had already executed a King and Queen , and launched the Terror .

  5. 我有法国革命方面的作业,星期五到期。

    I have a paper on the French Revolution due on Friday .

  6. 法国革命及君主制的恢复

    The French Revolution and the Restoration of Monarchy in France

  7. 法国革命中,这种两重反抗是明白和率直的。

    In the French revolutions this double revolt is clear and plain .

  8. 法国革命蛋糕是主角。

    Gossip girl : The French revolution had cake .

  9. 拿破仑这位法国革命领袖残酷无情,然而对妻子约瑟芬却有柔情的一面。

    The ruthless French leader had a sweet side for his wife Josephine .

  10. 法国革命受到中产阶级的鼓励。

    The French Revolution was inspired by the bourgeois .

  11. 他的文章对美国和法国革命起到了重要作用。

    His writing played a big part in the American and French revolutions .

  12. 她原先怎么会对法国革命产生兴趣的?

    How did she become interested in the French Revolution in the first place ?

  13. 法国革命前的三个等级

    The Three Social Classes Before the French Revolution

  14. 意识形态之战:论英国对法国革命的干涉

    War on the level of Superstructure & On British Interference in the French Revolution

  15. 历史的当代阐释典范:半个世纪来法国革命史学研究述略

    The Contemporary Interpretation Model of History-on the French revolutionary historiography in half a century

  16. 法国革命真正开始了。

    The French Revolution had actually Begun .

  17. 他的学术论文是关于法国革命所带来的剧烈社会变动。

    His dissertation is on the drastic social change brought about bu the French Revolution .

  18. 沈宝基与法国革命诗歌译介

    Shen Bao-ji and French revolutionary poetry

  19. 例如,法国革命废除了封建的所有制,代之以资产阶级的所有制。

    The French Revolution , for example , abolished feudal property in favour of bourgeois property .

  20. 手稿是在法国革命前几周寄往伦敦付印的。

    The manuscript was sent to the printer in London a few weeks before the French revolution .

  21. 罗伯斯比尔作为雅各宾派的重要领导人,把法国革命推向高潮。

    As an important leader of Jacobin , Robes Pierre has brought the French Revolution to its climax .

  22. 一些革命(美国革命,法国革命)确实将事情变得越来越好。

    Some ( The American Revolution , the French Revolution ) clearly do change things for the better .

  23. 法国革命诗歌在中国的介与传播,曾极大地鼓舞中国人民的革命斗争。

    The introduction and dissemination of the French revolutionary poetry in China has greatly inspired the Chinese revolution .

  24. 法国革命政府需要一个国际测量体系来使测量东西更简便和更有效。

    The French revolutionary government wanted one international scientific system of measurement to measure things more easily and effectively .

  25. 作者在她对法国革命的研究中,采取了按主题,而不是按年代的方法。

    In her study , the author has adopted a thematic rather than a chronological approach to the French revolution .

  26. 在美国革命和法国革命的影响下,爱尔兰人民的民族意识觉醒了。

    Under the influence of the America revolution and the French revolution , the national consciousness of the Irish people awakened .

  27. 1798年的法国革命占领了瑞士并强迫它统一为一个国体并废除了各州。

    In1798 , the armies of the French Revolution conquered Switzerland and imposed a new unified constitution that abolished the cantons .

  28. 为了胜利,我们需要勇敢,更勇敢!永远勇敢冲杀!&法国革命家丹东·G.J。

    To conquer we need to dare , to dare again , ever to dare ! George Jacques Danton , French revolutionist .

  29. 柏克的保守主义思想集中体现在对英国宪法、治改革尤其对法国革命的态度上。

    Burke 's conservatism was shown by his attitude which he regarded British constitution , political reformation and the revolution in France .

  30. 尽管如此,法国革命开创了一个普遍革命的新时代,从而为实业社会开辟了道路。

    Nevertheless , the French Revolution ushered in a new epoch of universal revolutions and opened up the way leading to the industrial society .