
  1. 五月初,一名希腊公民在雅典被杀害之后,对移民的袭击加强。

    The attacks after a Greek citizen was mugged and killed in Athens in early May , by an unknown .

  2. 在古希腊,公民与城邦是不可分割的,他们的肉体生命与精神生命都是属于城邦的,致力于城邦与公民之间的和谐统一是每个公民的基本信念。

    Both their physical lives and spiritual lives belonged to the states , and it became the fundamental beliefs of every citizen in ancient Greece to be dedicated to the harmony between citizens and states .

  3. 其创立的思想渊源基于古希腊的公民意识与竞争精神,奥运会的狂欢盛典与永恒主题,欧洲人的价值理念与强势文化以及改革者的贵族身份与理想情怀。

    The ideological origins comes from citizen consciousness and competition spirit of ancient Greek , Carnival Festival and the eternal theme of the Olympic Games , European values and strong culture as well as nobility and idealism of the reformers .

  4. 由此导致的德性完善是古希腊公共领域公民的最高理想。

    This is the reason why ancient Greek civilians regard ethic perfection as their highest ideal of life .

  5. 有些城邦主要由这个或那个希腊部落的公民组成,像爱奥尼亚、伊奥利亚、多利斯;

    Some consist chiefly of citizens of this or that Greek tribe , Ionic , Aeolian , or Doric ;

  6. 只有希腊城邦的公民可以参加,且只有一个竞赛项目&短跑,即200码(1码约合0.9144米)短跑。

    Only citizens of Greek city-states could participate , and the only race , a sprint , was run over a distance called a stade ( 200 yards ) .

  7. 许多抗议者说,希腊政府没有把公民的权利与福祉置于政策的核心。

    Government protection Many protestors say the rights and well-being of Greek citizens are not at the heart of government policy .

  8. 古希腊蹴鞠却是为公民设计的运动,老人、妇女和孩子们都能乐在其中。

    Episkyros was a game meant for everybody else . Old people , women , and children were all free to enjoy this game .

  9. 古希腊罗马时期的公民是享有政治和经济特权的少数人,智慧、勇敢、节制和正义是公民应具备的四主德;

    In ancient Greece and Rome , citizen were the minority enjoying political and economical privileges . Intelligence , courage , moderation and justice were the major four virtues for citizens to have .

  10. 而德国小报Bild却另有一番建议,他们发表了给希腊总理的公开信,建议希腊公民学习德国式的工作方法。

    But Germany 's Bild tabloid had another suggestion , calling on Greek citizens to adopt a more Germanic work ethic in an open letter to Mr Papandreou .

  11. Tzanis说,对希腊这样一个暴力常见的国家来说,震惊大部分希腊公民的是暴乱的水平和未来的不确定性。

    Tzanis said what had shocked most citizens in Greece , a country which is no stranger to violence , was the level of unrest and the uncertainty about the future .