
  • 网络charity school
  1. 是慈善学校。我在那儿呆了十年。

    It 's a charity school , I was there ten years .

  2. 这就是为什么这儿是慈善学校。

    That 's why it 's called a charity school .

  3. 这叫洛伍德学校,是所慈善学校。

    It 's called Lowood school . It 's a charity school .

  4. 这个慈善学校的男孩凶狠地看着他。

    The charity - boy looked at him fiercely .

  5. 啊,是的,一所慈善学校!

    Ah , yes , a charity school !

  6. 这是一所慈善学校。

    This is a charity school .

  7. 父母们正转向其它选择,不是质量不等的私立学校,就是慈善学校。

    Parents are turning to alternatives whether they are private schools of varying quality or charitable interventions .

  8. 义学,是向贫寒子弟或少数民族地区子弟提供免费基础教育的慈善学校。

    The Charitable Schools provide free elementary education for children from poor families or the minority areas .

  9. 诺厄是个慈善学校的男孩,但并不是济贫院里的孤儿;他起码还知道自己的父母是谁。

    Noah was a charity - boy , but not a workhouse orphan ; he at least knew who his parents were .

  10. 在纽约和其他地方,这些慈善学校可能会得到市议会或州的一些支援。

    In New York and elsewhere these charity schools might receive some support , variously from the city council or the state .

  11. 瞬间,古娟神不知鬼不觉地出现了。她穿着蓝色衣服,黄色羊毛长统袜,颇似慈善学校的学生。

    Gudrun came up quickly , unseen . She was dressed in blue , with woollen yellow stocking , like the Bluecoat boys .

  12. 但就因为他穿着慈善学校的制服,有好长时间当地店铺里的男孩子们都侮辱他。

    But for a long time all the local shop - boys had insulted him because he wore the uniform of a charity-boy .

  13. 在我们生活中可能没有见过一个真正的患有阅读障碍的孩子,为此,我们专门访问了苏州工业园区博爱慈善学校。

    We may have never seen a real children suffering dyslexia in our lives . Therefore , we specifically visited the Suzhou Industrial Park fraternal charity school .

  14. 只看见一个穿着一家慈善学校制服的大个子男孩。慈善学校是穷人家孩子上的学校。

    All he could see was a large boy wearing the uniform of one of the charity schools , where the children of the very poor used to go .

  15. 本文聚焦于这一动态发展过程,试图描绘出它们的真实生存状态,以期为外界更好地认识、援助和研究它们提供它山之石,也为当地慈善学校的发展贡献有价值的意见。

    This paper focuses on this dynamic process of development , trying to portray the true state of the charity schools . In this way , we could offer external aid and study them better .

  16. 与此同时,本文认为合法化不足、管理水平不高、志愿者流动过速是始终制约着慈善学校发展的三重困境,在分析这些问题的表现与成因的基础上,笔者提出改善的建议。

    At the same time , this paper points out three dilemmas of charity schools : the insufficient legitimation , low-level management , frequent movement of the volunteers . On the basis , the author puts forward the improvement proposal .

  17. 培训机构praesta的迈里伊斯特伍德(mairieastwood)强调,律师仍在执业的时候,通过加入慈善机构、学校或其它非营利组织来锻炼其它思维方式颇为重要。

    Mairi Eastwood of praesta , which provides coaching , emphasises the importance of exposure to other ways of thinking by joining boards of charities , schools or other not-for-profit organisations while still in practice .

  18. 我决定把钱捐给慈善团体和学校。

    I decide to give the money to schools and charities .

  19. 这样得来的利润就捐献给某一个慈善组织,学校、医院或养老院。

    Profits in these cases are donated to a particular charity , school , hospital or home for the aged .

  20. 期望依赖慈善捐赠的学校和大学不去照顾其支持者的后代是不现实的。

    It is not realistic to expect that schools and universities dependent on charitable contributions will not be attentive to offspring of their supporters .

  21. 这是一项国际性的慈善活动,邀请学校和俱乐部透过主办有趣的足球活动去筹款。

    It is a national charity event which invites schools and clubs to organise fun football events to raise money .

  22. 后来在1903年,英国殖民政府采取英语语言政策,鼓励私人或慈善组织兴办英文学校,政府可给予补贴。

    After that in 1903 , British colonial administration adopted English language policy and encouraged private philanthropic organizations to set up more English schools with government providing subsidies .