
  • 网络microcephaly
  1. 阿尔维斯说,巴西当局正在采取措施,防止兹卡在该国蔓延;但是该国卫生官员正在调查逾3500起婴儿小头症(microcephaly)病例,这种与兹卡有关的疾病以前很罕见,患病婴儿在出生时头部小得不正常。

    He argued that the Brazilian authorities were adopting measures to prevent Zika from intensifying in the country , even though health officials were investigating more than 3500 cases of microcephaly , a previously rare condition linked to Zika in which infants are born with abnormally small heads .

  2. 男童除了生长迟缓及小头症,还有语言发展迟缓。

    Besides the short stature and microcephaly , the patient had developmental delay in language .

  3. 怀特表示,小头症会影响正在发育中的胎儿的神经系统,而这种杀虫剂不通过神经系统发挥作用。

    White said that the larvicide did not work through the nervous system , the part of the developing fetus affected by microcephaly .

  4. 目前尚不清楚小头症是否由这种病毒单独引起,还是只在母亲之前感染过登革热等病毒的情况下,才会发病。

    It is not known whether the virus alone causes microcephaly or if it occurs only if the mother has had a previous infection , like dengue .

  5. 寨卡病毒的传播在巴西备受关注。自去年10月以来,巴西已经发现近4000起疑似寨卡病毒导致的新生儿小头症病例,而2014年仅有150起病例。

    Zika is of greatest concern in Brazil , where the virus was found last year . Brazil has reported nearly 4000 suspected cases of microcephaly since October , with only 150 cases in 2014 .

  6. 世界卫生组织宣布小头症及其他神经系统紊乱疾病的爆发构成国际关注的公共卫生紧急事件,呼吁国际社会联手应对。

    World Health Organisation declared that the cluster of microcephaly cases and other neurological disorders were a public health emergency of international concern , it was a rallying cry for the international community to respond .

  7. 在周一发表的声明中,政府指出那些没有使用杀虫剂、蚊蝇醚的社区,也在不断出现会引起脑损伤的小头症病例,并明确指出,“使用蚊蝇醚与小头症之间的关联没有科学依据。”

    In a statement on Monday , the government noted that microcephaly , which causes brain damage , was also growing in communities that did not use the larvicide , pyriproxyfen , and declared bluntly , " The association between the use of pyriproxyfen and microcephaly has no scientific basis . "