
  • 网络unbounded function
  1. 扩展的Hermite算子与无界函数逼近

    Extensional Hermite operator and approximation of unbounded function

  2. 考虑以第一类Chebyshev多项式的零点为插值结点的扩展的Hermite算子,在实轴上逼近无界函数,得到收敛阶为O(Ω ̄(-1)(lnn)lnn/n);

    The extended Hermite interpolation operator , based on the nodes which are the zeros of first Chebyshev polynomial , is considered . This operator approxi-mates the unbounded function in the real axis , its convergence order is O (Ω ̄( - 1 )( lnn ) lnn / n );

  3. 多元无界函数的Bernstein型多项式算子逼近

    Approximation of multiple unbounded functions by Bernstein Type polynomial operators

  4. Landau多项式算子与无界函数逼近

    Landau polynomial operators and approximation of unbounded functions

  5. 扩展乘数法与无界函数逼近的渐近估计

    Multiplier-enlargement and Asymptotic Formulae of Approximation of Unbounded Continuous Functions

  6. 一类插值多项式算子与无界函数逼近

    A Class of Interpolation Polynomial Operators and Approximation of Unbounded Continuous Functions

  7. 所得结论是时滞无关的,即绝对稳定性充分条件仅依赖于时滞导数的大小,特别地,时滞可为无界函数。

    The result depends on the size of delay derivative and the delays can be unbound functions .

  8. 截断函数在勒贝格积分中的应用&无界函数积分转化为有界函数积分的数学方法

    Application of Interruptive Function in Lebesgue Integrals & The mathematical method of infinite function integrals being transferred into finite function integrale

  9. 扩展乘数法与无界函数的多项式逼近(Ⅳ)&关于拟局部正线性算子的收敛性拟局部正线性算子逼近度的渐近表示

    METHOD OF MULTIPLIER ENLARGEMENT AND APPROXIMATION OF NON BOUNDED FUNCTIONS BY MEANS OF POLYNOMIAL OPERATORS (ⅳ) An Asymptotic Formula for the Approximation Degree by Quasi-local Positive Linear Operators

  10. 第二个定理表明当非线性项在无穷远处增长的极限是一个无界函数时在适当条件下这问题仍可能有一个解。

    Second theorem shows that the existence of solution is possible under suitable conditions when the limit of growth of nonlinear term at infinity is an unbounded function .

  11. Мираквян奇异积分算子与无界连续函数逼近

    мираквян singular integral operators and approximation of unbounded continuous functions

  12. 高维欧氏空间上无界连续函数逼近的渐近公式

    The Asymptotic Formulae of Approximation of Unbounded Continuous Functions in K-dimensional Euclidean Space

  13. 利用扩展乘数法讨论了线性正算子改造为逼近无界连续函数的渐近估计,给出了具有一般性的渐近公式。

    By using multiplier-enlargement , the asymptotic estimation of approximation of unbounded continous functions with positive linear operaters is discussed , with general asymptotic formulae given .

  14. 具无界递归报酬函数的非时齐马尔科夫决策规划

    On Time Non-Homogeneous Markovian Decision Programming with Unbounded Recursive Reward Functions

  15. Clifford分析中无界域上正则函数带共轭值带位移的非线性边值问题

    A Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem with Conjugate Value for Regular Functions on Unbounded Domains in Real Clifford Analysis

  16. 无界域上正则函数向量的一类边值问题

    A kind of boundary value problem for regular function vectors with conjugate on unbounded domains

  17. 基于分部傅立叶变换法,建立了宽角抛物方程在二维无界空间的格林函数。

    The Green function of wide-angle parabolic equation ( WAPE ) in boundless plane is constructed based on the split-step Fourier transform ( SSFT ) algorithm .