
ní ān dé tè rén
  • Homo sapiens neanderthalensis;Neanderthal man
  1. 尼安德特人能够捕杀浑身覆毛的猛犸象和熊。

    Neanderthal man was able to kill woolly mammoths and bears .

  2. 在保加利亚洞穴中发现的吊坠外形与尼安德特人制作的吊坠相似,这表明现代人类和尼安德特人有过思想上的交流。

    Pendants from the Bulgarian cave resemble those made by Neanderthals , suggesting we exchanged ideas .

  3. 这些发现意味着尼安德特人灭绝的原因是复杂的,而且气候变化等因素可能也造成了一定程度的影响。

    The finds imply the reasons for their extinction were complex , and factors such as climate change may have played a role .

  4. 一项新的研究显示,现代人类到达欧洲并把尼安德特人逐渐推到灭绝边缘的时间比之前认为得更早。

    Modern humans are prime suspects in the extinction1 of the Neanderthals - the ancient species that disappeared from Europe almost as soon as our ancestors arrived .

  5. 通过比较阿尔泰山脉尼安德特人的基因组和现代人类的DNA,确认了混种繁殖的存在。

    Comparing the Altai genome to modern human DNA confirmed the interbreeding .

  6. 然后尼安德特人东迁到西伯利亚地区,身上带着人类的DNA。

    The Neanderthals then migrated east to Siberia , taking human DNA with them .

  7. 1997年,科学家在化石中第一次发现了尼安德特人DNA的碎片。

    In 1997 , scientists found the first scrap of Neanderthal DNA in a fossil .

  8. 他们的分析结果证实了之前的研究:尼安德特人的DNA片段的确出现在了现代欧亚人的身上。

    Their analysis confirmed previous studies : Some Neanderthal DNA did indeed end up in modern Europeans and Asians .

  9. 那么,这些尼安德特人有可能是从一群早期的神秘人类迁徙群体身上获得了DNA。

    It 's possible , then , that these Neanderthals acquired DNA from a mysterious early migration of humans .

  10. 西佩尔、卡斯特利亚诺及同事利用这些模型分析了尼安德特人和人类的DNA。

    Dr. Siepel , Dr. Castellano and their colleagues used these models to analyze the Neanderthal DNA and that of humans .

  11. 通过绘制与人类相同的尼安德特人DNA图谱,他们便能够完成一定量的拼接工作。

    By mapping stretches of Neanderthal DNA to its human equivalent , the researchers were able to complete bits of the jigsaw .

  12. 近期,研究者从欧洲尼安德特人化石上收获了更多DNA信息,重构出非常详尽的单条染色体——第21号染色体。

    Recently , the researchers harvested more DNA from European Neanderthal fossils , putting together very detailed reconstructions of a single chromosome , Chromosome 21 .

  13. 在《自然》杂志(Nature)周三发布的一篇研究论文中,一组科学家提交的案例表明,混种繁殖使得西伯利亚的尼安德特人带有部分人类DNA。

    In a study published on Wednesday in Nature , a team of scientists reports that another instance of interbreeding left Neanderthals in Siberia with chunks of human DNA .

  14. 为了破解这一谜题,研究人员对包括一名新生儿在内的11名尼安德特人的大脑进行了CT扫描,并将影像图与现代人类的进行了对比。

    To probe this cognitive conundrum , researchers took CT scans of 11 Neandertal brains , including one newborn . And they compared these images to those of modern humans .

  15. 而与之相反的是,智人与尼安德特人样本的牙齿FA水平要显著高于其它任何一种巨猿样本的FA水平。

    In contrast , the human and neandertal samples had significantly higher dental FA levels than any of the great ape samples .

  16. 普里查德博士表示,对古DNA的更多研究将有助于解答这项新研究提出的许多问题,并帮助科学家理解尼安德特人与人类之间亲密的相互来往的范围。

    Dr. Pritchard said that more examinations of ancient DNA would help resolve the many questions raised by the new study and help scientists understand the scope of the intimate back-and-forth between Neanderthals and humans .

  17. 澳大利亚新英格兰大学(UniversityofNewEngland)的人类进化学专家彼得•布朗(PeterBrown)表示:有关尼安德特人与现代人之间进化关系的问题,现在可以重新集中到决定身体差异的基因基础上来。

    Questions of the evolutionary relationship between Neanderthals and modern humans can now refocus on the genetic basis of the physical differences , said Peter Brown , a human evolution expert at the University of New England in Australia .

  18. 2010年,德国莱比锡马克斯·普朗克演化人类学研究所(MaxPlanckInstituteforEvolutionaryAnthropology)提取了尼安德特人的一个大约60%的基因组,所用样本来自克罗地亚一处洞穴中发掘出的化石。

    In 2010 , scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig , Germany , recovered about 60 percent of a Neanderthal genome from fossils found in a Croatian cave .

  19. 此后,他们从陆续出土的多块尼安德特人的骨头中提取了基因物质,乃至完整的基因组。他们的研究收获了一个惊人的发现:今天,在除了非洲人之外的人类身上,有1%到2%的DNA来自尼安德特人。

    Since then , they have recovered genetic material , even entire genomes , from a number of Neanderthal bones , and their investigations have yielded a remarkable surprise : Today , 1 to 2 percent of the DNA in non-African people comes from Neanderthals .

  20. 马克斯·普朗克研究所的遗传学家塞尔吉·卡斯特利亚诺(SergiCastellano)着手比较了欧洲尼安德特人的DNA和西伯利亚尼安德特人的基因。

    Sergi Castellano , a geneticist at Max Planck Institute , set out to compare this European Neanderthal DNA to the genes from Siberia .

  21. 古遗传学家薇薇安·斯隆与同事在对一个9万年前的骨骼进行DNA测序时,发现该骨骼来自于尼安德特人母亲与已经灭绝的丹尼索瓦人父亲的后代。这也是2018年度最出人意料的发现之一。

    Palaeogeneticist Viviane Slon helped make one of 2018 " s most surprising discoveries when she and her colleagues sequenced DNA from a 90000-year-old bone and found that it came from the offspring of a union between a Neanderthal mother and a father from the extinct human group known as Denisovans .

  22. 戴尔森说,如果能检测头骨的DNA,从而证实这的确是现代人与尼安德特人共存时代的一个混血人种,那将是很诱人的。他说,“今天所谓的欧洲,是亚欧大陆物种进化的一个小支流”。

    And Dr. Delson said it would be interesting to test for DNA in the skull to support its possible hybrid status in a time of overlapping modern human-Neanderthal populations when early humans were making their way , as he phrased it , to " that small zoological backwater of Eurasia known as Europe . "

  23. 这种原始人类似乎在很多年里一直将逝者的遗体放置在那里——这是科学家首次在智人(Homosapiens)和尼安德特人(Neanderthals)以外的人种观察到这样的仪式。

    The hominids seem to have placed the bodies of their deceased there over many years - the first time such a ritual has been observed in a species other than Homo sapiens and Neanderthals .

  24. 一种原始人,形似尼安德特人但生活在非洲。

    A primitive hominid resembling Neanderthal man but living in Africa .

  25. 然而尼安德特人被认为是人类亲缘关系最近的物种。

    Nevertheless Neanderthal man is thought to be man 's closest relative .

  26. 尼安德特人是我们的原始祖先。

    The Neanderthal man is one of our primordial ancestors .

  27. 最后一代尼安德特人似乎在大约4万年前灭亡。

    The last Neanderthals appear to have died about 40000 years ago .

  28. 尼安德特人和克罗马侬人的区别是什么?

    What ` s the difference between Neanderthal man and Cro-Magnon man ?

  29. 而尼安德特人也像我们一样有此基�

    was also shared in the same form in Neanderthals as us .

  30. 科学家得出结论,人类一定是在离开非洲大陆后和尼安德特人进行了混种繁殖。

    They concluded that humans must have interbred with Neanderthals after leaving Africa .