- 名Homo sapiens neanderthalensis;Neanderthal man

Neanderthal man was able to kill woolly mammoths and bears .
Pendants from the Bulgarian cave resemble those made by Neanderthals , suggesting we exchanged ideas .
The finds imply the reasons for their extinction were complex , and factors such as climate change may have played a role .
Modern humans are prime suspects in the extinction1 of the Neanderthals - the ancient species that disappeared from Europe almost as soon as our ancestors arrived .
Comparing the Altai genome to modern human DNA confirmed the interbreeding .
The Neanderthals then migrated east to Siberia , taking human DNA with them .
In 1997 , scientists found the first scrap of Neanderthal DNA in a fossil .
Their analysis confirmed previous studies : Some Neanderthal DNA did indeed end up in modern Europeans and Asians .
It 's possible , then , that these Neanderthals acquired DNA from a mysterious early migration of humans .
Dr. Siepel , Dr. Castellano and their colleagues used these models to analyze the Neanderthal DNA and that of humans .
By mapping stretches of Neanderthal DNA to its human equivalent , the researchers were able to complete bits of the jigsaw .
Recently , the researchers harvested more DNA from European Neanderthal fossils , putting together very detailed reconstructions of a single chromosome , Chromosome 21 .
In a study published on Wednesday in Nature , a team of scientists reports that another instance of interbreeding left Neanderthals in Siberia with chunks of human DNA .
To probe this cognitive conundrum , researchers took CT scans of 11 Neandertal brains , including one newborn . And they compared these images to those of modern humans .
In contrast , the human and neandertal samples had significantly higher dental FA levels than any of the great ape samples .
Dr. Pritchard said that more examinations of ancient DNA would help resolve the many questions raised by the new study and help scientists understand the scope of the intimate back-and-forth between Neanderthals and humans .
Questions of the evolutionary relationship between Neanderthals and modern humans can now refocus on the genetic basis of the physical differences , said Peter Brown , a human evolution expert at the University of New England in Australia .
In 2010 , scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig , Germany , recovered about 60 percent of a Neanderthal genome from fossils found in a Croatian cave .
Since then , they have recovered genetic material , even entire genomes , from a number of Neanderthal bones , and their investigations have yielded a remarkable surprise : Today , 1 to 2 percent of the DNA in non-African people comes from Neanderthals .
Sergi Castellano , a geneticist at Max Planck Institute , set out to compare this European Neanderthal DNA to the genes from Siberia .
Palaeogeneticist Viviane Slon helped make one of 2018 " s most surprising discoveries when she and her colleagues sequenced DNA from a 90000-year-old bone and found that it came from the offspring of a union between a Neanderthal mother and a father from the extinct human group known as Denisovans .
And Dr. Delson said it would be interesting to test for DNA in the skull to support its possible hybrid status in a time of overlapping modern human-Neanderthal populations when early humans were making their way , as he phrased it , to " that small zoological backwater of Eurasia known as Europe . "
The hominids seem to have placed the bodies of their deceased there over many years - the first time such a ritual has been observed in a species other than Homo sapiens and Neanderthals .
A primitive hominid resembling Neanderthal man but living in Africa .
Nevertheless Neanderthal man is thought to be man 's closest relative .
The Neanderthal man is one of our primordial ancestors .
The last Neanderthals appear to have died about 40000 years ago .
What ` s the difference between Neanderthal man and Cro-Magnon man ?
was also shared in the same form in Neanderthals as us .
They concluded that humans must have interbred with Neanderthals after leaving Africa .