
  • 网络repeated integral;iterated integral
  1. 我们还用那个来建立累次积分。

    And we used that to set up the iterated integral .

  2. 这里还没有变成累次积分。

    Here I didn 't set this up as a iterated integral yet .

  3. 含抽象积分与R积分的累次积分的交换

    Exchange of repeated integral containing abstract integral and Riemann integral

  4. 本文首先证明两个含有累次积分型泛函的非线性积分不等式,然后利用它们讨论非线性Volterra型积分微分方程组以及褶积型积分方程组的解的可延区间和界值估计。

    In this paper we discuss the prolongation and estimation of solutions of non-linear systems of Volterra integro-differential and integral equations .

  5. 确定累次积分限的一种方法

    A Kind Way of Definition Successive Integration Boundary

  6. 此方法的主要理论是基于误差函数、它的累次积分及一些递推公式。

    The main theory of the approach is hased on the error function , its repeated integrals and some recurrence relations .

  7. 本文通过若干实例说明重积分与累次积分是两个独立的概念,它们的存在性没有必然的蕴含关系,并指出只有在一定条件下它们之间才存在相等关系。

    This paper using several instances , analyses that the Multiple Integral and Repeated Integral are two independent concepts and there is no certain implication between them , Is also points out that only when they meet some certain requirements can they be equal to each other .