
  1. 群组决策中专家权重确定的主客观法

    An Objective and Subjective Synthetic Approach to Determine Expert Weights for Group Decision

  2. 中华文化春来风景异&用《文心雕龙》六观法析范仲淹《渔家傲》论杜甫与中国狂士传统

    ANALYZING YU JIA AO ( PROUD FISHERMAN ) WITH SIX VIEW METHOD OF WEN XIN DIAO LONG ( A LITERARY THEORY ) The Analysis Of Du Fu and the proud intellectual tradition

  3. 这个观法类似一个人从飞机飞到最高处看下来,从这麽高度长城的厚度变成为细绳那样。

    This view is akin to one that a person might see from an airplane , so high that the thickness of the Great Wall is reduced to that of a string .

  4. 在观法实践上,李通玄相对来说,比较重视宗教修行实践,主张教观相分,强调止为观之先。

    With regards to Dharma and practice , the former attached more importance to the religious practice , emphasized the difference between doctrines and wisdom while the latter gave more priority to the theory .

  5. 多属性决策的一种主客观综合法

    A Subjective and Objective Synthetic Method for Multiple Attribute Decision Making

  6. 基于主客观赋权法的深基坑治水方案优化

    Optimization of Groundwater Control in Deep Foundation Pit Based on Objective and Subjective Synthetic Approach

  7. 基于理想点的多属性决策主客观赋权法

    An Objective and Subjective Synthetic Approach to Determine Weights Based On Ideal-Solution for Multi-attribute Decision Making

  8. 发射光谱表观浓度法在钢铁分析中的应用

    The application of apparent concentration analysis method to assay of diverse steels by photoelectric emission spectrometry

  9. 确定权重的主客观综合法

    The synthetic method of selecting weight

  10. 基于主客观赋权法的山区高速公路边坡防护决策与生态环境

    Slope protective decision and ecological environment research of expressway in mountainous area based on objective and subjective weighting method

  11. 并依据罗齐奇的价值观分类法和品牌价值观的两个功能特性,把它分类为管理型品牌价值观和消费型品牌价值观。

    And the third one is that brand values is divided into two parts according to its functions and Rokeach ' values research .

  12. 文章中引进了变幅杆各轴向的等效弹性常数,并推出了具体表达式,利用表观弹性法探讨了大尺寸矩形变幅杆的耦合振动,得出了变幅杆的共振条件,即频率方程。

    By introducing . the apparent elasticity constants , we analyzed the coupled vibration of this kind of horns , denyed out the frequency equation .

  13. 这种细观元法既能充分反映材料功能梯度变化特性;而其计算单元又和常规有限元一样,是一种针对功能梯度结构分析的有效数值方法。

    This microelement method enables to fully reflect the functionally graded properties of the materials , and the computational elements are equal to the normal finite elements .

  14. 本文研究了表观粘度法作为食用高分子复配增效作用鉴别判据的适用性。氰戊菊酯与单甲脒复配对桔全爪螨的增效作用

    The applicability of apparent viscosity in the investigation of synergistic interaction between two different polymers was studied . Synergisms of fenvalerate chlordimeform mixtures on Panonychus citri McGregor

  15. 利用表观弹性法和一维近似理论给出了多频换能器横向及纵向理论共振频率方程。

    Meantime , based on the one dimensional longitudinal vibration theory , the resonance frequency equation in longitudinal direction of the multi-frequency ultrasonic transducer is derived out .

  16. 第四章探讨《商君书》的法律思想,主要分析其法律观、法的普及教育以及商鞅学派法律思想对秦国法律制度、司法实践的影响。

    It mainly analyses the idea of law , the education of law , the thought of law of their legalist school and the influence of law system and judicial practice .

  17. 建议一种新颖的功能梯度构件分析的细观元法,给出了方法模型、基本算式及特点与功能。

    A new microelement method for the analysis of functionally graded structures was suggested , and the method model , basic computational equations , features and functions were given in this paper .

  18. 细观元法先进行宏观单元剖分,然后分析细观结构,将微结构力学量转化为宏观结点量计算。

    The method , firstly , divides the composite structural member into a set of macroelements , then analyzes the microstructure , and translates the variables of the microstructure into variables of nodes for calculation .

  19. 基于表观弹性法,作者研究了大尺寸长条形超声塑料焊接模具的二维耦合振动,并建立了相应的设计理论。

    In this paper , the two-dimension coupled vibrations of the large size ultrasonic plastic weld dies are investigated , at the same time the corresponding design theory is presented on the basis of the apparent elasticity method .

  20. 本文从统筹当前中国经济、政治、文化、社会和生态发展的五个方面,对科学发展观辩证法思想的当代价值与启示进行全面阐述。

    This article comprehensively and detailedly expound the contemporary value and enlightenment of the dialectic thought of the Scientific Outlook on Development from the economic construction , political construction , cultural construction , social construction and ecological construction five aspects .

  21. 通过在短跑教学中的应用表明,主客观评定法使用简便,评分较稳定,尤其是对水平差异较大的学生效果较好。

    Having been applied in the teaching of sprints , it was shown that the method is easy to use , steady in grading and especially , it has better effects when used in the students of different technical levels .

  22. 马克思主义哲学中的唯物辩证法强调辩证的观点是以联系、发展、全面和矛盾等几个方面为核心的观点,科学发展观辩证法思想突出这一基本思想。

    It is underlined in the materialistic dialectics that dialectical view is the view centered on several elements including relation , development , entirety and contradiction etc. , which is the basic idea highlighted in the dialectic thinking of the scientific outlook on development .

  23. 利用主客观赋权法计算权重,引入马尔科夫理论,建立状态转移概率矩阵,通过动态模糊综合评价,求出评估值。

    A comprehensive weight calculating method which combines subjective and objective method is adopted to calculate the index weight . By introducing Markov Chain theory , the state transition probability matrix is established and then the evaluation value is calculated by utilizing the fuzzy comprehensive analysis method .

  24. 新生态伦理道德观对环境法的影响

    The effect of new ecology ethical conception for the environmental law

  25. 科学发展观与经济法价值理念的更新

    The Scientific View and the Renewal of the Idea of Economical Law

  26. 用表观热惯量法计算土壤含水量探讨

    Monitoring of Soil Moisture by Apparent Thermal Inertia Method

  27. 论系统观在辩证法中的地位及其新学科在哲学中的吸纳

    Systems science : for and in philosophy On Philosophy

  28. 科学发展观与经济法中政府的准确定位

    Scientific Concept of Development and the Exact Positioning of Government Authority in Economic Law

  29. 主客观综合评价法在12319决策系统中的研究及应用

    Research and Application of Subjective-and-Objective Comprehensive Evaluation Model

  30. 提出一种结合主观和客观信息的特征向量决策方法,给出了2种求解基于主客观特征向量法的模糊多属性决策方法。

    An eigenvector method integrated the subjective fuzzy preference matrix and objective information is proposed .