
  • 网络cumulative;accumulation
  1. 但在第6周期后黄芪组开始出现统计学差异(P<0.05),提示黄芪注射液可以缓解周围神经毒性,特别是慢性累积性神经毒性。

    But in the sixth cycle Huangqi group began to appear statistical difference ( P0.05 ), indicating that Huangqi injection can alleviate peripheral neurotoxicity , especially chronic cumulative neurotoxicity .

  2. 具体是通过对技术进步和技术创新两个概念的辨析,以及技术创新的分类,认定3G的经济学属性是微观层面的累积性技术创新。

    Through distinguishing two concepts of technology progress and technology innovation , defining the economic attribute of 3G is a cumulative innovation in microeconomic level .

  3. PCBs为半挥发性的有机氯化合物,具有持久性、生物毒性、生物累积性等特性。

    PCBs are semi-volatile organochlorine compounds with persistence , toxicities and bio-accumulative properties .

  4. 风险的频度、累积性及与Hurst指数关系的研究

    On the Frequency & Additivity of Risk and Its Relation with Hurst Exponent

  5. 目前有关持久性生物累积性有毒污染物(PBT)对生物体的毒性作用及机理是人们关心的重要课题。

    Studies on Environmental Toxicology recently focus on the toxic function and mechanism of persistent bioaccumulative toxic pollutants ( PBT ) on organism .

  6. POPs具有环境持久性、生物累积性、半挥发性和高毒性的特点,是对人类健康及环境造成有害影响的化学物质。

    With the characteristics of environmental persistence , bioaccumulation , semi-volatility and high toxicity , POPs are harmful chemicals to human health and environment .

  7. 多环芳烃(PAHs)是一类具有难降解性、致癌性、环境累积性及非挥发性的有害化学物质。

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ), which is a kind of hazardous substance for its ' nondegradable , carcinogenicity , accumulation and nonvolatility characteristics , has external effect on the environment .

  8. 持久性有机污染物(POPs)由于其具有长期残留性、生物累积性、半挥发性和高毒性等特性,已经成为最受关注的环境污染物之一。

    Because of the characteristic of long-term residual , bioaccumulative , semi-volatile and highly toxic properties , persistent organic pollutants ( POPs ) has become one of the most controversial environmental pollutants .

  9. 由于弱激光的生物效应具有双相性和可累积性等特点,故采用He-Ne激光进行血管内照射疗法,可较容易控制其照射剂量与作用效果,因而更为安全可靠。

    Since the biological effect of lower power laser is bi-directional and cumulative , it is easy to control the irradiation doze and the effectiveness if He-Ne laser is used in clinical therapy of the intravascular low-level laser irradiation ( ILLLI ) .

  10. 1956年,Harman首先提出了衰老的自由基学说,认为衰老是细胞内自由基的产生对细胞造成持续的累积性的损伤所致。

    In 1956 , Denham Harman first articulated the ' free radical theory ' of aging , speculating that endogenous ROS were generated in cells and causing cumulative damage ( Harman , 1957 ) .

  11. 任何一方在本合同下的权利是累积性的。

    The rights of each party are cumulative under this contract .

  12. 持久性生物累积性有毒污染物与国际相关控制策略和行动

    Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic Pollutants & Related International Policies and Activities

  13. 这里所提及的所有依照法律的补救措施都有累积性。

    All remedies provided for herein and under law shall be cumulative .

  14. 生物监测具有长期性、累积性和综合性等特点。

    Biology supervise feature is long-term , accumulate and synthetical .

  15. 学习是基于先前经验的,具有累积性;

    It holds that learning is accumulative , based on former experience ;

  16. 这一切都归因于累积性文化适应

    And all of this because of cumulative cultural adaptation .

  17. “论据”,他接着说:是具有累积性。

    " The argument ", he goes on to say is cumulative .

  18. 因此煤矿开采造成土壤长期累积性污染应引起关注。

    So long cumulative soil contamination should attract the concerns .

  19. 数学证明的逻辑性:(4)数学创新的累积性。

    Logicality of mathematical proofs ; ( 4 ) accumulation of mathematical innovation .

  20. 溪流河床累积性淤积,水位抬高山洪漫溢;

    Stream bed has been cumulatively deposited and torrential flood flows over banks ;

  21. 缺省逻辑的累积性变种的扩张特征

    On new cumulative variants of default logic : characterization and algorithms of extensions

  22. 一种调节螺旋测微仪累积性系统误差的原理

    A Principle of Regulating Accumulated Error of Spiral Micrometer

  23. 蓄水前库区冲淤基本平衡,蓄水后则处于累积性的淤积状态。

    Before the impoundment , scouring and deposition is balanced basically in reach .

  24. 脂肪累积性肌肉病患者血浆左旋肉碱含量测定的意义

    Lipid storage myopathy and determination of serum free carnitine

  25. 社会资本的这一演变过程具有渐进性、累积性和阶段性特征。

    The evolution of social capital is gradual , accumulative , and progressive .

  26. 制鞋工人上肢累积性损伤的流行特征分析

    Analysis of epidemiological characteristics of the upper extremities cumulative trauma disorders among shoemaker

  27. 这些都是累积性文化适应的结果

    all are a result of cumulative cultural adaptation .

  28. 这种人类学家所称累积性的文化适应

    And this cumulative cultural adaptation , as anthropologists call

  29. 光老化主要由紫外线照射引起,研究证明,长期累积性日光照射是引起皮肤外源性老化的重要因素。

    Photoaging mainly results from ultraviolet radiation .

  30. 它们的影响比较缓慢,却是累积性的。

    Their effect is slow but cumulative .