
  • 网络compassion;charity;Karuna
  1. 慈悲心就是关于去打破这个界限以及这种区隔的感觉。

    Compassion is about breaking down this boundary and sense of separation .

  2. 这个女人并没有感性的慈悲心。

    And that woman did not have sentimental compassion .

  3. 我是严肃的,要求高的,但也是很有慈悲心的。

    I 'm serious and demanding , but also merciful .

  4. 我想探讨慈悲心这个话题

    I want to address the issue of compassion .

  5. 慈悲心给了我们把握自己生命的机会。

    Compassion gives us the opportunity to take control of our own lives .

  6. 接着法王开始解说菩提心的根源是慈悲心。

    He then went on to explain that the root of bodhicitta is compassion .

  7. 这两种形式的慈悲心的区别就在于关注对象的不同。

    These two forms of'compassion'are distinguished primarily by the object on which they focus .

  8. 没有虔诚心的话,一切诸佛的慈悲心都无法使教导对你有效。

    Without devotion , even the compassion of all the buddhas cannot make itso .

  9. 倘若我们的慈悲心并没有完全的成熟,我们又可以给谁人以有力的帮助呢?

    If our compassion is not fully mature then who can we effectively help anyone ?

  10. 甚至即使我们拥有慈悲心,我们也是不能够控制别人的痛苦的。

    Even if we ourselves have compassion we can 't control the suffering of others .

  11. 月慈悲心愈重,智慧愈高,烦恼也就愈小。

    The deeper our compassion , the greater our wisdom and the fewer our vexations .

  12. 但慈悲心有另一个组成部分,

    But compassion has another component ,

  13. 你会对那些还没有证悟真性的人,自然地生起慈悲心。

    An effortless compassion can arise for all beings who have not realized their true nature .

  14. 之后,他解释了对外和对内的慈悲心的区别。

    He then drew a distinction between compassion that focuses outwards and compassion that focuses inwards .

  15. 相反地,我慈悲心生起了,感到那人在经历着痛苦。

    Instead , my sense of compassion arose and felt for the suffering that person was experiencing .

  16. 佛教养生重在养心,要有普度众生的慈悲心。

    The Buddhism keeping in good health underlined spiritual cultivation with the mercy heart to deliver us .

  17. 生病是一种特殊的修持法门,有助于培养我们的出离心和慈悲心。

    Falling ill is a special approach in cultivation , conducive to our heart of transcendence and compassion .

  18. 若是你的慈悲心不具备虔敬心,那你就有变得骄傲的危险。

    If you are compassion without devotion , then there is danger that you might become very proud .

  19. 这是你在逼我把这婴儿掐痛,让他失声大叫,让他打动你的慈悲心。

    You 'll force me to pinch the baby and make it scream before it moves your charity .

  20. 噶玛巴在法会上的第二个开示是“修持慈悲心”。

    The topic for this second set of teachings the Gyalwang Karmapa has given at the foundation was'Cultivating Compassion .

  21. 假如我言辞激越,请各位不要误解,这不是由于没有慈悲心。

    If I speak strongly , please do not misunderstand me , it is not through lack of compassion .

  22. 内心的善的那一面,柔软的那一面,慈悲心的那一面,有没有显现出来?

    Have you explored and manifested the kindhearted side , the soft side and the mercy side of your heart ?

  23. 慈悲心应该是正确、有力且充满信心的,这样我们才能看到别人的苦难,并为他们带来更多的快乐。

    Compassion should be healthy , strong and confident then we can see their suffering and then bring more happiness to others .

  24. 对于万物有这样的慈悲心,才能真正令一切众生都离苦得乐。

    By applying the mind of kindness and compassion to everything , we can help all living beings leave suffering and enjoy happiness .

  25. 对弱者有慈悲心及同情心,对自己很有自信,擅长组织事务,喜欢有秩序;

    The rightness weak have mercy heart and sympathy , to oneself have much of self-confidence , excel organization business , like to have order ;

  26. 这会让我们能够对世界上许多人产生慈悲心,而这些人往往发现自己在个人和宇宙方面都有种种矛盾产生。

    This in itself will enable us to be compassionate toward the many people in the world who find themselves caught up in conflicts both personal and universal .

  27. 米特·罗姆尼和我都怀有慈悲心和上进心,我们会进行真正的改革,让民众脱离贫困。

    Mitt Romney and I believe in true compassion and upward mobility , and we are offering a vision based on real reforms for lifting people out of poverty .

  28. 她说道:或许我有一些世俗的资讯可以和他们分享,但他们却大大帮助了我发展慈悲心。

    Though I may have some worldly information to share with the less fortunate , she says , they themselves are greatly assisting me in evolving my own compassion .

  29. 当孩子斯兰俄罗斯遭受恐怖袭击的残酷、全世界看到美国的慷慨与慈悲心的流露救济。

    And when the children of Beslan , Russia suffered a brutal terrorist attack , the world saw America 's generous heart in an outpouring of compassion and relief .

  30. 那个船长被他这种奋不顾身的骁勇,被他那份要到文明人的国度去的热望感动了,终于发了慈悲心,对他说,他可以安心留下来。

    Struck by his desperate dauntlessness , and his wild desire to visit Christendom , the captain at last relented , and told him he might make himself at home .