
xiǎo huánɡ dì
  • Little Emperor;infant emperor
  1. 《小皇帝和拜金女:现代中国的性和年轻人》(LittleEmperorsandMaterialGirls:SexandYouthinModernChina),耶米马•斯坦菲尔德(JemimahSteinfeld)著,I.B.Tauris出版社,建议零售价14.99英镑/19.95美元

    Little Emperors and Material Girls : Sex and Youth in Modern China , by Jemimah Steinfeld , I. B. Tauris ( RRP £ 14.99 , $ 19.95 )

  2. 尽管在这个赛季中他没能带领克利夫兰骑士队拿下NBA季后赛的总冠军,他仍使球队在联赛中表现出最佳状态,取得了最好成绩。因此“小皇帝”詹姆斯也在本赛季中被评为年度常规赛的最有价值球员。

    Though he failed to take his Cleveland Cavaliers to the NBA finals , he managed to lead the team to the best record in the league -- the feat garnered King James this year 's NBA Most Valuable Player award .

  3. 我们家的小皇帝主动要求去买菜。

    Our little emperor now asks to help out with shopping .

  4. 而这位“小皇帝”与北京的那些吃得过胖的同名者可不一样。

    This'little emperor'is very different from his pampered namesakes back in Beijing .

  5. 在季后赛得分排行榜上排在小皇帝之前的,只有迈克尔-乔丹了。

    Only Michael Jordan remains ahead of the King .

  6. 孩子是家庭的核心,是小皇帝。

    Children are at the heart of the family , is the little emperor .

  7. 中国的独生子女政策,导致“小皇帝”数量远大于“小皇后”。

    With China 's one child policy , little emperors are more than little empresses .

  8. 你明白,到现在为止,他一直是家中的小皇帝。

    You see , up to now , he 's been king of the roost .

  9. 你知道,直到现在,他一直是家里的小皇帝;一直是后院的主人。

    You see , up to now , he 's been king of his own room .

  10. 妈妈:真奇怪!我们家的小皇帝主动要求去买菜。

    Mom : How strange ! Our little emperor now asks to help out with shopping .

  11. 他从来也没有不听父母的话,与父母顶嘴,他也从来没有自私自利,想干什么就干什么,在家中当小皇帝。

    That means He never disobeyed His parents , or pouted and wanted his own way .

  12. 勒布朗仍旧是当之无愧的“小皇帝”。

    LeBron is still the King .

  13. 现在中国大部分家庭中,父母和祖父母都侍候一个小皇帝--家中的独生子女。

    Now in most Chinese families , parents and grand parents all wait on a little emperor-the only child of the family .

  14. 或许中国孩子并不像传统观点以及他们的小皇帝父母所认为的那样叫人担忧。

    Maybe China 's children are not in as much peril as the conventional wisdom - and their little emperor parents - would have it .

  15. 《救救男孩子们》一书中还提到,传统中国式的“圈养”教育把孩子当做小皇帝养,并且不鼓励孩子独立。

    According to " Save the Boys ," the traditional Chinese method of'caged breeding'raises a child like a little emperor and doesn 't encourage in dependence .

  16. 儿童中心主义和大量独生子女成为家庭小皇帝现象滋生偏激的生本管理。

    The extreme " student-orientated management " has been being prospered for children centralism and the phenomenon of " little emperors " in the families with only on child .

  17. 然而,在汶川大地震和北京奥运会中,80后以他们空前的爱国热情一洗过去唯我独尊的“小皇帝”形象。

    However , in Wenchuan earthquake and the Olympic Games in Beijing , 80 , after their unprecedented patriotism in the past to wash one 's self ," little emperor " image .

  18. 但中国的千禧一代,常常是被爸妈哄着,爷爷奶奶姥姥姥爷宠着,使人担心中国培养了一代“小皇帝”,不愿意自理或缺乏自理能力。

    But China 's millennials are often doted on by parents and two sets of grandparents , prompting fears that China has produced a generation of " little emperors " unable or unwilling to take care of themselves .

  19. 如果萨克拉门托国王队与克里夫兰骑士队继续他们在去年2月交易截止期前谈论的交易白魔鬼迈克毕比的话,克里夫兰的管理层应该意识到是时候围绕小皇帝引入更好的射手了。

    Should the Sacramento Kings and Cleveland Cavaliers renew talks they had before last february 's trade deadline , cleveland 's front office should realize even more how necessary it is to surround LeBron James with better shooters .

  20. 在最常见的说法中,他们是小皇帝、自我的一代&出身独生子女家庭,娇生惯养,不关心政治,只对跑车、视频游戏和出自设计师之手的商品感兴趣。

    In most accounts , they are the Little Emperors or the Me Generation , the spoilt and apolitical offspring of one-child families who are interested in fast cars , video games and designer goods but little else .

  21. 上海社科院甚至在2013年12月针对该节目举办了一次专题论坛,鼓励小皇帝的父母更多培养孩子独立,而且爸爸更多地参与育儿。

    Last month the show even became the subject of an academic seminar at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences , which urged parents of little emperors to give them more independence – and get Dad more involved in child-rearing .

  22. 中国自1978年实行计划生育国策至今已经27年了,吃麦当劳长大,现代意识强烈,曾被戏称为“小皇帝”的第一代独生子女已经开始长大成人、成家立室。

    Twenty-seven years after the implementation of the national policy of family planning , china 's first-generation of only children , who used to be called " little emperors ," have grown up and have families and careers of their own .

  23. 你知道,直到现在,他一直是家里的小皇帝;一直是后院的主人。我一直在他身边,为他料理伤口,给他感情上的慰藉。

    You see , up to now , he 's been king of the roost . He 's been boss of the back yard . I have always been around to repair his wounds , and to soothe2 ) his feelings .

  24. 上海社科院甚至在2013年12月针对该节目举办了一次专题论坛,鼓励“小皇帝”的父母更多培养孩子独立,而且爸爸更多地参与育儿。

    Last month the show even became the subject of an academic seminar at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences , which urged parents of " little emperors " to give them more independence - and get Dad more involved in child-rearing .

  25. 小皇帝年长之后,为摆脱外戚的控制,就向身边的宦官寻求帮助,继而宦官又掌大权。

    When a young emperor grew up , he tried to break away from the control of the empress * s family , seeking the support of eunuchs close to him . Consequently , eunuchs replaced consort clans to seize the power .

  26. 同时印了勒布朗的绰号“小皇帝詹姆斯”和詹姆斯的球衣号。球衣的袖子上分别印了“招募小皇帝”和“为休斯顿而奋斗”后者致敬了詹姆斯有名的个人标签“为了伟大而奋斗”。

    With Lebron 's nickname " King James " and his number on them , the jerseys also have two sleeves with " Recruiting The King " and " Strive For Houston on each , as the latter honors Lebron 's famous personal hashtag " Strive For Greatness . "

  27. 这个国家现在正在养育第二代“小皇帝”(独生子女,他们的父母通常也是独生子女),人人都想知道这批孩子长大以后,会不会比他们那帮在溺爱中成长的父母更加骄纵、幼稚、自私。

    The country is now raising its second generation of " little emperors " - only children , often born to parents who are themselves only children - and everybody wants to know if they are going to end up even more spoiled , immature and selfish than their overindulged parents .

  28. 厨房小女孩在皇帝寝宫窗户下的花园中哭泣。

    The little kitchen girl was weeping in the garden under the emperor 's bedroom window .

  29. 就在那天晚上小夜莺为老皇帝献唱。

    That very night the little nightingale sang her song for the old emperor .

  30. 目前大多数的在校大学生都是独生子女,小时候是饭来张口、衣来伸手的小皇帝、小公主,现在长成了象牙塔下的天之骄子。

    When they are little , they are small emperors and princess of rice to their mouths and clothing to their hands , but now they are growing to the favored people under ivory tower .