
  • 网络LPL;League
  1. 美国棒球职业联赛赛季于星期天开始。

    The Major League Baseball season opens in the United States on Sunday .

  2. 互联网用户可以访问美国棒球职业联赛的网站来获取更多的信息。

    You can find out more by going to Major League Baseball 's Website .

  3. 三年后,他开始为波士顿红袜队(theBostonRedSox)在职业联赛中打球。

    Three years later , he began playing for the Boston Red Sox in the major leagues .

  4. CBA职业联赛裁判职业化的必要性研究

    Necessity of basketball referee professionalism in CBA professional league match

  5. CBA职业联赛品牌的形成及其市场推广经营策略

    Brand Forming and Marketing Strategy of Professional League CBA

  6. 健全的联赛盈利模式是CBA职业联赛成功的关键要素。

    The right payoff model is the key factor for CBA league success .

  7. 从CBA职业联赛看我国篮球核心后卫的现状

    The Present Situation of Nuclear Guards of Our Country ′ s Basketball from CBA

  8. 简析中国篮球职业联赛(CBA)的现状

    The Present Situation of CBA in China

  9. 全美篮球男子职业联赛(NBA)圣安东尼奥马刺队(SanAntonioSpurs)和美国橄榄球职业联盟(NFL)新英格兰爱国者队(NewEnglandPatriots)也拥有类似的竞赛运作模式。

    Similar sports models include the San Antonio Spurs in the NBA and the New England Patriots in the NFL .

  10. 奥运会,NBA,橄榄球职业联赛,充满了那些没有父亲的孩子们的世界。

    The Olympics , the NBA , the NFL , all filled up with children who didn 't have fathers .

  11. 中国男子篮球职业联赛(CBA)于近日公布了全明星赛的首发阵容。

    The Chinese Basketball Association ( CBA ) has announced the starting lineups for the All-Star game .

  12. 在一场挑战赛中,机器人的罚球得分超过了日本顶级职业联赛球队ArvalqTokyo队的球员。

    In a shootout , the robot scored more free throws than players at Arvalq Tokyo , a team in Japan 's top professional league .

  13. NBA职业联赛的成功举办,为世界篮球事业的发展的先驱力量,同时带动了体育产业的飞速发展。

    NBA profession league was successfully held , as the world basketball career pioneer , alsoled to the rapid development of sports industry .

  14. 丁彦雨航足够年轻,有机会成为NBA级别球员,他已经打了6个赛季的职业联赛了。

    But he is young enough to have a chance to be an NBA-caliber player . Ding has played professionally for six seasons .

  15. 在美国职业联赛无赛期间,他还被租借到AC米兰,以此来保持他的体形,为他能继续为英格兰国家队效力养精蓄锐。

    He has been loaned to AC Milan during the American closed season to keep up his fitness and form so that he can continue to play for his country : England .

  16. 我国的CBA篮球职业联赛经过十几年的发展已经成为国内具有影响力的体育赛事之一。

    The CBA basketball professional league has become one of the most influential sporting events in China after years of development .

  17. 我国的篮球职业联赛始于1995年,历经数十年的发展,CBA逐渐成为国内影响力最大的体育赛事。

    Chinese professional basketball league match started in 1995 . After 10 year , it becomes gradually the most important match in China .

  18. 因此,当劳资双方未达成一个新的共同商讨的协议时,美国篮球职业联赛(NBA)的所有者们将球员赶出了联盟。

    So the owners of the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) locked out their players after the two sides failed to reach a new collective-bargaining agreement .

  19. CBA职业联赛的运行形式是以一种商品的形式推向市场的,必然遵循市场运行的规律。

    The professional league match is recommended to the market in the form of commodities . It must follow the rule of market motion .

  20. 合作方式是:CBA职业联赛的运营权归中国篮球协会牵头盈方公司、NBA中国公司、各俱乐部共同成立的合资股份公司所有。

    The cooperate mode are as follow , operating right to CBA professional league is belong to China basketball association , NBA China branch , club .

  21. 后备人才的培养是影响我国男子篮球职业联赛(简称CBA)可持续发展的重要因素。

    The reserve talents ' cultivation is an important factor in the development of men 's professional basketball tournament in China ( brief CBA ) .

  22. CBA职业联赛济南赛区门票市场结构具有不完全垄断性,经营团体的唯一性,赛事组织的排他性等特征。

    The sales for tickets of CBA has many features such as not completely monopoly , uniqueness of business groups and exclusiveness of organization . 3 .

  23. 牟先生43岁时担任了中国男子篮球职业联赛(CBA)的副主席,并在60岁时升任主席。

    At age 43 , Mou ascended to become Vice President of the Chinese Basketball Association ( CBA ) , eventually becoming President when he was 60 years old .

  24. 去年,姚明被选为新组建的CBA公司的副总裁。该公司主要负责中国男子篮球职业联赛的管理与商务开发工作。

    And last year , Yao was elected as the vice president of the newly-established CBA company which was in charge of the league 's management and business development .

  25. 美国篮球职业联赛(简称NBA)是当今国际体坛最具影响力和美誉度的大型赛事之一,它代表着世界篮球运动的最高水平。

    The National Basketball Association ( NBA ) is one of the most influential and well-known competitions in the international sports field . It stands for the highest-level basketball match in the world .

  26. 今年年初,零度可口可乐(CokeZero)与RiotGames公司合作发起了挑战者系列赛,为业余《英雄联盟》玩家进军职业联赛提供了一次机会。

    Earlier this year , Coke Zero kicked off its partnership with Riot Games with the development of the Challenger Series , a series for amateur League of Legend gamers to compete for a spot in the professional league .

  27. CBA联赛主场包涵着丰富的文化内容,但具有职业联赛初期的阶段性文化特征。

    The home of CBA league matches displays rich cultural contents , but it also contains characteristics of the typical culture belonging to the initial stage of the professional league matches .

  28. 如今CBA联赛现已成长为国内形象、声誉、影响力、商业前景和市场开发潜力较大的职业联赛。

    Now CBA league has now grown to the professional league with the best domestic image , the best reputation , most influential and the largest business prospects and market development potential .

  29. 通过2002-2003赛季NBA季后赛与我国CBA季后赛比分上的比较,分析了我国职业联赛观赏性的不足及其原因,为我国CBA的改革发展提供有价值的参考。

    Comparing with the score of NBA and CBA in 2002-2003 playoffs , analyzing our professional games ' deficiency and finding reasons , the article give the valuable reference for innovation and development of CBA .

  30. 通过对CBA职业联赛后备人才培养的现状调查,发现我国CBA联赛后备人才呈现萎缩状态,人才流失严重。

    Through investigate the present condition of the reserve talents ' cultivation in CBA , the paper discovers that the current situation presents to atrophy of appearance , and the loss of talented people is serious .