
  • dwarf;Dwarves;little man;manikin
  1. 我的小矮人,准备好了吗?

    There 's my little man . You ready , sugar ?

  2. 每个小矮人都留着一副大胡子,穿一件小蓝上衣。

    Each Little Man had a big beard , and a little blue coat .

  3. 1937年迪斯尼推出的经典之作《白雪公主和七个小矮人》魅力不减当年。

    ' Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ' , the 1937 Disney classic , has lost none of its original charm

  4. 在这个故事里,有一个有魔法的小矮人。

    There is a dwarf in the story .

  5. 另一项是以白雪公主和七个小矮人为主题进行工资法培训。

    Another training , this one for pay roll law , used a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs theme .

  6. “白雪公主”不涉及版权问题可以拿来使用,但“小矮人”却受版权保护,因此科尔内蒂特创造了相似的人物(坏脾气的格斯,迷糊鬼丹)来解释这一特别的工资法。

    " Snow White " is available for everyone to use , but the " dwarfs " are still under copyright , so Cometti invented sound-alike characters ( Grumpy Gus , Dopey Dan ) to illustrate specific pay roll law principles .

  7. 她没想到女孩会找到七个小矮人。

    She doesn 't expect the girl to find not one but seven tiny men .

  8. 后来邪恶的皇后协持她,究竟救不救她的性命就由七个小矮人来决定。

    So when the evil queen abducts her , it is up the dwarves to save her life .

  9. 小矮人B:你中毒了,皇后想杀你,但是你现在好了。

    Dwarf B : You got poisoned , the queen wanted to kill you , but you are ok now .

  10. n.矮子反:giant全世界的小孩都爱读白雪公主和七个小矮人的故事。

    Children of the world love to read the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs .

  11. 还记得《白雪公主》里的小矮人Bashful吗?

    Remember Bashful , the dwarf from Snow White ?

  12. 而那两个小矮人,哼哼和唧唧,则靠脑袋行事,他们的脑袋里装满了各种信念和情感。他们要找的是一种带字母“C”的奶酪。他们相信,这样的奶酪会给他们带来幸福,使他们成功。

    The two little people , Hem and Haw , used their brains , filled with many beliefs and emotions , to search for a very different kind of Cheese -- with a capital C -- which they believed would make them feel happy and successful .

  13. 去年,从汤姆亲王和一些如今国王连名字都不记得的其他亲王之间挑选一位接班人选,就像在叫做“欢乐”(Happy)和“暴躁”(Grumpy)两个小矮人之间做出选择。

    Selecting a potential successor last year from between Prince Tom and some other prince whose name now slipped the king 's mind had been like making a choice between two dwarfs called Happy and Grumpy .

  14. 邓加(Dunga),以队长身份率领巴西夺得1994年世界杯冠军。而Dunga在葡萄牙语中意为Dopey,Dopey是迪士尼动画片白雪公主与七个小矮人中的迷糊鬼,邓加小时候很瘦小,因而有了这个绰号。

    Dunga , captain of Brazil 's 1994 World Cup title team , got his nickname from the Brazilian name for Dopey , from Disney 's " Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs " film - because of his short stature as a kid .

  15. 那个黑头发女人和七个小矮人装的男人?

    And that raven-haired woman with seven men in elf suits ?

  16. •“你对花园小矮人有什么看法?”

    • " what do you think of garden gnomes ? "

  17. 所有的小矮人:好的,让我们去摘玫瑰。

    All dwarves said : Ok , let 's pick roses .

  18. 现在,小矮人继续说道,你坐下吧。

    Now ," continued the Dwarf , " sit you down .

  19. 面对这些关于她小矮人女儿身份认同的问题

    looking at these questions of identity with her dwarf daughter .

  20. 谢了小矮人下面我接手就行了

    Thanks , shorty , I 'll take it from here .

  21. 他看见出来两个小矮人做鞋。

    He saw two little elves come to make the shoes .

  22. 七个小矮人帮白雪公主做了一张玻璃床。4.

    The seven dwarfs make a glass bed for Snow White .

  23. 我是个小矮人,我当然站在自己人的立场上说话。

    I 'm a Dwarf and I stand by my own people .

  24. 他们是七个在山中挖金的小矮人。

    They were seven dwarfs who dug for gold in the mountains .

  25. (白雪公主和七个小矮人学住在城堡里。)

    In the castle lived the Snow White with the seven dwarfs .

  26. 那天晚上,小矮人来到了店里。

    That night , the elves came to the shop .

  27. 小矮人很同情王子,就把棺材给了他。

    The dwarfs pitied him and gave him the coffin .

  28. 我是个小矮人我与爱无缘

    I 'm a dwarf . I can 't love .

  29. 过了一会儿,七个小矮人回来了。

    Some time later , the seven dwarves came back .

  30. 还是去试图建立某种小矮人身份认同,

    Or should she try to construct some kind of dwarf identity ,