
  • 网络interbank market;inter-bank market
  1. 因此,上周欧洲央行(ECB)向银行间市场注入了空前规模的资金,以确保该市场继续正常运转。

    So this week the European Central Bank pumped an unprecedented amount of funds into the inter-bank market , to ensure that it kept working as normal .

  2. 银行间市场回购利率变化的利率模型解释

    Analyzing repo rates in the inter-bank market with essential affine models

  3. 对重启动银行间市场、克服target系统严重失衡根源所在的金融碎片化问题而言,建立这种信任是关键的一步。

    This is a crucial step towards restarting the interbank market and Overcoming Financial fragmentation that is at the source of large imbalances in the target system .

  4. 中国货币市场利率上周飙升至两位数以及银行间市场冻结时,有人曾经谈论北京方面是否即将迎来自己的雷曼时刻(Lehmanmoment)。

    When money market rates in China last week spiked to double digits and the interbank market froze , there had been talk about whether Beijing was nearing its Lehman moment .

  5. 摩根士丹利不参与银行间市场交易,因此我不能直接以libor借入或贷出资金。

    Morgan Stanley does not trade on the interbank market so I could not directly borrow or loan money at LIBOR rates .

  6. CME集团新人民币期货合约的报价形式将以银行间市场为准,反映的是每一美元兑换的人民币数值。新合约将于8月22日(周一)正式推出。

    The renminbi futures contracts will be quoted in interbank terms to reflect the number of renminbi per dollar and will launch on Monday August 22 .

  7. 中国央行正密切关注银行间市场的情况,而较大的银行已对流动性状况更为适应了,摩根大通(JPMorgan)中国交易业务负责人胡文涛(PatrickWu)表示。

    The PBoC is closely watching the conditions in the interbank market and bigger banks are more used to the liquidity situation , says Patrick Wu , head of China trading with JPMorgan .

  8. SNC不担保明示或暗示,显示在银行间市场的报价和询价报价为无效的出价或询价。

    SNC makes no warranty expressed or implied ; that Bid and Ask Prices shown represent prevailing bid and ask prices in the interbank market .

  9. 根据香港瑞穗证券亚洲(MizuhoSecuritiesAsia)首席经济学家沈建光的说法,由于到去年10月下旬银行间市场利率一直保持在低位,各银行发行存款单,然后将现金收入投资于债市,实现利润丰厚的套利。

    As a consequence of interest rates being kept low in the interbank market until late October , banks issued certificates of deposit and then put the proceeds in the bond market in a lucrative arbitrage , according to Jianguang Shen , chief Asia economist at Mizuho Asia Securities in Hong Kong .

  10. 同时,实证分析结果显示,CKLS模型预测银行间市场回购利率变化的能力很弱,但对交易所市场回购利率的变化具有一定的预测能力。

    Our empirical result also indicates that CKLS model is weak in predicting the repo rates ' change on the inter-bank bond market , while it is moderate in predicting that on the SSE bond market .

  11. 为了让该产品更容易获得监管部门的认可,试点计划的支持者以中国银行间市场交易商协会(Nafmii)为首把CDS的中文名称改为信用风险缓释合约。

    In a bid to make the products more palatable to regulators , supporters of the pilot project , led by the National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors ( Nafmii ), changed the Chinese name for CDS to credit risk mitigation contracts .

  12. 在银行间市场,Libor-OIS息差即银行间3月期贷款利率与央行预期利率之间的息差低于去年9月的水平。

    On interbank markets , the Libor-OIS spread the premium over expected central bank interest rates that banks charge each other for 3-month money is lower than in September .

  13. 整个回购市场分割为银行间市场和交易所市场。

    The whole repo market splits into inter-bank market and exchanging market .

  14. 目前该配额不包括银行间市场贷款。

    The quotas currently don 't cover lending on the interbank market .

  15. 一些迹象表明,银行间市场已趋于正常。

    There are some signs of a normalisation in the inter-banking market .

  16. 而银行间市场回购交易流动性最高。

    About the repurchase transactions , the inter-bank market get the best liquidity .

  17. 我国银行间市场的未来发展和交易场所组织模式研究

    The Revolution of China 's Inter-bank Market and Government Model of Transaction Network

  18. 影响银行间市场回购利率的因素分析&兼论我国货币政策的传导机制

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Banks ' Counterpurchase Rate

  19. 地方法人金融机构参与银行间市场业务效应的调查报告

    Report on the outcome of local corporate financial institutions ' participation in interbank market businesses

  20. 在去年6月份和12月份钱荒期间,银行间市场短期利率飙升至10%左右。

    Short-term rates skyrocketed to around 10 % during liquidity crunches in June and December .

  21. 因此,应坚定地稳健地推进我国银行间市场的信用违约互换交易。

    Therefore , we should implement the inter-bank trade of credit default swaps firmly and steadily .

  22. 我国的国债市场被人为的分成交易所市场和银行间市场,不同的国债投资主体被限制在不同的国债流通市场进行交易。

    China bond market is divided into two parts : the exchange market and intra bank market .

  23. 本研究的创新性体现在以下三个方面:一、建立了描述银行间市场结构的双幂律银行网络结构模型。

    This paper put forward a two-power-law banking network model to describe the structure of interbank market .

  24. 过去,美元持有者把美元投入银行间市场,以此来使美元重新流动起来。

    In the past , US dollar holders would recirculate dollars by putting them into the interbank market .

  25. 银行间市场债券回购利率在我国发挥着部分基准利率的功能。

    The inter-bank market bond repurchase rate in our country to play the part of the benchmark rate function .

  26. 因此,在银行间市场中,银行主体之间通过信用连接形成了一种复杂的借贷关系,即一种复杂的银行间信用网络结构关系。

    Therefore , a complex relationship of lending and borrowing between bank agents will be formed in interbank market .

  27. 但随着美国加息步伐的暂停和中国银行间市场利率的攀升,这种情况可能发生变化。

    But that could change with the pause in US rate rises and with Chinese interbank rates creeping higher .

  28. 任志刚称,这将推动人民币贸易金融和银行间市场的发展。

    This would allow the development of trade finance in Renminbi and an interbank market , Mr Yam said .

  29. 本文用极大拟似然估计法估计了中国银行间市场七天拆借利率扩散模型的参数。

    Maximum pseudo-Likelihood method is used to estimate the coefficient functions in the diffusion of Single-Factor Interest Rate Models .

  30. 中期票据从本质上讲是一种中期信用债券,由具备法人资格的非金融企业在银行间市场发行。

    MTNs is essentially a medium-term debentures , issued by non-financial companies with legal personality in the interbank market .