
zhí yè xué xiào
  • vocational school;college;vocational college
职业学校 [zhí yè xué xiào]
  • [vocational school] 进行职业技术教育和培训的学校。一般招收初中学生

  1. 职业学校培养目标的素质结构新视角

    New Vision of Quality Structure of Vocational College 's Nurturing Target

  2. 教学质量是一所职业学校的生命线。

    Teaching quality is a lifeline to a vocational college .

  3. 她正在职业学校学习全国普通职业证书的商业培训课程。

    She 's doing GNVQ Business Studies at college .

  4. 第三,在教育上,政府实行了九年免费义务制教育,对农村的孩子上职业学校实行免费,同时对大学和农村高中阶段的教育实行奖助学金制度,对困难地区农村寄宿制学校给予补贴。

    On education , the government has provided nine-year free compulsory6 education , and offered free vocational education and subsidy7 and scholarship for high school students in rural areas .

  5. 论ISO9000质量管理体系与职业学校管理

    Discuss ISO 9000 Quality and Management System and Vocational School Management

  6. CIS与职业学校品牌塑造初探&广西柳州市第一职业中等专业学校CIS运作浅析

    CIS and Vocational School Brand & Analysis of the Operation of CIS in Liuzhou No.1 Secondary Vocational School

  7. 职业学校的基本功能是开展职业教育和职业资格培训,在我国加入WTO之后,更应大力开展新形势下的职业资格培训,拓展其新领域。

    The basic function of vocational schools is to carry out vocational education and the professional qualification trainning . When after entering WTO , we should greatly develop professional trainning and open up new fields .

  8. 通过调查问卷,并借助SPSS统计软件对高等职业学校优生与差生英语词汇学习观念的差异进行了研究。

    Through questionaire and by using SPSS software , studying concept discrepancy of English vocabulary between top students and poor students in higher vocational colleges is analyzed .

  9. 二是做理论研究的较多,对具体到教育教学过程中如何借鉴ISO9000核心理念,构建适合于中等职业学校的教学过程监控体系的研究少。

    Secondly , more research was emphasized the micro-theory field , but less research was put stess on borrowing ISO9000 core idea in the teaching and educational procedure , constructing the supervisory system that is accessible to the teaching procedure of secondary vocational schools .

  10. 方法采用一般心理健康问卷、亲子互联网成瘾测试、长处与困难问卷(SDQ)对3068名上海市10所学校内初一、高一、职业学校一年级下半学期学生家长进行调查。

    Methods : The parents of 3068 students who came from 10 middle school in Shanghai were investigated by general scale , Parent-Child Internet Addiction Test and The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire ( the edition for parents , SDQ ) .

  11. 中等职业学校德育网络建设初探

    Study of the Online Moral Education Construction in Secondary Vacational School

  12. 中等职业学校发展性教师评价初探

    Primary Investigation of the Teacher 's Developing Assessment in Vocational School

  13. 石油职业学校学生职业生涯设计研究

    Study of Career-Designing of the Students in Professional Schools of Petroleum

  14. 职业学校创业教育体系的缺失及其构建

    Absence of Enterprising Education System in Vocational Schools and Its Construction

  15. 蚌埠市中等职业学校课程改革研究

    Study on Curriculum Reforms of Secondary Vocational Schools in Bengbu City

  16. 论中等职业学校的招生定位战略

    On the Orient Strategy of Enrollment of the Secondary Professional Schools

  17. 对职业学校实施分层次教学的思考

    On thinking of teaching by different levels in the vocational school

  18. 中等职业学校政治课渗透心理健康教育的研究

    Secondary Vocational School Political Lesson Seepage Psychologically Healthy Education Research

  19. 其中,各类职业学校的教育是一支主导力量,承担着培养职业人格的重任。

    Among which , education delivered by various professional schools .

  20. 选用高素质管理人员,加强职业学校自身建设。

    Selecting high-qulity management staff , and fostering self-construction of vocational schools .

  21. 农村中等职业学校办学难的经济学分析

    Economic analysis to the problems within the rural vocational education

  22. 职业学校体育教学改革势在必行

    On the Imperative Reform of Physical Education in Vocational Schools

  23. 中等职业学校语文个性化教学研究

    Research on Personality Teaching of Chinese in Secondary Vocational Schools

  24. 职业学校考试考核体系改革的探索

    Exploration on Testing Systems for Vocational School Students in the New Era

  25. 在中等职业学校开展协作学习的行动研究

    The Action Research Based Cooperative Learning for Secondary Vocational School

  26. 第四部分:职业学校公民教育的对策。

    Part ⅳ: Measures of civic education in vocational schools .

  27. 浅谈职业学校中的美术教育谈职业学校中的创业教育

    It is shallow to talk the art education of the occupation school

  28. 主要研究结果如下:1、职业学校女生存在较严重的欺负问题,受欺负者占11.7%,其中严重受欺负者占3.4%;

    Severe bullying problems of girls exist in vocational schools .

  29. 职业学校办学水平的模糊综合评判

    Synthetic Fuzzy Judging of Standard for Running a Vocational School

  30. 中等职业学校学生心理健康量表的初步编制

    The development of the mental health scale for middle vocational school students