
  • 网络Nicaragua Canal
  1. 根据信威集团董事长亿万富翁王靖的观点,尼加拉瓜运河需要挖去超过45亿立方米(1600亿立方英尺)的土地。

    The brainchild of Chinese telecom billionaire Wang Jing , the Nicaragua Canal will require the removal of more than 4.5 billion cubic meters ( 160 billion ft3 ) of earth .

  2. 洪堡研究中心称,这条由香港尼加拉瓜运河发展投资公司承建的大运河以及运河相关基础设施将会对尼加拉瓜的环境产生前所未有的巨大威胁。

    Von Humboldt calls the canal – due to be built by the Hong Kong-based HK Nicaragua Canal Development Investment Company – and associated infrastructure the biggest environmental threat to the country in its history .

  3. 尼加拉瓜运河(NicaraguaCanal)是全球最大的拟议基础设施项目之一。

    It is one of the largest proposed infrastructure projects in the world .

  4. 巴拿马运河扩容工程目前正在进行,投资集团香港尼加拉瓜运河开发投资有限公司也准备在尼加拉瓜开发建造一条运河。

    The expansion of the Panama Canal to accommodate megaships is underway , and the Hong Kong-based investment group HKND is currently exploring the construction of a large canal across Nicaragua .

  5. 王靖对运河项目的商业收益抱有极高期望。他预测,尼加拉瓜运河全线通航后,年收入将达55亿美元。

    Mr Wang has raised extremely high expectations for the commercial returns of the project , which he has forecast could earn annual revenues of $ 5.5bn when at full capacity .

  6. 王靖表示,他会把同样的理想用在修建尼加拉瓜运河上。他说,他将以是否志同道合为标准来挑选项目的共同投资者以及合作伙伴。

    Mr Wang says he will apply the same ideals to the Nicaragua Canal too , and claims that he will pick co-investors and other partners in the project depending on whether they share his values .

  7. 上月,中国的施工队在一条贯穿尼加拉瓜的运河工地开工。这个雄心勃勃的项目投资500亿美元,有一天可能会与巴拿马运河(PanamaCanal)相匹敌。

    Last month , Chinese construction teams began work on an ambitious $ 50 billion canal across Nicaragua that could some day rival the Panama Canal .

  8. 众议院很快就通过了在尼加拉瓜修建运河的建议。

    The House of Representatives quickly passed a bill to build the Nicaragua canal .

  9. 尼加拉瓜政府估计,运河项目将使该国目前为100亿美元的经济总量每年增加15%。

    The Nicaraguan government has said it estimates the project could increase growth of the country 's $ 10bn economy by 15 per cent a year .