
  • 网络hilda;Silda Wall Spitzer;Hildegard
  1. 她和希尔达道别时流露出了明显的爱意。

    She said goodbye to Hilda with a convincing show of affection

  2. 希尔达姨妈和杰克姨父对他们宠爱有加。

    Auntie Hilda and Uncle Jack couldn 't fuss over them enough .

  3. 希尔达也许你没有做出最佳选择

    Hilda . Maybe you didn 't make the best choice ...

  4. 希尔达把双臂在空中一挥,发泄一下她的情绪。

    Hilda threw her arms into the air to relieve her feeling .

  5. 他下次是不是会建议你改名叫希尔达。

    Next , he 'll suggest you change your name to hilda .

  6. 这种现象首先被希尔达•布鲁斯所发现,因此被称为布鲁斯效应。

    It 's called the Bruce effect , for researcher Hilda Bruce .

  7. 希尔达:贾斯廷,我的男子汉。

    Hilda : Hi , Justin , my little man .

  8. 他又摘了一个西红柿,把它献给了希尔达。

    He plucked another tomato and offered it to hilda .

  9. 希尔达贝蒂这位是琴她在药房工作

    Hilda , Betty , this is Jean.She works at the drugstore .

  10. 希尔达对不起我太紧张了

    Hilda , I 'm sorry . I 'm nervous .

  11. 希尔达:贾斯廷,昨晚做了什么梦?

    Hilda : Justin , what did you dream about last night ?

  12. 完全不天啊我得告诉希尔达

    Not at all.Oh , my god . I have to tell Hilda .

  13. 你在希尔达家聚会中所拍的那些照片都洗出来了吗?

    Did those photos come out that you took at hilda 's party ?

  14. 希尔达通常九点钟睡觉。

    Hilda normally goes to bed at nine o'clock .

  15. “我希望我至少没有奴隶的天性。”希尔达说。

    I hope at least I haven 't a slave nature , 'said Hilda .

  16. 一天,她去看希尔达,交给她朋友一个神秘的包裹。

    Eg. visiting Hilda one day she entrusted her friend with a mysterious package .

  17. 希尔达:我看不见。

    Hilda : I kinda can 't see .

  18. 我和希尔达都做了测试

    See , uh , Hilda took a test and I took a test ,

  19. 我和卡希尔达只是将这种分享行为扩展到了性上

    All Cacilda and I have done is extend this sharing behavior to sexuality .

  20. 没关系希尔达我爱�

    No , it 's. .. it 's okay . I love you , Hilda .

  21. 希尔达我该怎么办我不能有孩子

    Hilda , what am I gonna do ? I can 't have a baby .

  22. 希尔达你说什么

    Hilda , what are you saying ?

  23. 希尔达和康士丹斯婉妹俩,都曾在十八岁的时候初试爱情。

    Both Hilda and Constance had had their tentative love-affairs by the time they were eighteen .

  24. 随着圣希尔达学院的财政和学术状况越来越窘迫,要求招收男学生的呼声也越来越高。

    The call for change came as St Hilda 's faces increasing financial and academic difficulties .

  25. 后来,汤森特的妻子,年过半百,风韵犹存的希尔达,向安德鲁倾吐了一个秘密

    Later , Townsend 's wife Hilda , attractive in her early fifties , confided to Andrew

  26. 希尔达我没事没人会想我

    Hilda , it 's fine . It 's not like anyone 's gonna miss me anyway .

  27. 牛津大学最后一个全女生学院&圣希尔达学院3月12日投票否决了招收男生的提议。

    St Hilda 's , the last all-female college in Oxford , voted yesterday against letting in men .

  28. 我不知道说了多少次了,希尔达,我很抱歉。

    I don 't know how many times I have to say this , Hilda . I am sorry .

  29. 她竞选国会议员又是胜选请听好了希尔达.索利斯最终的确成为一名秘书

    She ran for Congress , she won And lo and behold Hilda Solis did end up becoming a secretary .

  30. 希尔达的母亲有先见之明,她能正确地预见希达哪一天会碰上她的未婚夫。

    Hilda 's mother has second sight and correctly predicted the date on which Hilda met the man she eventually married .