
  • 网络Job Description
  1. 对现有工作岗位进行工作分析,编制各岗位的《职位说明书》;

    To formulate job description , based on analysis of every station of the fire department of Chen-Zhou county .

  2. 目前我国县处级公务员职位分析还存在一些问题,如:缺乏战略导向,操作滞后,重结果轻过程,内容不科学不系统,职位说明书静止化等。

    At present , there are still some problems in the job analysis of county level civil service , such as : lacking of strategic orientation , lagging for operation , paying more attention to results than process , unscientific content , and the stillness of job description .

  3. 笔者参与了帮助JC公司实施工作分析的全过程,包括工作分析方案设计与实施、编撰职位说明书,以及指导企业将工作分析成果应用于人力资源管理实践。

    The writer helped JC Corporation conduct job analysis , including designing job analysis plan , implementation of job analysis , preparing job descriptions , and instructing the relative staff of the JC Corporation to use information from job analysis .

  4. 本文运用模糊数学隶属度的概念,在综合运用文献查阅法、职位说明书查阅法和专家咨询法等的基础上。

    The paper uses the concept of degree of membership in vague mathematics .

  5. 用职位说明书管理员工

    Managing staff members with the duty directions

  6. 确定需求计划的首要问题是确定招聘人才数量和类型,之后是利用岗位分析、职位说明书和建立通用能力模型来确定招聘大学毕业生的标准。

    After that , the criterion for recruitment should be formed by using post analysis , post specifications and establishing the common competency model .

  7. 第三部分,经过分析和研究,从第一、在公务员的招考过程中,建立详尽的职位说明书;

    The third part , through analysis and research , from the first , the audition process in the civil service , create a detailed job specification ;

  8. 资格要素是建立职位,岗位说明书的基础。

    Qualification element is the foundation to create position and post specifications .

  9. 主要可从以下方面入手确保职位资格设置的规范化、科学化与法制化:强化依法行政意识,健全职位说明书制度,加强听证制度的运用,完善相关救济制度。

    Mainly start from the following aspects to ensure that the post qualifications set of standardized , scientific and legal system : to strengthen the awareness of administration according to law , improve the position description system , strengthen the use of the hearing system , improve the relief system .