
  • 网络Philosophy of Hope;hope philosophy
  1. 希望哲学与精神教化

    Hope Philosophy and Spirit Cultivation

  2. 他们希望哲学为人类的困境,提供一幅事无巨细的完整画面。

    They expect it to provide them with a complete and detailed picture of the human predicament .

  3. 与听天由命、悲观绝望和虚无主义相反,布洛赫的希望哲学是一种面向未来、积极进取、富于挑战的思想。

    Contrary to the thought of submission to the will of Heaven , pessimistic hopelessness or nihilism , Bloch 's philosophy of hope is future-oriented , active , enterprising and full of challenge .

  4. 他的最初思考,针对的是西方哲学不容置疑的存在理论,他希望哲学走出存在去看彼处,走一条要导引实存到实存者、实存者到他者的道路。

    He initially focused on the undeniable existence theory of the western philosophy , hoping that philosophy could go beyond existence to look elsewhere and guide existence to the existent and the existent to the others , i.

  5. 在哲学的贫乏时代,布洛赫通过希望哲学展开了他的哲学思想,全面扩充了世界内容,详细说明了世界内容的象征形象和模型形态,从而使形而上学重新成为真理与现实。

    Through philosophy of hope , Bloch has spread out his basic thought , expanded the world content comprehensively and explained the image of symbol and model form of the world content in detail so as to make metaphysics again the truth and the reality .

  6. 论弗莱雷的希望教育哲学

    Exploring Freire 's Educational Philosophy of Hope

  7. 马克思希望他的哲学能够赋予人类解放运动以理论洞察力并使它变得更加强大。

    Marx hoped his philosophy can entrust mankind emancipation movement with theory insight and cause it stronger .

  8. 安安毕业后打算留在科大继续进修,她希望运用哲学硕士课程的研究,为环保做点事。

    On On will continue at HKUST in an MPhil program and plans to use her studies to aid the environment .

  9. 在希望的哲学视野中,教化获得解放的性质,道德生活成为精神解放的途径&这是希望的教化理想。

    Humanization is entitled to being liberated with moral life as the approach in the viewpoint of is the ideal of hope .

  10. 他希望所有哲学都到他的现象学中去寻找最终意义,那种建基于自然科学繁荣之上的实证主义是一个残缺不全的概念,应该被彻底抛弃。

    He hoped all philosophy should search the final sense from his phenomenology , and the positivism based on prosperity of science was a misshapen concept , which should be discarded thoroughly .

  11. 如果你希望对分析哲学知道得更多,事情会进行得顺顺当当。

    If you wish to know more about it , things are going very well .

  12. 爱丽丝是一名护士,可她父亲原来希望她学哲学。

    Alice is a nurse , but her father had hoped that she would study philosophy .

  13. 为了改变我国英语教学的尴尬局面,本论文希望在生态哲学的框架下构建一个全新的英语教学模式。

    In order to change the present situation , this dissertation would like to establish a new model of English learning .

  14. 鉴于自然科学技术的局限性,文学批评家希望借助包括哲学和人类学等在内的社会科学和人文科学来解决危机,从而实现生态系统的良性循环。

    And because of the limitations of science technology , literature critics mushroomed to embrace centrally the social science and humanities , including philosophy and anthropology , and also holism , in the hope of solving the crisis and achieving the benign circle of ecosystem .

  15. 存在主义的希望&萨特自由哲学述评

    THE HOPE OF EXISTENTIALISM & Criticism on Sartre 's Freedom philosophy

  16. 他希望以这种文化哲学为指针,通过文化批评,形成新的儒家思想、新的民族文化,成就本民族的有体有用之学。

    He hoped that , under this cultural philosophy , a new Confucianism and national culture the national study both of substance and function could be conceived by cultural criticism .

  17. 第二部分交代莫尔特曼希望神学的重要起源,即布洛赫的希望哲学。

    The second part of an account Moltmann hope theological origins , Ernst Bloch hopes that philosophy .

  18. 文章围绕布洛赫的《希望的原理》等著作概述了布洛赫希望哲学的基本内容和特征。

    This thesis revolves around Ernst Bloch 's works such as The Principle of Hope and generalizes the basic content and characteristics of Bloch 's philosophy of hope .

  19. 在人的精神生命结构中,希望作为情感因素是一种感情上的慰藉,同时又交融着信念、信仰和理想,而向理想演进的希望内含着人生哲学。

    In the structure of human being 's spiritual life , hope , as an emotional element , is a kind of emotional consolation that blends belief , faith , and ideal together . Furthermore , hope evolving towards ideal is contained in the philosophy of life .