
wú cháng
  • impermanence;variable;transience;changeable;anicca;pass away;anitya;name of a ghost
无常 [wú cháng]
  • (1) [anicca;anitya;impermanence]∶佛语。生灭变化不定

  • 法令亡常。(亡通无。)--《汉书.李广苏建传》

  • 反复无常

  • (2) [name of a ghost]∶迷信的人指人将死时勾魂的鬼

  • (3) [pass away]∶婉辞,指人死

  • 一旦无常

无常[wú cháng]
  1. 生命短暂、人生无常、祈求幸福安康的心理期盼等角度解读妈祖信仰与中国古代传统文化的渊源关系。

    Mental expectation that the life is short and variable and so people pray for happiness and good health .

  2. 幸好只是轻伤,但受了极度惊吓,如今说话招三不招四,嬉笑无常。

    Is only a minor wound luckily , but received frightened extremely , now speaks incurs three does not incur four , the laughter was variable .

  3. 第二年他陪着这位情绪无常的女演员去了好莱坞。

    He accompanied the volatile actress to Hollywood the following year

  4. 一边日出一边雨,晴雨无常四月天。

    April weather , rain and shine both together .

  5. 自古以来,治乱无常。

    From ancient times , periods of order and disorder have alternated unpredictably .

  6. 一旦无常万事休。

    When death comes , everything is over .

  7. 事物的细微变动,人生的狡猾,倏忽无常,一一都在光中显露出来。

    Light reveals the subtle alteration of things , the sly or calamitous impermanence or mortal life .

  8. 尽管您可以使用Java语言构建DSL,但是DSL用于隐藏上下文的贫乏的构造,及其死板和无常的语法,使它不适合这一技术。

    Although you can build DSLs in the Java language , its anemic set of constructs for hiding context , along with its rigid and unforgiving syntax , make it ill-suited to this technique .

  9. 设计和美学理论家伦纳德•科伦(LeonardKoren)解释说,这种概念是“东西有瑕疵、无常和不完整的美。”

    Leonard Koren , a design and aesthetics theorist , explains the concept as " a beauty of things imperfect , impermanent and incomplete . "

  10. 或见弃于机缘,或受挫于天道无常。

    By chance , or nature 's changing course , untrimmed ;

  11. 我总是有很多想法,因为我的情绪丰富并无常。

    I always have many views because of my rich feelings .

  12. 为什么世事无常,有些事情总没办法永恒

    Why do some things stay the same when some don 't

  13. 体会生命的脆弱,生命的无常!

    Understand the fragility of life , the impermanence of life !

  14. 因此基本上我们的人生就是一场大无常。

    So basically there is a fundamental uncertainty in out life .

  15. 连婴儿也会很快意识到人际关系的短暂无常。

    Even babies soon become aware of the transience of human ties .

  16. 世事无常,你要顺势而为。

    Paradigms change over time , and so must you .

  17. 告诉她,那些财富都是虚无缥缈无常的;

    Tell her , I hold as giddily as fortune ;

  18. 世事无常,太阳总会照常升起。

    Things change , but the sun always rises the next day .

  19. 我个人认为他情绪起伏无常。

    I think he suffered from mood swings , personally .

  20. 生活是无常的,唯一不变的是永远在变。

    Life is uncertain , the only unchanged is changing .

  21. 他从未试图理解伯莎的喜悲无常。

    He never tried to understand bertha 's varied moods .

  22. 所以,我们都应该有这样的智慧,了解生命的无常。

    So we have to have this wisdom that life is impermanent .

  23. 你的父亲因为酒吧每天的收入而喜忧无常

    that your father measured his happiness by the night 's receipts .

  24. 事实上,无常是个非常好的消息。

    Actually , impermanence is a very good news .

  25. 最近洛杉矶的气温升降无常。

    Lately the temperature changes drastically within a day .

  26. 而临界,则是无数无常演绎中的瞬间定格。

    And critical point , it is interpretation of the numerous freeze-frame moments .

  27. 青春期:其他任何动物都没有经历过蛮横无常的青年阶段。

    Adolescence : no other animal undergoes the stroppy , unpredictable teenage years .

  28. 人生是一场稍稍不那么无常的梦而已。

    Life is a dream a little less inconstant .

  29. 双腿瘫痪后,我的脾气变得暴怒无常。

    When my legs were paralyzed , my temper became out of control .

  30. 他的这种无常观与老庄的人生观、世界观有着许多斩不断的联系。

    This outlook has an inseparable connection with that of Laozi and Zhuangzi .