
  1. 本文认为征地补偿与安置政策应该遵循公平合理原则和社会公正原则,当前我国征地补偿的总体思路和具体方案为:(1)征地补偿区分征用补偿和征收补偿。

    The land expropriation compensation policy should follow the principle of equity and justice .

  2. 我国现行对农村土地征收的具体做法有悖于社会公正原则。

    The concrete method of the expropriation of rural soil in our country is contrary to social equity .

  3. 我们促进两性平等,促进土著人民和移民的权利,就是在伸张社会公正原则。

    We uphold the principles of social justice when we promote gender equality or the rights of indigenous peoples and migrants .

  4. 但时至今日,教育公平在世界各国仍未能实现,这有悖社会公正原则。

    But until today , this equal opportunity for education has not been realized yet , and this is against the principle of social equality .

  5. 我们应确立的高科技发展原则有:尊重生命,维护人类尊严原则、增进人类利益,维护社会公正原则和保护人类环境,维护生态平衡原则。

    We should establish following ethical principles : to have respect for life and human dignity , to promote human interests , to defend social just and ecological balance .

  6. 首先,平等主义所主张的正确的社会公正原则最多,如基本权利完全平等与非基本权利比例平等以及机会平等和结果平等(政治平等和经济平等)诸原则。

    The basic rights are completely equal , the non-basic rights are equal in portion , and the equal in chance and consequence ( equal in politics and economy ) .

  7. 从传统德治的政治功能和建构来看,德治有一个政治文明的定位,与政治文明紧密相联。所以,贡献论囊括了全部正确的社会公正原则,因而堪称社会公正理论之全面真理。

    Ruling by virtue is a category of political civilization . they belong to the category of contribution theory , either . Therefore , the theory of contribution includes all the right principles of social justice and is the truth of social justice .

  8. 社会公正原则理应成为制定城市扶贫政策的基本价值理念依据,但公正是一个历史的概念,它在各个不同的具体历史阶段往往有着不同的内涵和理解。

    The principle of " society justice " should be a basic value basis for the policy to help the poor group of city . But " society justice " is a historical concept , which is marked by quite different connotations and understandings in the different historical periods .

  9. 社会主义和谐社会的公正原则

    On Justice Principle of Socialist Harmonious Society

  10. 正如千年宣言中提到的,这是一个呼吁,呼吁在平等和社会公正的原则下,全球团结一致。

    As stated in the Millennium Declaration , this is a call for global solidarity based on the principles of equity and social justice .

  11. 公共决策必须维护社会的公正原则,彰显社会的正义性,才能充分体现决策的伦理道德关怀。

    Only by maintaining the social justice principle and displaying justice in society can public decision-making fully embody the ethical and moral concern of decision-making .

  12. 第四章:当代社会发展中公正原则的实现。公正原则还只是观念上的公正和形式上的公正,要想变成事实上的公正,还需要一定的条件、中介。

    The fourth chapter : the realization of justice in I modern society .

  13. 对转型社会规划公正的原则、现象及策略,基于一种中庸的自由主义价值观进行了诠释和总结。

    It also explains and summarizes the principles , phenomena and strategies of planning justice in the changing society based on an impartial liberal value .

  14. 在审视中国现存的四种公正理论的基础上,通过对当代中国历史大背景的分析,阐述了中国当代社会公正的基本原则;

    Centering on the four theories on justice in existence in China today , it illustrates the basic principles of social justice in the society in the social context of present China .

  15. 首先探讨了公正的思想渊源,其次是全面分析公正的内涵与价值,包括古今中外学者对公正的论述以及公正的内涵界定,最后是社会公正的基本原则。

    First , to explore the idea of justice sources , followed by a comprehensive analysis of fair meaning and value , including ancient and modern scholars , the discussion of justice and fair definition of the meaning , and finally the basic principles of social justice .

  16. 他提出了社会公正的两个原则:一是平等自由原则;二是差别原则。

    He put forward two principles of justice : the principle of greatest equal liberty and the difference principle .

  17. 这种信息的不对称造成了市场中交易双方的利益失衡,影响了社会的公平,公正原则,市场资源的配置效率和市场功能的正常发挥。

    The problem of the asymmetry of information has caused the unbalance of the interests of the parties in the market , affected the efficiency of both the rule of equality and fairness and the assignment of the market resources .