
  • 网络system of cumulative voting;cumulative voting
  1. 累积投票制度探析

    To Explore The System of Cumulative Voting

  2. 我国股份有限公司累积投票制度法律理论与实务问题研究

    A Study of Legal Theory and Practical Problems on the System of Cumulative Voting in Limited Liability Companies in China

  3. 第一部分:累积投票制度概述。

    Part one : a summarization of the cumulative voting system .

  4. 中国建立累积投票制度的法律分析

    Lawful Analysis of Establishment of Cumulative Voting System in China

  5. 公司累积投票制度的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice about the Company Cumulative Voting System

  6. 本部分主要探讨了累积投票制度的产生与特点,重点介绍了美国累积投票制度产生、发展的情况。

    This part has mainly discussed the origin and characteristics of the cumulative voting system .

  7. 累积投票制度实效分析

    Empirical Analysis of Accumulative Voting System

  8. 所以,我们当前的任务是积极完善累积投票制度。

    So today , the duty to us is to prefect the cumulative voting system positively .

  9. 股东大会在董事选举中应积极推行累积投票制度。

    A cumulative voting system shall be earnestly advanced in shareholders meetings for the election of directors .

  10. 起源于美国的累积投票制度,其目的是为了保护中小股东的利益。

    Accumulated Voting System , originated from the US , is to protect the interests of minor shareholders .

  11. 本文从阐析累积投票制度入手,指出该制度的功能在于平衡大股东与中小股东的利益,分析了我国《公司法》规定的表决制度的缺陷及其累积投票制度的必要性。

    The role of cumulative voting aims to balance the interests between big shareholders and small and medium shareholders .

  12. 累积投票制度保护了中小投资者的投资热情,符合资本社会化的原则。

    The company cumulative voting system protect the small and medium investors ' investing enthusiasm , conformed to the capital socialization principle .

  13. 采用累积投票制度的上市公司应在公司章程里规定该制度的实施细则。

    The companies that do adopt such a system shall stipulate the implementing rules for such cumulative voting system in their articles of association .

  14. 在这种情况下,公司董事会背离中小股东意志、侵害中小股东权益的现象时有发生。为了进一步规范公司治理结构,保护中小股东权益,累积投票制度应运而生。

    In order to perfect the corporation governance and protect the middle and small shareholders ' interest , the cumulative voting system comes into being .

  15. 累积投票制度在国外已经有130多年的历史,但对于我国却仍是一项新的制度,无论是立法还是实践都处在探索阶段,与其相关的一些法律制度也不完善。

    The cumulative voting system has a history of 130 years since it came into being , but it is still a new system actually in our country .

  16. 第三章是事前部分,主要包括累积投票制度,信息披露制度,控制股东信义义务和反收购制度等几方面内容。

    The third chapter is the former regulation , including the same system of human actions , information disclosure system , fiduciary duties and anti-acquisition system and so on .

  17. 在表决制度上,应当建立表决权回避制度、累积投票制度、累积投票制度,以期实现小股东对公司的有效和积极的治理。

    To the voting system , setting up suffrage-avoiding system and vote-accumulating system will be necessary , for the sake of shareholders ' efficient and positive management of the company .

  18. 应从强制执行累积投票制度、引入远程投票制度等措施来加强公司董事会治理,从而规范上市公司会计信息披露行为。

    Innovating company director board government , such as cumulative-voting system and far-voting system , was the essential measures to specialize the information disclosure behaviors of public companies in China .

  19. 累积投票制度作为股东选择公司管理者的一种表决权制度,最早起源于美国伊利诺伊州《宪法》的规定。

    As a voting right system for shareholders choosing the company manager , the company cumulative voting system origins at first from the constitution stipulation of the state of Illinois , America .

  20. 对我国公司实践特别是国有企业公司改制的情形做公司累积投票制度研究第3页共62页出论述与评价,论证了累积投票制度符合我国当前公司治理结构的需要,大有可为;

    It makes a comment on our country 's corporation practice especially state enterprises corporation reform , demonstrates that the system accords with the demands of corporation reform and has bright prospects .

  21. 对于累积投票制度的立法模式上,建议对不同类型公司采用不同立法模式,细化现行《公司法》原则性的规定。

    For the cumulative voting system , the legislative model , it is recommended for different types of companies of different legislative models , refine the existing " Company Law " principle provisions .

  22. 关于如何改进股东大会投票制度,我们的观点是:实行科学的委托投票制度、累积投票制度和现代通讯投票制度;

    About how to improve the voting institution of the stockholders ' meeting , our suggestion is to implement the scientific authorizing voting institution 、 accumulating voting institution and modern communication voting institution ;

  23. 自累积投票制度产生以来,就存在着两种声音,对累积投票制度的评价也主要分为两派:一派是否定派,另一派则为肯定派。

    There are two voices since the birth of the cumulative voting system . There are two conclusions about the cumulative voting system . One is negative group , the other is positive group .

  24. 其三,后期保障机制的建议:对一些现阶段存在的抵消累积投票制度的做法,如累积反对票等行为,坚决予以打击。

    Third : the latter part of security mechanism . Exist at this stage to offset some of the cumulative voting system practices , such as the accumulated against such acts , has resolutely cracked down .

  25. 但是独立董事的性质决定了它并不能有效解决上述问题,相反,通过建立累积投票制度和完善监事会制度等途径能更有效地解决相关问题。

    However , the system can not settle the above problems by reason of its natures , on the contrary , we can resolve the relevant problems more effectively through constructing the system of cumulative voting and improving the system of supervisor , and so on .

  26. 于是,累积投票制度适时进入了人们的视野。累积投票制度旨在保护中小股东的利益,让中小股东代表也能进入董事会,参与公司的经营与运作。

    The cumulative voting system draws our attention at the right time . The goal of the cumulative voting system is to protect the profit of minority shareholders , and let the minority shareholders can also join the board of directors to participate in operation and management of the company .

  27. 完善我国累积投票权制度立法的构想

    On Perfection of the Accumulative Voting System

  28. 其二,实施阶段的建议:董(监)事的合并选举使累积投票权制度最大限度发挥作用。

    Second : the implementation phase proposal . The merger of the election of directors and supervisors so that the right to cumulative voting system for maximum effect .

  29. 氡及其子体累积探测器累积投票制度探析

    Cumulative dosimetry of radon and its daughters To Explore The System of Cumulative Voting