
yuán qǐ
  • origin;genesis;words of reasons
缘起 [yuán qǐ]
  • [origin;words of reasons] 事情的起因

  • 成立学会的缘起

缘起[yuán qǐ]
  1. 妇女研究的缘起、发展及现状&兼谈妇女学学科建设问题

    The Genesis , Development and Current Situation for the Woman Study

  2. 概率论的缘起、发展及其应用

    Genesis and Development and Applications of Theory of Probability

  3. 分歧的缘起在于专门用语使用的不同。

    The disagreement arose over a different use of terminology .

  4. 首先对C村土地征用事件的缘起、过程、结果进行详细的描述,初步揭示征地过程中存在的冲突和矛盾。

    First of all , from the description of the land requisition event in C Village , preliminarily reveals the conflicts in the process of land requisition .

  5. 简要介绍了Web农业古汉语电子词典项目缘起和设计方案,包括数据库设计、Web界面设计、数据库检索方法设计、古汉语词汇收集和释义等。

    This paper has briefly introduced the origin and design scheme of web agricultural ancient Chinese electronic dictionary project , including database design , web interface design , database retrieval method design , collection and paraphrase of ancient Chinese vocabulary , etc.

  6. SPA的缘起是基于以符号消费为代表的后现代主义消费行为兴起和对生活样式的细分。

    The SPA appears on the basis of quick rising of late-modernism consumption behaviors as well as the subdivision for different life styles that are both characteristic for symbol consumptions .

  7. 全文共分六部分,具体如下:在引言部分,笔者首先介绍了该选题的缘起,然后解释了本文涉及的一些概念,如创伤,并对T.S.艾略特与创伤的相关研究成果进行了大致分类。

    The dissertation consists of six parts as follows : The first part is an introduction to the origin of this selected topic and some definitions in the dissertation , like trauma .

  8. 用生活来写作&七月派现实主义的缘起与表征片论

    Life : Origin and Token of " July School " Realism

  9. 广州口岸与美国对华贸易的缘起

    The Guangzhou Port and the Origins of American Trade with China

  10. 同时会谈到它的缘起与对策。

    As well as talking about its causes and its countermeasures .

  11. 第一部分为思想之缘起。

    Part One , " the origin of the thought " .

  12. 排队买房现象再起楼盘热销缘起何处?

    " queuing buy " phenomenon recurring event where sales originated ?

  13. 第1章为引言,研究缘起及意义。

    Chapter 1 of Introduction to study the origins and implications .

  14. 佛教缘起理论与混沌理论的几点比较

    A Comparison Between The Theories of Buddhist Dependent Origination and Chaos

  15. 科技论文网络发表的缘起、影响与瓶颈

    Origin , Influence and Obstacles about Online Publication of Sci-tech Papers

  16. 良知购物的缘起其实不难猜测。

    The origins of virtuous shopping are not hard to fathom .

  17. 一是研究问题的缘起和目的。

    The first part is about research origin and research purpose .

  18. 首先,阐述了组织文化的缘起及界定。

    First , introduced the origin and definition of organizational culture .

  19. 世界经济论坛:缘起与发展(1971-2007)

    World Economic Forum : Origins and Development ( 1971-2007 )

  20. 新公共服务理论:缘起、内涵及启迪

    New Public Service Theory : Origin , Meaning and Enlightenment

  21. 体育保险在我国的缘起与发展策略

    Origin of sports insurance in China and its developing strategy

  22. 冷战与美国发展援助政策的缘起

    The Cold War and the Origin of the American Development Aid Policy

  23. 中国西部科学院创建的缘起与经过

    The Origin and the Establishment of the West China Academy of Sciences

  24. 第一章论述1954年日内瓦会议的缘起。

    Chapter One discusses the origin of the Geneva Conference .

  25. 领土问题向来是人类战争与冲突缘起的根源之一。

    Territorial issues have always been an origin of wars and conflicts .

  26. 论陕西民办高等教育的缘起与发展

    On private higher education in Shanxi : origin and development

  27. 国外经营伦理研究的缘起与现状

    The origin and current situation of the study of overseas business ethics

  28. 这段缘起电视节目的体验,突显了一个典型的管理问题。

    This TV-inspired experiment has highlighted a classic management problem .

  29. 21世纪的广告再造&新广告运动的缘起

    Advertising reengineering in the 21st century & reason for new advertising campaign

  30. 阐述本论文的选题缘起、研究范围与方法、研究状况。

    The study area and method , the study outline .