
  • 网络Instinctive impulse;Libido;Animal spirit
  1. 这是原始人性的本能冲动。

    It is primitive libido of human .

  2. 而大多数掌权的女性则较少受到本能冲动的影响,能做出冷静的判断。

    Most women in power , on the other hand , were less ruled by their libido and thus able to make more cool-headed judgments , she said .

  3. 当周围全是聪明人时,你的本能冲动可能是掩盖自己的无知,但是这种方式是错误的,谷歌的第一位市场营销和品牌管理主任DougEdwards这样认为。他是1999加入谷歌的。

    When surrounded by smart people , your first impulse may be to hide your ignorance , but that 's the wrong way to go , according to Doug Edwards , Google 's first director of marketing and brand management , who joined the company in 1999 .

  4. 对于他们所激起的本能冲动,人们只能有个模糊的领略。

    They arouse instincts which can only be dimly understood .

  5. 有要澄清、阐释和辨明的人的本能冲动(伦纳德伯恩斯坦)

    There is a human urge to clarify , rationalize , justify ( Leonard Bernstein )

  6. 这两个目标的交汇点就是昆汀作品中对本能冲动的挖掘、展示和利用。

    These two goals intersect at one point the exploration and the display and the utilization of the instincts .

  7. (心理分析)本能冲动的支配原则:婴儿本能地追求快乐而不会分辨幻想与现实。

    ( psychoanalysis ) the governing principle of the id ; the principle that an infant seeks gratification and fails to distinguish fantasy from reality .

  8. 连锁商业企业在发展中也具有一种规模扩张的本能冲动,且其规模经济明显。

    Chain commercial enterprises also have a kind of instinct and impetus for scale expansion in the course of their development , and they are characterized by scale-economy .

  9. 企业成长的动机是知识人&利益协同体在外界竞争压力的作用下为求得自身发展的一种本能冲动;

    The motive of enterprise 's development is a kind of instinct that longing for developing " knowledge man-benefits associate " itself under the function of the outsider competition pressure ;

  10. 有的科学家认为,人无法改变自己的本能冲动、欲望以及情感,因此不能对这些人格特点所产生的一系列行为负责。

    Some scientists argue that people cannot alter their drives , wants , and emotions , and therefore cannot be held responsible for actions which such features of the personality produce .

  11. 女娲神话表现出之补天思想、女性神圣观念及出于本能冲动的创造精神均有重要哲学与价值学意义。

    The thought of mending the sky , the sacred concept of female and the innovative spirit of instinct manifested by the myth of N ü wa have the significance of philosophy and value .

  12. 我的本能的冲动在咆哮着,想告诉他不要多管闲事。

    My natural urge was to tell him to butt out .

  13. 男人有本能的冲动。

    Men have these , uh , instinctual drives .

  14. 他克制住本能的冲动。

    He stifled his instinct to run .

  15. 还是他受了一种连他自己也无法了解的本能的冲动呢?

    Was he simply obeying a sort of instinctive impulse which was obscure even to himself ?

  16. 因此,不论时代如何变迁,在世界经济体制的背后,始终有一种人类本能的冲动,希望把黄金牢牢掌控在自己手中。

    Hence back of all the fine subtleties of the world 's economic system there lies this atavistic instinct to hold on to the metal itself .

  17. 方法:基于精神分析的基本理论框架,区分本能与冲动,分析自我不同结构之间的冲突,建立神经症的病理模型。

    Methods : Based on the basic theory frame of psychoanalysis to distinguish instinct and impulse , inspect the conflicts among different structures of ego , and build the pathological model of neurosis .

  18. 例如,他们认为自由行为不是习惯行为,不是被迫行为,不是本能或冲动行为,而是由反思决定的行为。

    For example , they believe that the free action is not the habitual action not the coerced action not the instinctive or impulsive action , but the action which is determined by reflection .

  19. 商业银行的扩张、发展和对它的限制、规则必须有相应的特殊性:一方面,作为商业银行本身,必然具有本能性的扩张冲动机制;

    On the one hand , the commercial bank itself must have instinct expansion impulse mechanism ;